2 commits
to master-FISCO-BCOS-v2
since this release
What's Changed
- try to fix ci by @bxq2011hust in #184
- add parse contract function reture value by @yinghuochongfly in #183
- fix can not close connect bug and add unsubcribeEventLogs function by @yinghuochongfly in #188
- add smcrypto.GenerateKey by @bxq2011hust in #191
- fix message return before uuid write cause stuck by @dyy8888 in #203
- use single goroutine to process eventlog sub by @bxq2011hust in #205
- update txdata by @leowei1234567 in #204
- try flexible tx sign by @leowei1234567 in #207
- unicast func by @leowei1234567 in #212
- fix: already subscribe to topic by @liuxinfeng96 in #231
New Contributors
- @dyy8888 made their first contribution in #203
- @leowei1234567 made their first contribution in #204
- @liuxinfeng96 made their first contribution in #231
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0