Our website allows the user to search for his favourite car through putting the name of the car in place of search .
In our app you can search for your favourite car by putting the name of the car in the place of search,the website is characterized by autocomplete instead of the user put the full name of the car , put the first letter of the name of the car,and our DB make an auto complete.
Front-End :
we put the files in public folder:
- index.html for HTML code for element .
- index.css for CSS code for style element .
- dom.js for conect html element with javascript .
- index.js .
we put the files in src folder:
- server.js .
- router.js .
- cars.json for make array of cars .
- searchCars.js for make search funcation .
- test.js for making some function to test the code .
HTML structure : our website is a page contains a title for website with background , then will find a box to enter the name for the car in the same line have a button to search for the car .
1- Clone this repo.
2- Open your command line.
3- Put in terminal : npm install.
4- Then put in terminal : node src/server.js to run the server.
5- Open your browser and put in terminal: localhost:5000.