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Character Variables for Use in Formulae

Fox "The Art Gremblin" Lee edited this page Jun 25, 2024 · 4 revisions

The following values can be used in various rolls, most are applicable to the various formula fields in powers and apply based on the power itself, or refer to the weapon that the power is using.

Those related directly to an actor can also be used in effects.

Variable What is it?
@powerMod The modifier of the selected attribute for a power (on valid in Power rolls).
@attribute The check modifier for the selected attribute or skill in a tool or ritual roll. (Only valid in tool and ritual rolls)
@strMod Actor's strength modifier
@dexMod Actor's dexterity modifier
@intMod Actor's intelligence modifier
@wisMod Actor's wisdom modifier
@chaMod Actor's charisma modifier
@lv Actor's level
@lvhalf Actor's level/2
@tier Actor's tier expressed as a number (heroic = 1, paragon = 2, epic = 3)
@heroic 1 if the actor is in the heroic tier, 0 otherwise.
@paragon 1 if the actor is in the paragon tier, 0 otherwise.
@epic 1 if the actor is in the epic tier, 0 otherwise.
@heroicOrParagon 1 if the actor is in the heroic tier or paragon tier (e.g. level <21), 0 otherwise.
@paragonOrEpic 1 if the character is in the paragon or epic tiers (e.g. level > 10), 0 otherwise
@bloodied 1 if the character's current hit points are at or below half of their total hit points, 0 otherwise
@atkMod Actor's global attack modifier, specified in the Modifiers section at the top of the Effects tab.
@dmgMod Actor's global damage modifier, specified in the Modifiers section at the top of the Effects tab.
@powerMod The ability modifier of whatever ability has been selected in the Attack dropdown.

If the power's “Weapon Required” field is set to Implement: the “Implement Attack Formula” entry of the Weapon.
If the power's “Weapon Required” field is set to anything else: the “Bonus to Attack Formula” entry of the Weapon.


If the power's “Weapon Required” field is set to Implement: the “Bonus to Implement Damage Formula” entry of the Weapon.
If the power's “Weapon Required” field is set to anything else: the “Bonus to Primary Damage Formula” entry of the Weapon


If the power's “Weapon Required” field is set to Implement: the “Bonus to Implement Critical Damage Formula” entry of the Weapon
If the power's “Weapon Required” field is set to anything else: the “Bonus to Critical Damage Formula” entry of the Weapon.

@impAttackO “Implement Attack Formula” entry in a Weapon
@impDamageO “Bonus to Implement Damage Formula” entry in a Weapon
@impAttack If the user is proficient in the implement (“Implement Proficient” checkbox in the Weapon Details section of the weapon) then “Implement Attack Formula” entry in a Weapon, otherwise 0
@impDamage If the user is proficient in the implement (“Implement Proficient” checkbox in the Weapon Details section of the weapon) then “Bonus to Implement Damage Formula” entry in a Weapon, otherwise 0
@impCritBonus The weapon's “Bonus to Implement Critical Damage Formula”
@profBonusO The weapon's “Proficiency Bonus”
@profImpBonusO The weapon's “Implement Proficiency Bonus”
@profImpBonus If the user is proficient in the implement (“Implement Proficient” checkbox in the Weapon Details section of the weapon) then the weapon's “Implement Proficiency Bonus”, otherwise 0
@profBonus If the user is proficient in the weapon (“Weapon Proficient” checkbox in the Weapon Details section of the weapon) then the weapon's “Proficiency Bonus”, otherwise 0
@enhanceImp If the user is proficient in the implement (“Implement Proficient” checkbox in the Weapon Details section of the weapon) then the weapon's “Enhancement Bonus”, otherwise 0
@enhance The weapon's “Enhancement Bonus”
@powBase The “Base Damage” specified by a power. (May be a multiplier around @wepDamage)
@wepMax A value for if a weapon's “Damage Dice” entry had rolled maximum.
@powMax A value for if a powers “Base Damage” entry had rolled maximum

Only valid in Miss Damage formula. The entire primary damage of the power.
(Mostly redundant as you can easily apply half damage by clicking on the damage output and selecting half damage from the resulting menu)


Only valid in Miss Damage formula. The entire primary damage of the power divided by 2.
(Mostly redundant as you can easily apply half damage by clicking on the damage output and selecting half damage from the resulting menu)


Any attribute in the Actor’s inner data object, referenced from that object as root. (e.g. referenced from actor.system, so the actors current hp could be referenced as @attributes.hp.value).
Using these is recommended only for power users

Custom Variables

It is possible to create a custom @variable that can be referenced in powers attack and damage rolls and other roll formula.

To do this create an effect with a change that begins with @, so @MyCoolBonus

Note if using auto complete for inline properties you will need to close the auto-complete dialog.

You can then reference @MyCoolBonus in powers and in custom power/weapon effects (see @UUID[Compendium.dnd4e.manual.JournalEntry.VLRhDKYMBtS0MrJa]{Effects}). Not that you *cannot* reference these variables in standard effects that modify an actor's stats, because they are only recognised in the 4e-specific handler code used for power/weapon effects.

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