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Tutorial 8 (14 Oct 2020)

Christoph Kinkeldey edited this page Oct 15, 2020 · 9 revisions

Classroom meeting: discussing your projects

We will meet at 1 pm in Hörsaal 001, Arnimstraße 3-5

Important: sign this document describing the form of examination


Per group: 3-5 minutes short presentation + 10 minutes discussion

1:15 Group 1: The impact of COVID-19 on stock markets of Europe, the US and China
1:30 Group 2: Economic Impact of COVID-19
1:45 Group 3: COVID-19 Prediction visualization

2:00 Group 4: Influence of COVID-19 on flights and shippings, also further consequences
2:15 Group 5: Impact of lockdown restrictions on mobility behaviour and COVID cases
2:30 Group 6: Sentiment analysis from twitter data during COVID pandemic