CoursesFlow: A web app for university students to quickly plan their courses workflow throughout their 4-year of university in a visually captivating way. 📆
This web app leverages the intuitivity of flow charts to apply into sketching out courses workflow. CoursesFlow features node-based functionality where each course acts as a single node on the unlimited plane.
I have a habit of sketching out every courses I need to take to fulfill all the university requirements for my degree. Up until now, I have been doing it on paper; it is fine, but there are some relevant issues. Firstly, if I have multiple flows, I would need some physical place to store all the papers, and usually if the amount gets high it will be quite a mess, which is difficult to retrieve what I currently want. Secondly, if I want to edit and refind my flows, I need to erase it, or even cross out everything I have done, which leads to me creating a brand new one. I know there are many students out there have their Ipad and could do this on a note app, but isn't it nice to have an distinctive application just for this purpose? That's when I came up with CourseFlow, a easy solution to address this. With CourseFlow, it is quick and easy enough to add or delete a new course to your current flow, save it, and come back later if you need further edit! For MSU CS major only, things get even more convienient when CourseFlow can auto generate a flow for them!
Though not explicitly specified, CoursesFlow have 2 modes that you can choose: custom and auto-generated, each associates with its own type of nodes.
Currently, this mode only applies to students majoring in Computer Science at Michigan State University.
Just type in the course code, then choose Generate Flow button. A chronological flow of courses will be shown right away! You can freely move the nodes around whatever you want for better look, but cannot connect with custom nodes. 🤩 You can then create an account or log in to your old account to freely save your work to the server and edit it later.
There will be a starting node in this mode. The node associated with this mode is special:
To move it around, hold the icon
To change content of node, type in the center (input area).
To create new node, drag from the current node to the plane. A new node will be auto-created for you.
To add a random node, type in the title then click Add a course.
To delete a node, type in its title then click Delete a course.
To delete all nodes, click Clear everything.
Now we are ready, let's get started!
If you need any help, meet any issues, or require any further information, reach out to me at [email protected] 📨