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pyelabdata provides functions for simple one-line access to data stored in eLabFTW via Python or Jupyter.


Examples for the use of pyelabdata can be found in the examples folder.


General functions

def connect(host: str, apikey: str, verify_ssl: bool=True):

Connects to the API interface of the eLabFTW server specified by the parameter host (e.g. using the given apikey. If api is missing in the url, /api/v2 will be added automatically. Thus, would be enough. The optional parameter verify_ssl allows to disable ssl verification.

def disconnect():

Disconnect from the eLabFTW server.

def get_teamid():

Return the team id associated with the api key used

def list_experiments(searchstring: str='', tags=[]):

Retrieve a list of ids of all experiments that contain searchstring in the title, body or elabid and that match the tags specified in tags. All parameters are optional. If nothing is specified, all accessible experiments will be listed.

def open_experiment(expid: int, returndata: bool=False):

Open an experiment in eLabFTW using the id of the experiment. If returndata is True, the function returns a dictionary with the metadata of the experiment. All subsequent commands will operate on the opened experiment.

def close_experiment():

Close the current experiment. Subsequent commands will not further operate on the experiment.

Read experiment data

def get_experimentdata(expid: int=None):

Retrieve the complete data of the experiment.

All parameters are optional. expid is an integer number which identifies the eLabFTW experiment; if set to None, the currently opened experiment is used.

The function returns a dictionary with the structured data.

def get_maintext(format: str='html', expid: int=None):

Retrieve the body text of the experiment.

All parameters are optional. If format is 'html', the content of body_html is returned, i.e. the body text in html format. Otherwise the content of body is returned, which depends on the format used in eLabFTW (markdown or html). expid is an integer number which identifies the eLabFTW experiment; if set to None, the currently opened experiment is used.

def get_table_data(tableidx: int=0, header: bool=True,
                   decimal: str='.', thousands: str=None,
                   datatype: str='np', expid: int=None):

In eLabFTW, tables can be defined in the body text of experiments. The data of such tables can be retrieved by using this function.

All parameters are optional. tableidx tells the function the return the data of the nth table, where counting starts with n = 0. If header is true, the function assumes that the table contains columns of data where the first element (row) is the column heading. decimal or thousands define the character representing the decimal point or the separator of thousands, respectively. If thousands is None, , or . is used if decimal is . or ,, respectively. The default is . for decimal and None for thousands. datatype may be either 'df' or 'np' (default). For 'df', a pandas dataframe representing the table data is returned, whereas for 'np' a dictionary of numpy arrays for each column is returned, in which the keys correspond to the column heading (in case of header = True). expid is an integer number which identifies the eLabFTW experiment; if set to None, the currently opened experiment is used.

def get_extrafields(fieldname: str=None, expid: int=None):

In eLabFTW, so-called extra fields can be defined. These are key-value pairs, which are additionally described with units, value type, description and which may be grouped.

All parameters are optional. If fieldname is None, all extra fields are returned as a dictionary. If fieldname is specified, the value of the entry is returned. If the field type is numeric or date/time, the return value is of the respective type.

Read files

def get_file_data(filename: str, filename_is_long_name: bool=False, expid: int=None):

Get the (binary) data from a file attached to eLabFTW experiments. filename is the name of the file stored in the experiment. if filename_is_long_name is set to True, filename is regarded as the long_name of the file stored in eLabFTW.

The parameter expid is optional and has the same meaning as in get_table_data(). The binary data is returned as a byte string.

def get_file_csv_data(filename: str, filename_is_long_name: bool=False,
                      header: bool=True, sep: str=',', 
                      decimal: str='.', thousands: str=None,
                      datatype: str='np', expid: int=None):

Get the data from csv files attached to eLabFTW experiments. filename is the name of the file stored in the experiment. if filename_is_long_name is set to True, filename is regarded as the long_name of the file stored in eLabFTW.

