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EsecuBit Wallet SDK is a JavaScript SDK for EsecuBit digital currency wallet. Supporting Apps: EsecuBit React Native Wallet (Android, iOS), EsecuBit Chrome Wallet.

EsecuBit Wallet SDK supports both hardware wallet (EsecuBit hardware wallet) and software wallet (default software wallet). But the security of software wallet is not guaranteed, the seed is stored in plain text in database. It's just for test usage.

EsecuBit Wallet SDK supports mainnet and testnet (default testnet).

EsecuBit Wallet SDK using ES6/7 features.

Supported Digital Currencies

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • EOS (EOS)


  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Dash (DASH)
  • ZCash (ZEC)
  • Ripple (XRP)

Blockchain Browser API Provider




Other API Provider

BTC Fee:

ETH Fee:

Digital Currency Exchange:

Import SDK

npm install esecuBit-wallet-sdk // latest released version
// or
npm install git+ssh:// // newest version on GitHub

// if you are runing on a low version of Chrome (<= 54), you may need to use the compiled version
// add it in the webpack.config:
resolve: {
  alias: {
    "esecubit-wallet-sdk": "esecubit-wallet-sdk/dist/eswallet"


1. SDK Configuration

Configuration should do before new EsWallet().

import {D} from 'esecubit-wallet-sdk'

// configure it before call EsWallet
D.test.jsWallet = true // use javascript wallet, default false (hardware wallet)
D.test.coin = true // use testnet, dafault false (mainnet)

// configure supported coins, default supports BTC, ETH, EOS
D.supportedCoinTypes = () => {
    return D.test.coin
    ? [D.coin.test.btcTestNet3, D.coin.test.ethRinkeby, D.coin.test.eosJungle]
    : [D.coin.main.btc, D.coin.main.eth, D.coin.main.eos]

// configure recover coins on first init, deault follows D.supportedCoinTypes
D.recoverCoinTypes = () => D.supportedCoinTypes()

2. Connect Device and Initialize

import {D, EsWallet} from 'esecubit-wallet-sdk'

let esWallet = new EsWallet() // return wallet singleton

esWallet.listenTxInfo((error, txInfo) => {
// All the new transaction and updated exist transaction will be sent by this callback.
// You can add or update this transaction or call account.getTxInfos()
// to get all the newest transaction.

esWallet.listenStatus(function (error, status, data) {
  // return the connecting status of the wallet
  if (error !== D.error.succeed) {
    console.warn('error occured', error, status)
  switch (status) {
    case D.status.plugIn:
      console.log('device connected')
      // The device has connected. if you are using software wallet,
      // this will immediately callback asynchronously after calling
      // esWallet.listenStatus().
    case D.status.initializing:
      console.log('wallet is initializing')
      // SDK will load account infos (e.g. balance and transactions) from device
      // and database in this step.
      // Just wait for SDK to finish.
    case D.status.deviceChange:
      console.log('this new device is not the device you are viewing')
      // You will only get this event if you called enterOfflineMode() viewing
      // last connected device data and connect a different device.
      // TODO refresh data on App
    case D.status.auth:
      console.log('show auth code on the screen and confirmed on device', data)
      // hardware wallet needs to confirm pairing on first time connect.
      // In this case data is a string pairing code. e.g. data = "4029".
      // Software wallet won't get this event.
      // TODO show auth code on scrren
    case D.status.authFinish:
      console.log('authenticate finished')
      // Get this event when confirmed auth code on device by clicking "OK".
      // Software wallet won't get this event.
    case D.status.syncing:
      console.log('wallet is synchronizing')
      // SDK has finish initializing and start synchronizing.
      // SDK will synchronize wallet balance and transaction to local database.
      // All the new transactions will be sent by esWallet.listenTxInfo().
    case D.status.syncingNewAccount:
      console.log('checking transactions for account', data)
      // Get this event when SDK is syncing a new account.
      // In this case data is an Account object, Account usage is described below.
      // TODO show synchronizing status on screen
    case D.status.syncFinish:
      console.log('wallet has finished synchronize')
      // The wallet are ready to use.

