Disaster Service
This service maintains the following information:
- Disaster Center: the coordinates and city name (if applicable) of the center of the disaster
- Shelters: the name and coordinates of Shelters in the disaster
- Inclusion Zones: coordinates for the vertices of geographic polygons in which incidents should spawn
Implemented with Vert.x, version 3.6.3.redhat-00009 (latest RHOAR 04/19) Uses reactive programming with rx-java
ER-Demo includes disaster locations for the following areas:
- Wilmington, North Carolina, United States (default)
- New York City, New York, United States
- Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
- London, England, United Kingdom
- Singapore
This section of documentation describes how to add more disaster location options to the demo.
Log into your Emergency Response demo environment as incident commander.
Draw your new Disaster Location and shelters.
Save your changes.
The JSON representation of the disaster location is needed. This JSON representation can be retrieved by invoking the disaster-service. The disaster-service is secured via RH-SSO so you'll need to retrieve an SSO token.
Create a route from the disaster-service service
$ oc create route edge --service=disaster-service
Set an environment variable that captures the domain of your OpenShift cluster:
$ SUBDOMAIN_BASE=cluster-1234.1234.example.opentlc.com
Set environment variables needed to retrieve an access token from RH-SSO:
$ retrieve_token_url="https://sso-er-sso.apps.$SUBDOMAIN_BASE/auth/realms/user1-emergency-realm/protocol/openid-connect/token" $ sso_vertx_client_secret= ( found here: https://github.com/Emergency-Response-Demo/erdemo-operator/blob/main/playbooks/group_vars/sso_realm.yml#L7 ) $ sso_incident_commander_password= ( found here: https://github.com/Emergency-Response-Demo/erdemo-operator/blob/main/playbooks/group_vars/sso_realm.yml#L5 )
Retrieve an access token from RH-SSO:
TKN=$(curl -k -X POST "$retrieve_token_url" \ -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \ -d "username=incident_commander" \ -d "client_secret=$sso_vertx_client_secret" \ -d "password=$sso_incident_commander_password" \ -d "grant_type=password" \ -d "client_id=vertx" \ | sed 's/.*access_token":"//g' | sed 's/".*//g')
Using the SSO access token, invoke the disaster service to retrieve the json representation of the current disaster location:
curl -k -v -X GET \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $TKN" \ https://disaster-service-user1-er-demo.apps.$SUBDOMAIN_BASE/disaster \ > /tmp/hong-kong.json
Save the response body in a JSON file (ie: hong-kong.json from the previous command) in the resources directory of this project.
Add the new option to the disaster location drop-down of the Emergency Console source code
Build ER-Demo from source and test the new disaster locations
Coordinate with the ER-Demo release manager to push your code changes to the ER-Demo master branches to have included in the next release of the demo