OTU table and other data to accompany Thorn et al 2025 paper entitled "Cattle slurry application impacts soil ecosystem resistance to flooding"
File name: Thorn2025-metadata.csv Contains: Sample information including treatment and sample day
File name: Thorn2025-OTUtable-Trimmed.csv Contains: OTU table after trimming to only keep OTUs comprising 0.005 % of the total read abundance in the dataset (Bokulich et al., 2013; https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.2276)
File name: Thorn2025-OTUtable-Untrimmed.zip Contains: Two csv files 1) Thorn2025-AllOTUs-NoTrim-asCounts.csv and 2) Thorn2025-TaxaForAllOTUs-NoTrim.csv Details: Includes all OTUs detected in samples and associated file for taxa information
Note: samples T3_Tmt3_c and T7_Tmt3_a failed sequencing and were not included in analysis