There're some best practices of error handling for External API and make you simplify your troubleshooting in production.
- 1.InvalidAuthenticationException
- Request Method: Get
- Request URL: http://localhost:8081/quota
- Request parameters:
- Header: api-profile-id:null
- Result:
{ "errorCode": "E4002", "errorMessage": "Not authentication for Current API.", "traceId": "15cea764-8865-418d-b05f-1c395f6a4d96" }
- 2.Validation Exception
- Request Method: Post
- Request URL: http://localhost:8081/quota
- Request parameters:
- Header: api-profile-id:123456
- Request body:
- Result:
{ "traceId": "9a97dae0-959b-41a9-90de-70687da390d9", "errorCode": "E4001", "errorMessage": "Invalid Format.The request format is invalid", "errorDetails": [ "customerId can not be blank.,invalid value: ;", "quotaLimit can not be blank.,invalid value: null;", "quotaBalance can not be blank.,invalid value: null;" ] }
- 3.FacadeException
- Request Method: Get
- Request URL: http://localhost:8081/quota?customerId=123456
- Request parameters:
- Header: api-profile-id:123456
- Result:
{ "traceId": "e173c006-a13a-41fb-bfb8-8cd4bc57ddfb", "errorCode": "E4003", "errorMessage": "Account not found.", "errorDetails": null }
It's very easy to troubleshoot by traceId in your log file now.
- 1.InvalidAuthenticationException
- Request Method: Get
- Request URL: http://localhost:8082/quota
- Request parameters:
- Header: api-profile-id:null
- Result:
{ "errorCode": 400, "errorDetails": [ { "code": "EQ4002", "message": "身份验证失败." } ], "errorMessage": "Bad Request", "traceId": "ea8ca2d3-9ee0-4592-a970-262f2e163400" }
- 2.Validation Exception
- Request Method: Post
- Request URL: http://localhost:8081/quota
- Request parameters:
- Header: api-profile-id:123456
- Request body:
- Result:
{ "traceId": "3281d092-4247-4c2f-87c0-ec626869b593", "errorCode": 400, "errorMessage": "Bad Request", "errorStacks": [ { "code": "EQ4003", "message": "请求校验失败." } ] }
- 3.FacadeException
- Request Method: Get
- Request URL: http://localhost:8081/quota?customerId=123456
- Request parameters:
- Header: api-profile-id:123456
- Result:
{ "traceId": "f29b09b3-2c05-4aab-b97d-378cd316e548", "errorCode": 400, "errorMessage": "Bad Request", "errorStacks": [ { "code": "EQ4001", "message": "无效账号." } ] }
Setup your traceId [%X{api-trace-id}]
to output pattern in logback file
<pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{50} [%X{api-trace-id}] - %msg%n</pattern>