All other parameters are optional. sep is the column separator, by default a comma. The parameters header, decial, thousands, datatype and expid have the same meaning as in get_table_data().

def get_file_hdf5_data(filename: str, filename_is_long_name: bool=False, expid: int=None):

Get the data from a hdf5 file attached to eLabFTW experiments. filename is the name of the file stored in the experiment. if filename_is_long_name is set to True, filename is regarded as the long_name of the file stored in eLabFTW.

The parameter expid is optional and has the same meaning as in get_table_data(). The function returns a hdf5 file object as created by h5py.File().

Update experiment data

def create_extrafield(fieldname: str, value, fieldtype:str='text',
                      unit: str=None, units=None, description: str=None,
                      groupname: str=None,
                      readonly: bool=False, required: bool=False,
                      expid: int=None):

Create a new extra field with the name fieldname of type fieldtype (possible values: text, number, date, time, datetime; the default type is text) containing the value of value. If the field already exists, only the value will be updated (all other parameters are ignored in this case). You can define a list of possible units in the parameter units and specify the default unit in unit. The extra field may be assigned to an extra field group with name groupname; if the group doesn't exist, it will be created. readonly and required control the respective property of the extra field. Depending on fieldtype, value will automatically be converted to string using appropriate functions (e.g. datetime.isoformat). The parameter expid is optional and has the same meaning as in get_table_data().

def update_extrafield(fieldname: str, value, expid: int=None):

Update the value of the extra field with the name fieldname. Depending on the type of the extra field, value will automatically be converted to string using appropriate functions (e.g. datetime.isoformat). The parameter expid is optional and has the same meaning as in get_table_data().

def delete_extrafield(fieldname: str, expid: int=None):

Delete the extra field with name fieldname. The parameter expid is optional and has the same meaning as in get_table_data().

Upload files

def upload_file(file: str, comment: str,
                replacefile: bool=True, expid: int=None):

Upload a file from local drives to an eLabFTW experiment. file is the filepath of the file to be uploaded, comment is a description of the file.

All other parameters are optional. If replacefile is true, an existing file with the same filename will be replaced. Otherwise, a new attachment with the same filename will be created. expid is an integer number which identifies the eLabFTW experiment; if set to None, the currently opened experiment is used.

def upload_image_from_figure(fig: Figure, filename: str, comment: str,
                             replacefile: bool=True, 
                             format: str='png', dpi='figure',
                             expid: int=None):

Upload an image of a matplotlib Figure (e.g. created by fig, ax = plt.subplots()) as attachment to an eLabFTW experiment. fig a matplotlib.figure.Figure object, filename the name of the image file to be uploaded, and comment is a description of the image.

All other parameters are optional. If replacefile is true, an existing file with the same filename will be replaced. Otherwise, a new attachment with the same filename will be created. format or dpi specify the file format or image resolution, respectively. They are passed to matplotlib's savefig() function. expid is an integer number which identifies the eLabFTW experiment; if set to None, the currently opened experiment is used.

def upload_csv_data(data, filename: str, comment: str,
                    replacefile: bool=True, index: bool=False,
                    expid: int=None):

Generate a csv file from a pandas dataframe or a dictionary of numpy arrays (column data) contained in data and upload it to an experiment on eLabFTW as csv file. comment is a description of the data.

All other parameters are optional. If replacefile is true, an existing file with the same filename will be replaced. Otherwise, a new attachment with the same filename will be created. If index is true, the line index of the dataframe is also stored to the file. expid is an integer number which identifies the eLabFTW experiment; if set to None, the currently opened experiment is used.

def upload_this_jupyternotebook(comment: str, replacefile: bool=True,
                                expid: int=None):

Saves and uploads the current jupyter notebook to an experiment on eLabFTW. comment is a description of the jupyter notebook.

All other parameters are optional. If replacefile is true, an existing file with the same filename will be replaced. Otherwise, a new attachment with the same filename will be created. expid is an integer number which identifies the eLabFTW experiment; if set to None, the currently opened experiment is used.


Simplified access to data stored in elabftw







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