FFFuzzer is a fork of the FuzzNG project, with the goal of enhancing the original project's functionality.
The new features include:
- Web data dashboard
- Comments starting with
- Code optimization
These instructions were tested on Ububtu22. A CPU with VT-x support is preferable. The user needs rw permissions for /dev/kvm
Install Requirements:
sudo apt-get install git libglib2.0-dev libfdt-dev libpixman-1-dev zlib1g-dev ninja-build
# Kernel:
sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-source bc kmod cpio flex libncurses5-dev libelf-dev libssl-dev dwarves bison libcap-ng-dev libattr1-dev
# Misc:
sudo apt install clang-15 debootstrap qemu-utils
Build Kernel + FuzzNG (mod-ng/qemu-ng/libfuzzer-ng/agent-ng)
Note that clang is required.
NPROC=4 CC=clang-15 CXX=clang++-15 make
# This may ask for your password to set up the disk-image for the fuzzing VM.
Now pick a fuzzing-config from configs/
and start the fuzzer:
# Fuzz KVM with 4 workers
./scripts/fuzz.sh 4 configs/kvm.h
Or, to run a single worker with serial-output from the VM enabled:
# Manually copy the KVM config:
cp configs/kvm.h agent/fuzz_config.h
# Run a fuzzer
EXTRA_ARGS="-serial stdio" PROJECT_ROOT="./" ./scripts/run.sh