Best mods in one pack without modloader installation (Direct Installation)
- Specially designed for Gronkh.
- repositorry only exist about updates.
- Please watch out the WIKI-Page || Fixed: 80%
Simple install: ** Extract modfiles in your game installation folder ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Sons Of The Forest\ [mod files here]**
- Simple and editable option to resetting killed/died Kelvin and Virginia by setup keys.
- You can now save, load and share buildings/blueprints with other players.
- Chat-GBT for Kelvin.
- An airplane, helicopter and other surprises make the game even more interesting.
- Creating mods by your self. (requered software)
- Editable waterfall volume.
- Placeable Signs with custom texts.
- Editable light colors.
- Hotbar (Key H)
- Golf carts can transport objects.
- Ammo UI
- Fire nearby water collector will smelt ice
- Editable autofilling shelfs
- Tree Regrow editor
- Vegetation Customizer
- Carrying more than 2 logs or 4 stones. (Please do not edit more than 10 logs or 16 Stones).
- Warps (only create with command but with warp gui - yet)
- Enemy tracker will show you enemies at map.
- editable loot and raid controler
- Hot key commands
- Extended rope bridge and zip-liner
- Editable auto save
- Build in caves
- Equip/unequip automaticaly rebreather when swimming
- With "DeepSleeper" you sleep how ofen you want
- In-Inventory fix with mouse wheel you can rotate stacked item you cannot see. (Never eat rotten flesh)
- Kelvin no longer takes a break until tasks are completed. ("Getting bases" is the best option.)
- And many many more
Future Packs:
- Sons-of-the-Forest-Modpack-Hardcore | ⏳
- Sons-of-the-Forest-Modpack-Creative | ⏳
Futured projects:
- BebInEx-Redloader-Modbrige | ⏳
- ManageCarry | ✅
- BetterWarps | ✅
- BetterFarming | ⏳
Compatibility version: latest
v.3.0.0 work fine and it's playable now.
From time to time I recreate all mods by my self, because modcreator don't want work for updates.
Instructions and list you can find on Wiki pages.
Please keep in mind!
The modpack ["SonsoftheForestModpack-BepInEx"](
is current and also playable in the new version.
Sons-of-the-Forest-Modpack-Survival is one of three new editions and not compatible with BepInEx yet.
The difference is using the RedLoader and RedNodeEditor instead of BepInEx.
Good luck and have fun.