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Search Rules

João Romeiro edited this page Apr 23, 2023 · 1 revision

Here it is described how to search rules base using the Rules.Framework. The Rules Engine exposes a method to search rules:

SearchRulesAsync(SearchArgs<TContentType, TConditionType> searchArgs)

The searchArgs parameter allows you to define the following options:

  • [mandatory] ContentType filters by a specific content type.
  • [mandatory] DateBegin filters the rules base for rules with a match starting on this value.
  • [mandatory] DateEnd filters the rules base for rules with a match until this value. This value cannot be lesser than DateBegin - a ArgumentException will be thrown if this validation fails.
  • Conditions filters rules by specified conditions. It may be empty.
  • ExcludeRulesWithoutSearchConditions allows to exclude rules that do not contain search conditions. This option defaults to false.

NOTE: if DateBegin equals to DateEnd, rules engine will assume DateEnd as DateBegin plus 1 day.