If you’re still using a paper sheets to manage inventory, you’re behind the times! paper sheets solve a lot of problems, but keeping track of large inventory on a paper is dangerous and inefficient. A paper sheets can be accidentally deleted and it is very difficult for more than one person to work on it, especially simultaneously. Software specifically built to keep track of your inventory solves both of these problems and many more.
- Warehouse Manager.
- Tracking goods and manage the inventories in easy way.
- Get knowledge about every change happens in their inventories.
- See reports and graphs.
- Add goods and decide which inventory will have capacity to put it in.
User test tasks:
- Sign up.
- Add new goods.
- Delete goods.
- Edit goods.
- Show transactions graphs.
- Show transactions reports.
What kinds of goals will user be accomplishing as he/she is using our website or app?
- More efficient (reduce time and effort spend in tracking and manage inventory and goods).
- Security.
- Accuracy.
Create website that have a benefit to manage inventory in easy way by software rather than manage it by traditional way using paper. And make the process of tracking goods easier.
The website can allow you to create an account to manage your inventory, and add the goods with all details Goods Name, Goods Type, Goods Quantity, Charge Date, Image, Expiry Date
Also provide you to edit or delete your goods, and you can record all transaction about your goods Increment and decrement quantity of goods
The another feature see the reports of transaction and the graphs of consumption ratio.
The user expected to see the report with more details about the goods, and transaction related every month and year.
The user expected to see graphs that show the consumption ratio at all months and years.
The user misunderstand some labels in the website, and suggest to change it to another keywords that give the actual meaning.
The user said that any company needed to manage our inventories the important thing that needed to see reports and graphs that giving overview about transaction.
The user said that you should decide who is the target user.
The user see all expected feature and he see another feature that he not expected in the website
editable the information goods and delete it