Beauty : An application to show all Makeup products to users, allows users to search any products they want and display its information .
All Girls needs to see Makeups products and see products of some brands , so our app allows to girls enter the name of product like : eyeliner , then click on Go! , out website will show to her the name of product with differnt products brands, price, and images to this product .
Website Link:
- App Architecture
- file Structure
- public folder
- index.html
- style.css
- assets folder for images
- src folder
- server.js
- router.js
- handler.js
- request.js
- search.js
- test.js
- package.json
- public folder
our Api get information about Makeup products π , product brand, name, price, image to it and other information from this website MakeupAPI .
1- git clone this repo ( 2- Open your command line. 3- Put in terminal : npm install . 4- Then put in terminal : npm run nodemon to run the server. 5- Open your browser and put in terminal: localhost:3000.
- Hadeel Slamin
- Razan Tayem
- Orjwan Rajabi
- Sama' Amro