A simple to do list website, which is responsive, accessibility, easy to use, interactive, and don't have fish memory! 😆 ...
1. index.html contains the interface of the list.
2. logic.js contains the basic pure functions (addlist, deletelish, marklist and sortlist)
3. test.js contains the test cases of the logic.js file "pure functions"
4. Dom.js contains the code that gathers every thing together.
5. style.css contains the styles used in the website.
We have an input item to type the to do item, then click the submit button to add the item to the list. Beside each to to item we have a trash can to delete the item from the list. If we clicked the item it will be toggled between marked and unmarked. After submitting the items they will be sorted automatically.
We distributed the work, so that each team member will perform a certain task, coding functions, coding tests, coding styles each two worked on tow functions and their tests, after finishing we discussed and gathered the whole work.
To visit the site: click here
Done by: Abdallah, Ahmed, Mahmoud and kefah