Since we are no longer using this images to run confluence in production, only for development usage, thus we are not goint to update the image as often as we used to. If you like to udpate it more recent, please apply as contributor, we are happy to add you.
Production-ready AND development ready, up to date builds of Atlassian Confluence - right from the original binary download based on
- bellsoft openjdk 17 (Confluence 9+)
- bellsoft openjdk 11 (Confluence 7+)
- bellsoft openjdk 8 (Confluence 6)
You can run those images for production use ( see ./examples
) or for developing with auto-setup and debugging.
- See
using postgresql - See
using mysql - See
with SSL, see below
You can also run the stack with official SSL certificates using the
Traefik based stack, see ./example/ssl
. Just enter your CONFLUENCE_DOMAIN
in ./example/ssl/.env
and you are all set.
- See
to see how to run with enabled debugger - See
to see how to allow URL based login (insecure) usingos_username
Build via github actions.
Product | Version | Tags | Dockerfile |
github | 7.15+-9.x+ | see tags | Dockerfile |
(legacy) docker-hub | 7.0-7.15 | see tags | - |
(legacy) docker-hub | 6.13.x <7.x | see tags | - |
docker-compose up
Please see the docker-compose.yml
for the configuration variables
Also, see the folder examples/
for different examples with Postgres or Mysql
Configures the DB host to wait for the DB to come up. Those variables are not used by confluence during the installation
Set the DEBUG port, e.g. for development
- JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
- CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx1g
- CONFLUENCE_CONTEXT_PATH= # context path like
- CONFLUENCE_DELAYED_START= # seconds to wait before starting confluence
- CONFLUENCE_PROXY_NAME= # your.domain.TLD (no scheme!)- your outer proxy domain, e.g. if you use external SSL offloading
- CONFLUENCE_PROXY_PORT= # proxy port, 443 , e.g. if you use external ssl offloading
- CONFLUENCE_PROXY_SCHEME= # http or https - https if you use external ssl offloading
You will need to persist
- the confluence data under
- the database folder postgres:
or mysql:/var/lib/mysql
You can add custom startup scripts to customize your confluence during the startup. Let's assume you have a in your folder
Your script
might look like this, setting up a confluence as fast as possible with
- preconfigured server-id
- a preset license
- pre-configured database settings
Moving you as fast as possible to have a blank and working confluence installation. Be sure to replace the
- part and adjust the server-id
- adjust your database name, user, and password if needed
set -e
# set the confluence installation set to DB select
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --update "//setupType" --value "custom" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --update "//setupStep" --value "setupdbchoice-start" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
# configure our serverID and license
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value "B2DL-7TV3-LFUU-8DDD" -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value "<YOUR LICENSE>" -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "atlassian.license.message" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value "postgresql" -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "confluence.database.choice" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value "database-type-standard" -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "confluence.database.connection.type" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value "org.postgresql.Driver" -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "hibernate.connection.driver_class" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value "verybigsecretrootpassword" -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "hibernate.connection.password" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value "confluencedb" -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "hibernate.connection.username" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value "jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/confluencedb" -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "hibernate.connection.url" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value "com.atlassian.confluence.impl.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect" -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "hibernate.dialect" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
# commong settings confluencese expects
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value "" -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "confluence.webapp.context.path" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value 'READ_WRITE' -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "access.mode" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value '${localHome}/index' -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "lucene.index.dir" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value "true" -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "synchrony.encryption.disabled" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value "true" -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "synchrony.proxy.enabled" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value '${localHome}/temp' -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "webwork.multipart.saveDir" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
xmlstarlet ed --pf --inplace --subnode '//properties' --type elem --name 'property' --value '${confluenceHome}/attachments' -i '//properties/property[not(@name)]' --type attr --name 'name' --value "attachments.dir" ${CONF_HOME}/confluence.cfg.xml
So now mount it in your docker-compose file for the confluence server
After starting the stack, just access your confluence instance once http://localhost
and wait for about 1 minute.
The confluence database is set up with all the bits and pieces. Then you just select which type of profile ( blank DB or example )
and create your admin account - that's it!
git clone
cd docker-image-atlassian-confluence
For any version of Confluence >= 7.0.0
export VERSION=7.1.2
docker build . -t eugenmayer/confluence:# $VERSION --build-args CONFLUENCE_VERSION=$VERSION
For any version of Confluence <= 7.0.0, we need Java 8
export VERSION=6.17.1
docker build . -f Dockerfile_java8 -t eugenmayer/confluence:# $VERSION --build-args CONFLUENCE_VERSION=$VERSION
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