Francisco Maria Calisto holds a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from Instituto Superior TΓ©cnico (IST) at University of Lisbon (ULisboa). He is a Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researcher and an Artificial Intelligence (AI) enthusiast. More specifically, he is working on the intersection of HCI and AI in Health Informatics (HI), designing intelligent agents that aid clinicians as a second opinion during breast cancer diagnosis. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science and Engineering, as well as a Master of Engineering in Information Systems and Computer Engineering at IST. Qualified and experienced at working as a Researcher & Software Engineer, his work is settled in several directions. He is a system design thinker who is passionate about exploring how new interactive ideas, technologies, and business models can address the most pressing problems, particularly in healthcare. Francisco has been working with several Associated Laboratories of IST since 2015. Between 2015 and 2017, Francisco was working at INESC-ID and, since then, he is working at ISR-Lisboa in collaboration with ITI. Both ISR-Lisboa and ITI are associate laboratories of LARSyS, currently being the host laboratories for his Doctoral Program. Researching & Developing (R&D) in areas such as HCI, User-Centered Design (UCD), Information Visualization (InfoVis), and HI, understanding and reducing the user burdens of interactive technologies for health professionals, patients, and people with disabilities through the design of future applications. Also lecturing on those areas during this path. Prior to IST, he was part of several Entrepreneurship projects, from Agriculture to Advertisement, building systems for both business areas. He has designed, developed, and evaluated mobile, sensor, and collaborative applications for helping users (e.g., physicians, patients, and so on). His primary research methods involve UCD, InfoVis, technology development, as well as a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods.
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- π Merged PR #21 in FMCalisto/redux-get-started
Contributing to the open source community can be challenging and sometimes terrifying. One particular challenge is how to expose your problem in a clear way. There are a plenty of online articles explaining how to contribute and support the open source community. However, the best way for that, is to understand how could we help the community by giving some examples of Questions & Answers. Next, there are several o my recent examples of helping others through this path.
- Slurm cgroups Plugin Errors on Ubuntu Nodes
- Answer by Francisco Maria Calisto for request effect size for Each pair of the ANOVA pairwise comparisons?
- Answer by Francisco Maria Calisto for Not enough input arguments using radiomics package
- Answer by Francisco Maria Calisto for Find Similarity on Excel Column - Brand, Product Name and Weight
- What is the difference between a CornerstoneJS viewport and an image object?
Apart from being an Open Source'rer, I also write on Medium and platforms. Please, be free to follow my work there. Hope to help you!
- Personalized AI for Medical Diagnosis: A Look Into the Future Published at #CHI2023
- Resuming the resume: Who am I?
- Celebrating 100 Days of Continuous GitHub Contributions
- Answer: Find Similarity on Excel Column - Brand, Product Name and Weight
- What is the difference between a CornerstoneJS viewport and an image object?
- Answer: How to make list of cars into string?
- Answer: Error: Warning: Middleware for RTK-Query API at reducerPath "api" has not been added to the store
- Here are 850+ Ivy League Courses You Can Take Right Now for Free
- I uncovered 1700 Coursera Courses that Are Still Completely Free
- How to Rock the Coding Interview β Tips That Helped Me Land Job Offers from Google, Airbnb, and Dropbox
- Why I Turned Down a Six-Figure Salary in Big Tech to Stay at a Five-Person Startup
- How to Be a Successful Entrepreneur β A Developer's Guide to Startup Strategy and Design
- Medical Imaging Downloader for CornerstoneJS and Orthanc
- Using CornerstoneJS and Orthanc to Support Deep Learning Projects
- Applying New Paradigms in Human-Computer Interaction to Health Informatics
As researcher, Google Scholar is the most representative platform for my current publications. However, it could be interesting to follow my ResearchGate account. You can also find me on Publons, where the ResearcherID for my Web of Science account is following the O-7933-2017
reference code. Finally, my ORCID is represented by the 0000-0001-8179-7872
reference number.
List of research initiatives:
- Calling All Clinicians: Help Advance Healthcare Technology
- Calling All Clinicians: Help Advance Healthcare Technology
- Calling All Clinicians: Help Advance Healthcare Technology
- Calling All Clinicians: Help Advance Healthcare Technology
- Exploring AI's Impact on Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Insights from Radiologists Needed
BreastScreening-AI Final Presentation | EIA 2023 | One Year Later Aug 2, 2024 |
Francisco Maria Calisto Live Stream Aug 10, 2022 |
Medical Imaging Multimodality Annotating Framework Oct 14, 2020 |
BreastScreening: On the Use of Multi-Modality in Medical Imaging Diagnosis Oct 8, 2020 |
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