This package is another TopicType. It is used to make knowledge tests. If you want to learn more about this format then see Moodle GIFT format
This package supports the following types of questions:
- multiple choice
- multiple choice with multiple right answers
- true-false
- short answers
- matching
- numerical question
- essay
- description
Each question is stored in the database as a string. In the tests you can see examples of questions of different types. See examples
The quiz can have a set maximum number of attempts for the user to solve the test and a maximum time for each attempt.
If the user doesn't complete the attempt then it is closed automatically after the time set by the variable Config::get('escolalms_gift_quiz.max_quiz_time');
The user will see the results when the attempt is finished.
The answer to an essay type question is not automatically graded. The teacher should do it.
composer require escolalms/topic-type-gift
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed --class="EscolaLms\TopicTypeGift\Database\Seeders\TopicTypeGiftPermissionSeeder"
See the database schema snippet for a better understanding of how it is made.
direction BT
class topic_gift_attempt_answers {
bigint topic_gift_quiz_attempt_id
bigint topic_gift_question_id
json answer
varchar feedback
double precision score
bigint id
class topic_gift_questions {
bigint topic_gift_quiz_id
text value
varchar type
integer score
integer order
integer category_id
bigint id
class topic_gift_quiz_attempts {
timestamp started_at
timestamp end_at
bigint user_id
bigint topic_gift_quiz_id
bigint id
class topic_gift_quizzes {
text value
integer max_attempts
integer max_execution_time
bigint id
topic_gift_attempt_answers --> topic_gift_questions :
topic_gift_attempt_answers --> topic_gift_quiz_attempts :
topic_gift_questions --> topic_gift_quizzes :
topic_gift_quiz_attempts --> topic_gift_quizzes :
See diagram of how student flow works.
graph TD
A[Start] --> B[Is attempt active?]
B -- Yes --> E
B -- No --> C[Is attempt limit exceeded?]
C -- Yes --> K
C -- No --> D[Create new attempt]
D --> E[Return questions]
E -- Sequential saving --> F[End attempt]
E -- All-at-once saving --> G[Attempt closes automatically]
F --> H
G --> H[Show results]
H --> K[End]
Run ./vendor/bin/phpunit
to run tests.
Test details
- This event is dispatched when the user starts a new attempt to solve the test.QuizAttemptFinishedEvent
- This event is dispatched when the user has finished solving the test.
This package does not listen for any events.
Permissions are defined in seeder.