Package enabling live video stream
This package is used for creating Webinar for EscolaLms.
composer require escolalms/webinar
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed --class="EscolaLms\Webinar\Database\Seeders\WebinarsPermissionSeeder"
- Integration with Youtube
- In App\Console\Kernel to method schedule add
$schedule->job(new ReminderAboutWebinarJob(WebinarTermReminderStatusEnum::REMINDED_HOUR_BEFORE))->everyFiveMinutes()
- reminder about to webinar before one hour, executed every 5 minutes$schedule->job(new ReminderAboutWebinarJob(WebinarTermReminderStatusEnum::REMINDED_DAY_BEFORE))->everySixHours();
- reminder about to webinar before one day, executed every 6 hours
All the endpoints are defined in
Run ./vendor/bin/phpunit --filter=Webinar
to run tests. See tests folder as it's quite good staring point as documentation appendix.
=> Event is dispatched after execute cron jobEscolaLms\Webinar\Jobs\ReminderAboutWebinarJob
, Event is dispatched when deadline for purchased webinars before 1 hours and 1 dayEscolaLms\Webinar\Events\WebinarTrainerAssigned
=> Event is dispatched after assigned trainer to webinarEscolaLms\Webinar\Events\WebinarTrainerUnassigned
=> Event is dispatched after unassigned trainer from webinar
=> Listener execute a method that singed the status in the webinar reminder
box Embeed in Web App
participant Jisti
actor Tutor
participant Youtube
participant Web App
actor Student
box Administration
participant Admin Panel
actor Admin
Admin->>Admin Panel: Creates a webinar instance
Student->>Web App: Get access to webinar (eg. buys)
Tutor->>Web App: (on the day of the event) Broadcast
Web App->>Jisti: Broadcast with Jitsu GUI
Jisti->>Youtube: Broadcast to public
Youtube->>Web App: forward for public
Student->>Web App: Watches webinar with YT GUI
Permissions are defined in seeder
Webinar is related belongs to many with UserTags
Webinar model morph many to model tagsUsers
Webinar is related belongs to many with User which bought webinar
Webinar 1 -> n User
Webinar 1 -> n Tags
Webinar 1 -> n User