ospfd: Solved crash in OSPF TE parsing (backport #15431) #15440
Basic Tests summary
➡️ Jobs in progress: 0/59
✖️ Jobs Failure: 2/59
- TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 amd64 Part 9 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO9U18AMD64-2035
🚫 ospf_metric_propagation.test_ospf_metric_propagation test_link_1_down
E AssertionError: r1 JSON output mismatches
assert Generated JSON diff error report:
> $-> expected has the following element at index 0 which is not present in output:
"prefix": "",
"prefixLen": 24,
"protocol": "bgp",
"vrfName": "green",
"selected": true,
"destSelected": true,
"distance": 20,
"metric": 136,
"installed": true,
"table": 12,
"internalStatus": 16,
"internalFlags": 8,
"internalNextHopNum": 1,
"internalNextHopActiveNum": 1,
"nexthopGroupId": "*",
"installedNexthopGroupId": "*",
"uptime": "*",
"nexthops": [
"flags": 3,
"fib": true,
"ip": "",
"afi": "ipv4",
"interfaceName": "r1-eth0",
"vrf": "default",
"active": true,
"weight": 1
Closest match in output is at index 0 with the following errors:
> $->[0]->metric: output has element with value '238' but in expected it has value '136'
- TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 amd64 Part 2 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TP2U1804AMD64-2035
🚫 bgp_dont_capability_negotiate.test_bgp_dont_capability_negotiate test_bgp_check_fqdn
E AssertionError: FQDN capability disabled, but we still have a hostname
assert Generated JSON diff error report:
> $->paths: expected has the following element at index 0 which is not present in output:
"nexthops": [
"hostname": null
"peer": {
"hostname": null
Closest match in output is at index 0 with the following errors:
> $->paths[0]->nexthops: expected has the following element at index 0 which is not present in output:
"hostname": null
Closest match in output is at index 0 with the following errors:
> $->paths[0]->nexthops[0]: output has key 'hostname' which is not supposed to be present
> $->paths[0]->peer: output has key 'hostname' which is not supposed to be present
✔️ Jobs Success: 57/59
Ubuntu 20.04 Deb Pkg Check -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-U20DEBPKG-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 arm8 Part 4 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO4U18ARM8-2035
TopoTests Debian 10 amd64 Part 2 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO2DEB10AMD64-2035
TopoTests Debian 10 amd64 Part 7 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO7DEB10AMD64-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 amd64 Part 8 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO8U18ARM64-2035
AddressSanitizer Topotests Part 8 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-ASAN8-2035
Ubuntu 18.04 Deb Pkg Check -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-U18DEBPKG-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 i386 Part 3 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO3U18I386-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 amd64 Part 1 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TP1U1804AMD64-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 i386 Part 8 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO8U18I386-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 amd64 Part 7 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO7U18AMD64-2035
TopoTests Debian 10 amd64 Part 6 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO6DEB10AMD64-2035
AddressSanitizer Topotests Part 4 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-ASANP4-2035
AddressSanitizer Topotests Part 6 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-ASAN6-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 amd64 Part 4 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TP4U1804AMD64-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 arm8 Part 3 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO3U18ARM8-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 arm8 Part 5 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO5U18ARM8-2035
TopoTests Debian 10 amd64 Part 8 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO8DEB10AMD64-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 arm8 Part 0 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO0U18ARM8-2035
AddressSanitizer Topotests Part 2 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-ASAN2-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 i386 Part 9 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO9U18I386-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 i386 Part 4 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO4U18I386-2035
TopoTests Debian 10 amd64 Part 9 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO9DEB10AMD64-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 amd64 Part 3 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TP3U1804AMD64-2035
AddressSanitizer Topotests Part 9 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-ASAN9-2035
TopoTests Debian 10 amd64 Part 5 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO5DEB10AMD64-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 i386 Part 6 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO6U18I386-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 i386 Part 1 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO1U18I386-2035
Static Analyzer (Clang) -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-STATICANALYZER-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 amd64 Part 5 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO5U18AMD64-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 amd64 Part 0 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPOU1804-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 arm8 Part 7 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO7U18ARM8-2035
IPv4 Protocols on Debian 12 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-IPV4-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 arm8 Part 1 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO1U18ARM8-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 arm8 Part 6 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO6U18ARM8-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 arm8 Part 8 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO8U18AMD64-2035
AddressSanitizer Topotests Part 7 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-ASAN7-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 arm8 Part 2 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO2U18ARM8-2035
TopoTests Debian 10 amd64 Part 0 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO0DEB10AMD64-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 i386 Part 2 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO2U18I386-2035
AddressSanitizer Topotests Part 5 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-ASAN5-2035
Debian 12 Deb Pkg Check -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-DEB12PKG-2035
IPv6 Protocols on Debian 12 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-IPV6-2035
Debian 10 Deb Pkg Check -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-DEB10PKGCHK-2035
CentOS 7 RPM Pkg Check -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-CENTOS7RPM-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 amd64 Part 6 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO6U18AMD64-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 i386 Part 0 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO0U18I386-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 i386 Part 7 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO7U18I386-2035
AddressSanitizer Topotests Part 3 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-ASANP3-2035
AddressSanitizer Topotests Part 0 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-ASAN3-2035
IPv4 LDP Protocol on Debian 12 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-LDPIPV4-2035
TopoTests Debian 10 amd64 Part 4 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO4DEB10AMD64-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 i386 Part 5 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO5U18I386-2035
TopoTests Debian 10 amd64 Part 3 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO3DEB10AMD64-2035
TopoTests Ubuntu 18.04 arm8 Part 9 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO9U18ARM8-2035
AddressSanitizer Topotests Part 1 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-ASAN1-2035
TopoTests Debian 10 amd64 Part 1 -> https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-TOPO1DEB10AMD64-2035
Details at https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-PULLREQ3-2035.