Releases: Etherna/bee-net
Release notes - Bee.Net - 0.3.0
BNET-109 ChunkJoiner is limited on readable data size
BNET-111 Verificate the number of required chunk semaphore in ChunkFeederPipelineStage
BNET-93 Create library BeeNet.Models to contain only basic models
BNET-102 Use Bouncy Castle to perform hashes
New Feature
BNET-99 Add chunk mining feature to optimize postage batch usage
BNET-103 Build data tools for WASM
BNET-104 Build dotnet 8 version as AOT compatible
BNET-106 Add the new model SwarmUri
BNET-107 Add feature to resolve a SwarmAddress into a SwarmHash
Release notes - Bee.Net - 0.2.0
BNET-35 batchTTL must be a long
BNET-38 Wrong definition of ChainState object in openapi
BNET-39 Wrong parsing of PostageBatchDto.AmountPaid
BNET-76 Uploads are bad formed for bee
BNET-100 PostageStampIssuer doesn't use thread safe buckets
BNET-20 Review exposed Dtos
BNET-22 Remove nullability from DebugClient and GatewayClient
BNET-23 Set Dto constructors as internal
BNET-34 Add support to .Net 6
BNET-51 Add support to Bee 1.9.0
BNET-52 Enable again integration tests
BNET-53 Add support to .Net 7
BNET-59 Add support to Bee 1.12.0
BNET-72 Implement IDisposable with "FileResponseDto"
BNET-73 Update license from Etherna Sagl to Etherna Sa
BNET-75 Remove Bee api versioning
BNET-77 Migrate to dotnet core
BNET-79 Add support to Bee 2.0
BNET-83 Remove post-fix "DTO" from exposed models
BNET-85 Update to Bee 2.1.0
BNET-86 Remove Debug endpoint
BNET-90 Import model BzzBalance from EthernaGatewayCli
BNET-91 Import model XDaiBalance from EthernaCredit
BNET-95 Rename old SwarmAddress in SwarmHash
BNET-101 Move to license LGPL
New Feature
BNET-29 Add data chunk creator utility
BNET-30 Add support to Bee 1.6.0
BNET-32 Receive CancellationToken for each api request
BNET-33 Add option for pass a custom HttpClient to client constructor
BNET-40 Support for authenticated gateway API
BNET-54 Add support to Bee 1.10.0
BNET-55 Enable again integration tests for v.1.10
BNET-56 Add tool to build folder manifest
BNET-57 Add tool to build epoch feeds with soc
BNET-74 Add support to Bee 1.17.6
BNET-80 Enable possibility to upload directories
BNET-81 Add tool to calculate content hash of a stream
BNET-82 Properly calculate minimal postage depth from a stream
BNET-92 Add option to calculate file uploads starting from an existing postage batch
BNET-94 Add the new model SwarmAddress
BNET-96 Add a directory chunk store
BNET-97 Add feature to decode resources from chunks
Release notes - Bee.Net - Version 0.1.0
BNET-14 Try to not use http verbs from API on public interface
BNET-13 Exceptions shouldn't be versioned
BNET-9 Trigger stable release on version tag pushed
New Feature
BNET-17 Add file
BNET-16 Add file
BNET-12 Add support to v1.4.1 of Bee
BNET-8 Add a facade interface over API
BNET-1 Create first implementation of client
BNET-10 Upgrade to node version 1.4