A nostalgic Neopets game, made by Sylvia and Sam
Deployed on netlify: https://neopets.netlify.com/
To run locally, clone this repo and run npm i
to install packages.
npm start
to run locallynpm test
to run the test suites
Use React to build an interactive game that uses data from an API.
- Query an API for data
- Populate the UI with API data
- Have some form of persistent state and interactivity
- Have integration tests
- Neopets game!
- Render a neopet image
- Health bar and happiness bar
- Panel of food items
- Panel of activities
- Health/happiness bar decreases over time
- Clicking on a food item increases health bar
- Clicking on an activity increases happiness bar
- Responsive
- No API we made one!
- Testing (
??? and updating React?) - Promise/API/error handling
- CSS wizardry
- CSS wizardry (animations, flippin', background-blend-mode)
- Passing setState functions down into helper/utility functions