- Kate @dubacait
- Anna @tloth
- Joko @jokosanyang
- Sylvia @seabasshoang
SGC actions and opinions tracker! Submit your opinions to actions discussed during SGC
This project is hosted on Heroku : https://lost-and-fac.herokuapp.com/
- html
- css
- javascript
- node.js
- heroku
- postgresql
- travis
- git clone this repo
- in the terminal run
npm i
to install all dependecies - run
npm start
and view on localhost:7007 in your browser - You can run
npm test
to see JSHINT but we are going to write tests during the time we have to review our code .
- connect with heroku
- use GitHub naming convention
- build script (.sql)
- use GitHub projects
- 1 table
- testing
- 2 tables
- continuous integration (travis)
- code coverage
- heroku pipeline
- deleteData.js query
- onion error page
- delete opinion functionality
- set-up index.html and server stuff
- deployed to heroku
- set up travis
- created our database
- Set up Post and Get quries
- dom stuff to populate our tables
- testing
- issues
- css
- spelling 'table' and 'opinion'
- I have an opintion.
- naming functions --> 'action' to action and table --> action vs actionList --> input and inputRow
- using fetch! so much easier than xhr requests!
- things take time!
- travis caught all our jshint issues that prevented travis from passing the test checks