This is a cross-platform XDAG GUI wallet, especially for macOS and Linux, powered by fyne.
Fyne is a cross-platform GUI in Go inspired by Material Design.
The wallet can run on Windows, Linux, Mac now.
Mobile version is coming.
- usage: by command-line parameter -help
- 3 run modes: gui(default), cli, server, by commnad-line parameter -mode
- cli commands:
- help -- display commands list
- exit -- exit cli wallet
- account -- display address of wallet account
- balance -- display balance of wallet account
- xfer V A R -- transfer V coins to address A with remark R
- mnemonic -- display mnemonic of wallet account
- export P -- export mnemonic to file P
- jsonrpc server: by command-line parameter -mode server -ip <ip address> -port <port number>
- method: Xdag.Unlock
- params: ["<wallet password>"]
- response: {"id":1,"result":"success","error":null}
- method: Xdag.Lock
- params: ["<wallet password>"]
- response: {"id":1,"result":"success","error":null}
- method: Xdag.Account
- params: [""]
- response: {"id":1,"result": "<wallet address>","error":null}
- method: Xdag.Balance
- params: [""]
- response: {"id":1,"result": "<wallet balance>","error":null}
- method: Xdag.Balance
- params: ["<wallet address>"]
- response: {"id":1,"result": "<balance of the address>","error":null}
- method: Xdag.Transfer
- params: [{"amount":"<amount>","address":"<to address>","remark":"<remark>"}]
- response: {"id":1,"result": "success","error":null}
- method: Xdag.Unlock
- clib - a wrapper of XDAG Wallet C library
- xDagWallet - XDAG wallet C library
- wallet - golang XDAG wallet app
- i18n - international strings
- data - i18n config json, fonts
- images - image and icon bundled in components/resource.go
- component - ui of wallet window
- config - wallet config
- wallet_state - wallet state
- xlog - wallet log
- xdago - bip32,bip39,bip44
- cli - command line mode
- server - rpc server mode
enter /clib
build runtime library with CMakeLists.txt
need MingW64 in Windows
enter /wallet
$ go mod tidy
$ CGO_ENABLED=1 go build
in Windows
> CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui
in Mac
if library not found , go to /wallet/components/wallet_cgo.go
change the library path in code:
//#cgo darwin LDFLAGS: ....
enter /wallet
copy goXdagWallet(.exe), wallet-config.json and data folder to your deployment path.
also need copy libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll and libwinpthread-1.dll in MingW64's bin path to deployment path.
need install secp256k1 and openssl first
- Ubuntu and Debian:
$ sudo apt-get install libsecp256k1-dev openssl libssl-dev
- Fedora and Centos:
$ sudo yum install openssl openssl-devel
download and build from source
- Manjaro and Arch linux:
$ sudo pacman libsecp256k1 openssl
- Mac
$ brew install openssl
$ echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
$ source ~/.bash_profile
build secp256k1 from source
- frequently transferred addresses list
- history query filter and pagination