Welcome on this Sudoku Ocr project. This is a project done as a group of 4 during 3 months. The objective was to create a sudoku solver from A to Z which take as input an image of the not complete sudoku and give back to the user the completed sudoku.
Website that explains our project and who we are: https://nimu93.github.io/
Link of this github where you can understand how we developped it: https://github.com/ErwannLesech/OCR
The OCR is divided in 5 major parts: - Import, rotate and treat the image for next steps - Detection of the grid and separation of cells - Number recognition with deep learning - Solve the sudoku - Redraw the completed sudoku
- make to compile the whole project.
- ./main -help to get all executable possibilities.
- ./main -interface to start the UI interface and use the software.
domain<part of this domain>: description of the commit
domain : Docs - image - ai - solver - ui - app
description using the present infinitive to be short and explanatory