Tags: EnergieID/entsoe-py
Toggle V0.6.18's commit message
make an exception to the forced 60 min mtu for EXAA prices
Toggle V0.6.17's commit message
force sdac prices to be in sdac resolution
Toggle V0.6.16's commit message
upgraded github action stuff
Toggle v0.6.15's commit message
added query_unavailability_of_offshore_grid for offshore grid outages…
…. not very flexible at the moment but its a start. closes #344
Toggle v0.6.14's commit message
make sure to sort index from splitted blocks of day ahead prices befo…
…re truncating
Toggle v0.6.13's commit message
restores timezone conversion for day ahead prices, fixes #356
Toggle v0.6.12's commit message
day ahead prices is now more restricted. enable document_limited and …
…make sure the fix by extending days does not interfer. fixes #350
Toggle v0.6.11's commit message
fixed a bug when there is no data for netpositions
Toggle v0.6.10's commit message
fix bug when requesting netpositions at a resolution which has no data
Toggle v0.6.9's commit message
fixes generic parser to correctly handle various scenarios that can h…
discussion and inspiration for fixes from #347 and #346
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