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UDPz is a speedy, portable, cross-platform UDP port scanner written in Go.

UDPz session


UDPz was created to address the need for a fast and efficient tool to scan UDP services across multiple hosts. Traditional network scanning tools like nmap often provide slower UDP scanning capabilities, which can be a bottleneck for network administrators and security professionals.

UDPz aims to fill this gap by providing a robust solution that can be easily integrated into existing workflows due to it's logging capabilities and flexible output options.


  • Root-less: In direct contrast to other UDP scanning solutions like nmap, UDPz does not require root or privileged access.
  • Concurrent Scanning: Utilizes goroutines and channels to perform flexible concurrent scans, significantly speeding up the scanning process.
  • Structured Logging: Uses zerolog for detailed and structured logging, making it easier to analyze scan results.
  • Flexible Target Resolution: Supports loading IP addresses, CIDR ranges, and hostnames from arguments, or from a file.
  • Proxy Support: Offers SOCKS5 proxy support for UDP tunneling.
  • Error Handling: Gracefully handles errors during scanning, ensuring the process continues even if some targets fail.


The SOCKS5 client will only work with SOCKS5 servers that implement UDP support.



Docker installation is recommended for higher performance.


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd udpz
  1. Build the Docker image:
docker build --tag="udpz" --network="host" .
  1. Run the Docker container:
alias udpz='sudo docker run --rm --network="host" --name="udpz" --volume="$PWD:/output" -it udpz'
udpz [flags] [targets ...]


When using the docker image with file I/O, make sure to utilize Docker volumes to properly interact with files on the host filesystem.

Standard Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd udpz
  1. Build the project:
go build
  1. Run the binary:
./udpz [flags] [targets ...]


  udpz [flags] [IP|hostname|CIDR|file ...]

  -v, --version              version for udpz
  -o, --output string        Save output to file
  -O, --log string           Output log messages to file
      --append               Append results to output file (default true)
  -f, --format string        Output format [text, pretty, csv, tsv, json, yaml, auto] (default "auto")
  -F, --log-format string    Output log format [pretty, json, auto] (default "auto")
  -l, --list                 List available services / probes
  -p, --probes string        comma-delimited list of service probes
      --tags string          comma-delimited list of target service tags
  -c, --host-tasks uint      Maximum Number of hosts to scan concurrently (default 10)
  -P, --port-tasks uint      Number of Concurrent scan tasks per host (default 100)
  -r, --retries uint         Number of probe retransmissions per probe (default 2)
  -t, --timeout uint         UDP Probe timeout in milliseconds (default 3000)
  -A, --all                  Scan all resolved addresses instead of just the first (default true)
  -S, --socks string         SOCKS5 proxy address as HOST:PORT
      --socks-user string    SOCKS5 proxy username
      --socks-pass string    SOCKS5 proxy password
      --socks-timeout uint   SOCKS5 proxy timeout in milliseconds (default 3000)
  -D, --debug                Enable debug logging (Very noisy!)
  -T, --trace                Enable trace logging (Very noisy!)
  -q, --quiet                Disable info logging
  -s, --silent               Disable ALL logging
  -h, --help                 help for udpz

The target argument(s) can be an IP address, hostname, CIDR, or file(s) containing targets.


  • Simple scan of a host and CIDR limited to one packet retransmission and without informational logging:
./udpz --retries 1 --quiet

│ HOST          │ TRANSPORT │ PORT │ STATE │ SERVICE  │ PROBES               │
│ │ UDP       │   53 │ OPEN  │ DNS      │ DNS A query          │
│ │ UDP       │   88 │ OPEN  │ Kerberos │ Kerberos AS-REQ      │
│ │ UDP       │  123 │ OPEN  │ NTP      │ NTPv4 request        │
│ │ UDP       │  389 │ OPEN  │ CLDAP    │ CLDAP root DSE query │
│ │ UDP       │   53 │ OPEN  │ DNS      │ DNS A query          │
│ │ UDP       │   88 │ OPEN  │ Kerberos │ Kerberos AS-REQ      │
│ │ UDP       │  123 │ OPEN  │ NTP      │ NTPv4 request        │
│ │ UDP       │  389 │ OPEN  │ CLDAP    │ CLDAP root DSE query │
  • UDP scan with custom number of workers and timeout with debug logging:
./udpz -f pretty -p 100 -t 2000 localhost --debug

