./gradlew test
- Run all unit tests. -
./gradlew build
- Build robot code. -
./gradlew deploy
- Build & deploy robot code. -
./gradlew riolog [-Pfakeds]
- Launch RoboRIO console. Optional param if not connected to DS. -
./gradlew smartDashboard
- Launch SmartDashboard. -
./gradlew shuffleboard
- Launch Shuffleboard dashboard. -
./gradlew eclipse
- Generate files for Eclipse. -
./gradlew idea
- Generate files for IntelliJ IDEA. -
./gradlew cleanEclipse
- Delete Eclipse-specific files. -
./gradlew cleanIdea
- Delete IDEA-specific files. -
./gradlew tasks [--all]
- Show all the commands you can run.
Other GradleRIO information can be found here.
git clone https://github.com/FRC1640/2018-Offseason.git
- Clone this repository to your local pc. -
git pull
- Pulls the latest changes down from the remote repository. -
git checkout [branch_name]
- Checkout a branch with name "branch_name." -
git branch -l
- List local branches on your computer. -
git branch -r
- List remote branches. -
git branch -d [branch_name]
- Delete branch with the name "branch_name." -
git add [files]
- Stage files to commit. "files" can be a comma-separated list of file names, or "*" to add all modified files. -
git commit -m "message"
- Commit the currently staged files to git, with the message "message." -
git push
- Synchronize the committed files to GitHub (or other remote location).