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Second Show Me The Code

Lameque Fernandes edited this page Dec 20, 2022 · 5 revisions

Second Show Me The Code

Issue #5539

In this issue we better describe for new contributors how to adopt pull requests, a section that not is described in So we openned a PR #6895 with solution. The problem was solved, and was reviewed, but not accepted yet.

Issue #5967

In this issue we tried to enable error returning from FromReflect implementation, function in bevy structure. We didn't open a PR, because we didn't solve the problem yet.

Issue #448

In this issue we tried to make a change in layout of bevy website, where the images would be letterboxed on some screens. So have been made some changes and described for the collaborators, by the way were very actives. To follow the steps, have a lot of comments in this issue and in the PR #494 oppened for this issue too. This problem was solved and the PR was accepted.

Issue #423

In this issue we better describe for new contributors how to run the localhost of the page assets in website Bevy, that wasn't in description, and we broke because of this. When we descover how to run we contibuite with extra description and It's possible to see in this PR #496. The problem was solved, and was reviewed, but not accepted yet.

Pairing Ciro Costa and Victor Lima

Issue #488

In this issues we fixed the anchors navigation where it was cutting off the content of the page, that could causa a minor confusion on the user. We made the PR #499, it's still yet to be reviewed and approved.

Issue #18

In this issues we fixed the version from the ci toolchain that was using action-rs which is not being updated anymore to dtolnay. We made the PR #21, it's still yet to be reviewed and approved.

Issue #6953

In this edition, we've improved some of the documentation on some upgrades. We made [PR #6958] (, it has not yet been reviewed and approved.

Version History

Data Versão Descrição Autor Revisor
15/12/2022 1.0.0 Create Second Show Me The Code in Wiki Caio César Erick Melo
15/12/2022 1.1.0 Added Pair 2 contribution Ciro Costa Victor Lima
19/12/2022 1.2.0 Added Pair 2 contribution Victor Lima Ciro Costa
20/12/2022 1.3.0 Added Pair 2 contribution Lameque Fernandes Pedro Henrique