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Binar Final Project - Skyfly

Design Spread

Team C-1 Skyfly!

Skyfly API allows you to get the needed resources to make Skyfly application run seamlessly. Some of this service is using authentication to access each service. You need to login first to access the service.


SkyFly is an online flight ticket booking application designed to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for booking flights. This project uses ExpressJs as the backend framework and Postgres as the database, managed through Prisma ORM. The application supports various functionalities essential for an efficient flight booking system.

Key Features

User Authentication and Management Secure login and registration for users using otp code to verified email or Oauth login, with profile management capabilities
Airline Information Access detailed information about various airlines
Airports Details Retrieve airports data on records
Flight Details View and manage flight schedules, routes, and details
Seat Booking Check seat availability and book seats on flights
Transaction Handling Manage user transactions, including payment processing and history tracking
Ticket Issuance Issue and manage electronic flight tickets
Notification Real-time notifications regarding cool transactions and promos

Entity Relationship Model

Our Team ERD:

ERD Team C1


1. Install Dependencies

In order to run this project, you need to install dependecies first:

npm run install

2. Insert credential to .env

Copy .env.example and rename it to .env, then give value to each of the variables according to your credential

3. Migrate and Seed the Database

Migrate the database by running this command:

npm run migrate

To seed:

npm run db-seed

For more run command, please check package.json.

4. Run the Project

Run the project in development:

npm run dev

Either way:

npm run start

Development URL for this service is: http://localhost:2000/

Data Team C1

LinkedIn Github
FSW Reinanda Faris LinkedIn Github
Viery Nugroho LinkedIn Github
Andhika Rizky Aulia LinkedIn Github
Ananda Ias Falah LinkedIn Github
Naufal Ady Saputro LinkedIn Github
Rizki Mauludin Yoga P. LinkedIn Github
Rafi Husein Bagaskara LinkedIn Github
Lowis Armando Hutabarat LinkedIn Github
AND Komang Yuda Saputra LinkedIn Github
Ihsan Widagdo LinkedIn Github
Bella Febriany Nawangsari LinkedIn Github
Mochammad Yusuf Pratama
Project Title SKY-FLY
Note Binar KM6
Clickup Team C1 Binar KM6
Daily Stand-Up Team C1 Binar KM6
Deployed API