Releases: EvolEcolGroup/EEG_Docker
EEG Docker - Ubuntu 18.04 with R4.0
This version creates a docker image with Ubuntu 18.04 and R 4.0 (from previous version 3.6). The generated image has the tag ubuntu18.04r4.0
EEG Docker - Stable first public version
This project creates a Ubuntu docker image and pushes it to
The image is based on rocker/r-ubuntu:18.04 (see and has Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. In addition, several apt and r packages are pre-installed so to run continuous integration on EEG projects via CircleCI.
mtDNAcombine - Stable first public version (release candidate 1)
This project creates a Ubuntu docker image and pushes it to
The image is based on manicaeeg/eeg-docker (see and has Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. In addition, several apt and r packages are pre-installed so to run continuous integration on the EEG mtDNAcombine project via CircleCI. The docker is pubicly available at:
EEG Docker - Stable first public version (release candidate 1)
This project creates a Ubuntu docker image and pushes it to
The image is based on rocker/r-ubuntu:18.04 (see and has Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. In addition, several apt and r packages are pre-installed so to run continuous integration on EEG projects via CircleCI.