This app will help you track your progress in the game Hunt: Showdown.
- Install Python 3.10.6. Important: Make sure to set the option Add Python to PATH in the installation process.
- Download the source code:
- Option A: By cloning this repository. (If you don't know how to do this, simply take Option B.)
- Option B: Click on Code -> Download ZIP and unpack the downloaded files.
- Go into the new directory.
- Right click on
an choose Run with Powershell.
When you want to analyze your recorded matches.
- Go to the installation directory.
- Right click on
an choose Run with Powershell. An app will start in a new tab in your webbrowser. - Important: Set up the correct match file to track. For this, in the app, you can set the path to the matchfile in a text input field. A often used default value is given, but you might need to change this according to your installation directory of the game. If you typed in the correct path a green box with the text Valid Matchfile, will appear. You can now start the Match Recorder either stand-alone togehter with the game with the buttons on the top of the app.
- Make sure the Match Recorder is running while you play!
- Once you have recorded some matches, click Calculate Statistics in the app.