- DHIS2 web application development using React, Material-UI and Clean Architecture.
- A DHIS2 server instance up and running with CORS enabled for the localhost:8080
- You will have to fork and clone this repository
- Install yarn and npm
- Master contains the full solution developed by EyeSeeTea (we recommended not to see the solution until the last session)
- session_1 is the branch for session 1 exercise
- session_2 is the branch for session 2 exercise
- session_3 is the branch for session 3 exercise
- session_4 is the branch for session 4 exercise
Install dependencies:
$ yarn install
Start development server:
$ yarn lint
If you have SameSite policy problems run in chrome, launch Chrome from terminal:
open -a Google\ Chrome --args -disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies,CookiesWithoutSameSiteMustBeSecure --user-data-dir
google-chrome --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies,CookiesWithoutSameSiteMustBeSecure
chrome -disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies,CookiesWithoutSameSiteMustBeSecure
Remember that you can add other flags to that call
Run unit tests:
$ yarn test
Run integration tests locally:
$ export CYPRESS_DHIS2_AUTH='admin:district'
$ export CYPRESS_ROOT_URL=http://localhost:8081
# non-interactive
$ yarn cy:e2e:run
# interactive UI
$ yarn cy:e2e:open
$ yarn build-webapp
: Contains literal translations (gettext format)public/
: Main app folder with aindex.html
, exposes the APP, contains the feedback-tool.src/webapp
: Presentation UI Layer (clean architecture)src/webapp/pages
: Main React components.src/webapp/components
: Reusable React components.src/domain
: Domain layer of the app (clean architecture)src/data
: Data of the app (clean architecture)src/types
file types for modules without TS definitions.src/utils
: Misc utilities.src/locales
: Auto-generated, do not update or add to the version control.cypress/integration/
: Cypress integration tests.
$ yarn update-po
# ... add/edit translations in i18n/*.po files ...
$ yarn localize
The file src/contexts/app-context.ts
holds some general context so typical infrastructure objects (compositionRoot
, ...) are readily available. Add your own global objects if necessary.
Check the example script, entry "script-example"
in package.json
->scripts and src/scripts/example.ts