3. Initialize without Connecting Device

import {D, EsWallet} from 'esecubit-wallet-sdk'

let esWallet = new EsWallet() // return wallet singleton

esWallet.listenStatus((error, status) => {
  // listen status first, see usage 2. for more details.
  // if the deivce connected in the future, this callback will be called again.
  // you should handle some specific errors in offline mode
  if (e === D.errror.offlineModeNotAllowed) {
    console.log('you have not connect a device before')
    // It's unable to get wallet data before connecting a device once.
  } else if (e === D.error.networkUnavailable) {
    console.log('the network is unavailble')
    // can not access the blockchain network.
    // It's ok if you just want to view transaction history
  } else {
    throw e

esWallet.listenTxInfo((error, txInfo) => {
  // All the new transaction and updated exist transaction will be sent by this callback.
  // You can add or update this transaction or call account.getTxInfos()
  // to get all the newest transaction.

try {
  // Enter offline mode will trigger EsWallet initialize process except
  // the parts that needs to communicate with device.
  await esWallet.enterOfflineMode()
  // Now just handle event in esWallet.listenStatus().
} catch (e) {
  if (e === D.error.offlineModeUnnecessary) {
    console.log('the device has connected')
    // The device has connected, so just wait for synchronization to complete.
  throw e

4. Use Wallet after Initialization

import {D, EsWallet} from 'esecubit-wallet-sdk'

let coinTypes = EsWallet.supportedCoinTypes()
// return supported coins. e.g. ['btc', 'eth'] or ['btc_testnet3', 'eth_rinkeby'] for testnet
// available coins are listed in D.coin

let legals = EsWallet.supportedLegals()
// return supported legals. e.g. ['USD', 'EUR', 'CNY', 'JPY']
// available legals are listed in

let esWallet = new EsWallet() // return wallet singleton
let walletInfo = await esWallet.getWalletInfo()
// return version info of wallet

let value = esWallet.convertValue(coinType, value, fromType, toType)
// convert value from A unit to B unit. support convertion of digital <=> legal

let coinTypes = await esWallet.availableNewAccountCoinTypes()
// return available coin types that can generate new account. only the first account and 
// account that last account has transations can be created.
let account = await esWallet.newAccount(coinType)
// return new account if the coin type is available to create new account

5. Use Accounts after Initialization

import {D, EsWallet} from 'esecubit-wallet-sdk'

let accounts = await esWallet.getAccounts()
let account = accounts[0]
// get all accounts that may have different coin types

await account.sync()
// check out new transaction for this account

let txInfos = await account.getTxInfos()
// get all transactions of this account

let {address, qrAddress} = await account.getAddress()
// get address that can receive coins. qrAddress is data show in QR code

let fee = account.getSuggestedFee()
// return suggested fee level e.g. {fast: 1, normal: 2, ecomic: 4}
// EOS transfer transaction without fee, so it's unavailable for EOS.

// checkout whether address is legal.
// btc supported address: P2PBK address, P2SH address, P2PK (xpub/tpub)
// throw D.error.noAddressCheckSum if eth address don't have checksum(all upper/lower case)
// throw D.error.invalidAddressChecksum if address checksum incorrect
// throw D.error.invalidAddress if address has invalid format

// send transaction

// BTC
let details = {
  feeRate: '1', // santoshi per byte
    address:'mqaNwCJA6GU6X8wM48p8QxPJ8aghYaK7e1' // testnet address
    value: '100000'
  }], // santoshi
// ETH
details = {
  feeRate: '1000000000', // wei
    value: '1000000000000000'
  }], // wei
let prepareTx = await account.prepareTx(details)
// return the fee that need to pay and utxos that going to use
let signedTx = await account.signTx(prepareTx)
// return the signedTx that going to boardcast
// you need to input pin and confirm the transaction if you are using hardware wallet
await account.sendTx(signedTx)
// boardcast the tx

// for EOS only
let isRegistered = account.isRegistered()
let permission = await account.getPermissions()
// Return permissions that relative to this account. Return default permissions
// if isRegistered = false.

