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Using Fishnet

Ivan Nikolsky edited this page Jul 18, 2022 · 3 revisions

So, the main question is - How to start working with Fishnet? We have an answer, this guide is for learning how to use Fishnet.

First run

Let's look at command-line options that are available in Fishnet.

fnet -h

usage: fnet [-h] [-a ADDRESS] [-m] [--db-username DB_USERNAME]
            [--db-password DB_PASSWORD] [--db-host DB_HOST]
            [--db-port DB_PORT] [--db-name DB_NAME]

Powerful advanced web platform for collaboration and automated penetration

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                        Deploy Fishnet on custom address.
  -m, --migrate         Set up Fishnet database.
  --db-username DB_USERNAME
                        MySQL database username.
  --db-password DB_PASSWORD
                        MySQL database password.
  --db-host DB_HOST     MySQL database host.
  --db-port DB_PORT     MySQL database password.
  --db-name DB_NAME     MySQL database name.

So, as you can see, in order to start Fishnet, we need to connect it to our database and migrate. This command will also create config.yml file in the ~/.fishnet/, so you won't need to pass database parameters through command-line again.

sudo fnet --db-username root --db-password --db-host --db-port 3306 --db-name fishnet -m

After this, lets start the interface.

sudo fnet

NOTE: Use sudo before fnet or execute it as root due to the fact that some Fishnet features require superuser permissions (database access, network scanning, bluetooth analysis, etc.)

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