2:31PM INF cmd/root.go:187 > Starting scanner
2:31PM DBG pkg/scan/scan.go:297 > Calculating unique probe count service_count=49
2:31PM DBG pkg/scan/scan.go:304 > Calculated unique probe count probe_count=93
2:31PM DBG pkg/scan/scan.go:310 > Calculated total probe count total_probes=279
2:31PM DBG pkg/scan/scan.go:316 > Resolving targets target_count=1
2:31PM DBG pkg/scan/scan.go:139 > Resolved target hostname addresses=1 target=localhost
2:31PM DBG pkg/scan/scan.go:389 > Port closed host= port=427 target=localhost
2:31PM DBG pkg/scan/scan.go:377 > Skipping closed port host= port=427 target=localhost

  • Scan multiple hosts using a CIDR range:
./udpz -f pretty

Supported Services

Service name Port(s) Probes(s)
Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) 3283 ard:generic
Building Automation & Control Networks (BACNet) 47808 bacnet:readpropertymultiple
BitTorrent Distributed Hash Table (DHT) 6881 bittorrent:dht-ping
Character Generator Protocol 19 chargen:generic
Connectionless Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (CLDAP) 389 cldap:rootdse
Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) 5683, 5684 coap:generic
IBM-DB2 523 db2:getaddr
Distributed Network Protocol 3 (DNP3) 20000 dnp3:requestlinkstatus
Domain Name System (DNS) 53 dns:ns, dns:a, dns:version
Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) 443, 2221, 3391, 4433, 5061, 5349, 10161 dtls:client-hello
EtherNet/IP 44818, 2222 enip:list-identity
Factory Interface Network Service (FINS) 9600 fins:data-read
Highway Addressable Remote Transducer Industrial Protocol 5094 hart-ip:generic
HID Discovery Protocol 4070 hid-discovery:generic
Internet Key Exchange (IKE) 500, 4500 ike:generic
Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) 623 ipmi:rmcp
Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) 88 kerberos:asreq
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) 1701, 1702 l2tp:generic
Lantronix Discovery 30718 lantronix:search
Multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) 5353 mdns:reverse
Mitsubishi MELSEC-Q 5006, 5001, 5007 melsec-q:getcpuinfo
Memcache 11211 memcache:version, memcache:stats
Moxa NPort 4800, 4001 moxa-nport:enum
Microsoft Windows Remote Procedure Call (MSRPC) 135 msrpc:ncadg-ip-udp
Microsoft Structured Query Language (SQL) Server 1434 mssql:ping
Network Address Translation Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP) 5351 nat-pmp:address
Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) 137 netbios:stat
Network File System (NFS) 2049 nfs:generic
Network Time Protocol (NTP) 123 ntp:v4, ntp:v2
OpenVPN (Virtual Private Networking) 1194 openvpn:hardresetclient
Symantec PCAnywhere 5632 pca:info
PCWorx 1962 pcworx:generic
Sun Remote Procedure Call (RPC) 111 portmap:rpc-dump
PROFInet Context Manager 34964 profinet-cm:lookup
Quote of the Day (QOTD) 17 qotd:ping
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) 1812, 1645, 1813 radius:generic
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) over UDP 3389 rdp:syn
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) 520 rip:v2
Routing Information Protocol next generation (RIPng) 521 ripng:request
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) 5060, 5061, 2543 sip:invite
Service Location Protocol (SLP) 427 slp:generic
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 161, 162, 6161, 8161, 10161, 10162, 11161 snmp:v1-get-request, snmp:v2c-get-request, snmp:v3-get-request
Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) 3478, 3470, 19302, 1990 stun:bind
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) 69, 247, 6969 tftp:read
Ubiquiti Networks AirControl Management Discovery Protocol 10001 ubiquiti:discover-v1, ubiquiti:discover-v2
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) 1900, 5000, 62078 upnp:search
VxWorks Wind Debug Agent ONCRPC 17185 wdbrpc:info
Citrix WinFrame Remote Desktop Server 1604 winframe:generic
Web Services Discovery (WSD) 3702 wsd:discovery, wsd:blank
X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP) 177 xdmcp:query

Inspiration / Credits