// check EOS permission change
let permissionChanged = await account.checkAccountPermissions((error, status, data) => {
  // Permissions need to be add to device before signing transaction.
  // Add/Remove permissions need confirm on device.
  // This callback will return permissions info before you need to confirm on device.
  if (error != D.error.succeed) {
    console.log('somethings wrong', error, status)
  if (status === D.status.newEosPermissions) {
    console.log('these permissions need to confirm on device', data)
    // TODO show will confirmed permissions on screen
  } else if (status === D.status.confirmedEosPermission) {
    console.log('confirmed permission', data)
    // TODO update permissions confirmation status

// If the threhold or  weight of permissions is changed, permissionChanged will
// also be true. but these changes don't need device confirmation so the callback
// won't return anything. These changes are stored in local database.
if (permissionChanged) {
  console.log('permissions changed')
} else {
  console.log('permissions not changed')

// EOS transaction
details = {
  type: 'tokenTransfer' // see D.coin.params.eos.actionTypes
  token: 'EOS', // only support EOS token for now, will add custom token function in future
    value: '2.12'
let prepareTx = await account.prepareTx(details)
// return the raw transaction to be signed

// or use specific interface
prepareTx = await account.prepareTransfer({
  token: 'EOS', // only support EOS token for now, will add custom token function in future
    value: '2.12'
// others like: prepareDelegate, prepareBuyRam, prepareVote, prepareOther are also supported

let signedTx = await account.signTx(prepareTx)
// return the signedTx that going to boardcast
// you need to input pin and confirm the transaction if you are using hardware wallet
await account.sendTx(signedTx)
// boardcast the tx


├── build // webpack build config 
├── dist
│   └── eswallet.js // compiled sdk (no ES6/7)
├── src
│   ├── sdk
│   │   ├── D.js // constant and utils
│   │   ├── EsWallet.js //   implementation of Wallet
│   │   ├── Provider.js  // define the   implementation class of database, transmitter and driver
│   │   ├── Settings.js // storing app preferences
|   |   ├── account
│   │   |   ├── BtcAccount.js //   implementation of BTC account management
│   │   |   ├── BtcCoinSelect.js // algorithm of selecting utxos
│   │   │   ├── EthAccount.js //   implementation of ETH account management
│   │   │   ├── EOSAccount.js //   implementation of EOS account management
│   │   │   └── IAccount.js // base class of account management
│   │   ├── data
│   │   │   ├── CoinData.js // blockchain data manager
│   │   │   ├── database
│   │   │   │   ├── IDatabase.js // base class of database
│   │   │   │   └── IndexedDB.js //   implementation of database based on IndexedDB
│   │   │   └── network
│   │   │       ├── BlockChainInfo.js //   implementation btc blockchain network based on
│   │   │       ├── ChainSo.js //   implementation BTC blockchain network based on
│   │   │       ├── EtherScanIo.js //   implementation ETH network based on
│   │   │       ├── EosPeer.js //   implementation EOS network based on standard EOS peer
│   │   │       ├── ICoinNetwork.js // base class of blockchain network
│   │   │       ├── exchange
│   │   │       │   └── ExchangeCryptoCompareCom.js // getting exchange from
│   │   │       └── fee
│   │   │           ├── EthGasStationInfo.js // getting ETH suggested fee from
│   │   │           └── FeeBitCoinEarn.js // getting BTC suggested fee from
│   │   └── device
│   │       ├── CoreWallet.js // the device managerment interface
│   │       └──   implements
│   │           ├── JsWallet.js //   implementation of software wallet
│   │           ├── S300Wallet.js //   implementation of MK12/S300 hardware wallet
│   │           ├── NetBankWallet.js //   implementation of native hardware wallet
│   │           ├── transmitter
│   │           │   ├── CcidTransmitter.js // transmit command to device through CCID protocol
│   │           │   ├── HidTransmitter.js // transmit command to device through HID protocol
│   │           │   ├── JsTransmitter.js // JsWallet virtual transmitter
│   │           │   ├── MockTransmitter.js // mock transmitter
│   │           │   ├── io
│   │           │   │   ├── ChromeHidDevice.js // Chrome HID driver
│   │           │   │   ├── ChromeUsbDevice.js // Chrome USB driver (unreliable)
│   │           │   │   └── MockDevice.js // mock driver
│   │           ├── protocol
│   │           │   ├── Authenticate.js //   implementation of Bluetooth device custom authenticate protocol
│   │           │   ├── Crypto.js //   implementation of cyrpto algorithms
│   │           │   ├── EosFcBuffer.js // EOS transaction serial protocol
│   │           │   ├── HandleShare.js // hardware device SSL
│   │           │   └── jsencrypt.js //   implementation of RSA encryption
│   └── test  // test files (unreliable for now)
└── test // mocha test framework


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Contributors 3

