A modular and flexible Unity Inventory System that supports dynamic item management, slot-based functionality, customizable saving and loading mechanisms, and more. This system separates configuration data from runtime data, making it efficient and easy to extend.
- Open the Package Manager in Unity.
- Click the
icon in the top-left corner. - Select
Add package from git URL...
. - Enter the Git URL:
. - Click
to install the package into your project.
Beware: the system is moving quickly, much faster than the documentation is, it is possible that some elements of the documentation are outdated.
- Editor Tools Hub: Centralized hub to managee inventories, tabs and items with an easy to use, visual tool.
- Item Splitting Feature: Item stack splitting and assignation to a new slot.
- Optional Currency Extension: New extension to manage currency elements while not overriding a currency system a developer would want to use.
- Optional Crafting Extension: New extension to provide APIs to handle recipe based crafting tools.
To create new items for the inventory system:
Create an Item ScriptableObject:
- Right-click in your Project window.
- Select
Create > Slax > Inventory > Item
. - This will create a new
Configure Item Properties:
- ID: Unique identifier for the item.
- Name: Display name of the item.
- Description: (Optional) Add a description for the item.
- Preview Sprite: Assign a sprite for UI representation.
- Action Types: Define actions (e.g., "Equip", "Consume").
- Tab Configs: Categorize the item within the inventory.
- Prefab: (Optional) Link a prefab for instantiation.
- Loot Settings: (Optional) Configure drop quantities when looted.
The system uses a slot-based approach with slots managed by RuntimeInventory
at runtime.
- Manages slots and items during gameplay.
- Initialized using an
Adding Items to a Slot:
inventory.AddItemToSlot(itemSO, amount);
Removing Items from a Slot:
inventory.RemoveItemFromSlot(itemSO, amount);
Finding Slots:
- Find First Slot with Specific Item:
var slot = inventory.FindSlot(tabType, itemSO);
- Find First Slot with Specific Item:
Use the InventoryManager
component to interact with the inventory.
Reference the Inventory:
public class MyInventoryHandler : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private InventoryManager inventoryManager; void Start() { var item = ... // Your ItemSO reference inventoryManager.AddItemToSlot(tabType, 0, item, 1); } }
Listening to Inventory Events:
- The
class triggers events for various inventory changes:
inventoryManager.OnAdd += HandleItemAdded; inventoryManager.OnRemove += HandleItemRemoved; void HandleItemAdded(InventoryUpdate update) { Debug.Log("Item added: " + update.Slot.Item.Name); } void HandleItemRemoved(InventoryUpdate update) { Debug.Log("Item removed: " + update.Slot.Item.Name); }
- The
The inventory system supports saving and loading using a JSON-based save system or custom implementations.
Save Inventory:
inventoryManager.SaveInventory(); // Saves to JSON in the Application's persistent data path
Load Inventory:
inventoryManager.LoadInventory(allItems); // Loads from JSON
Create a Custom Save System:
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "CustomSaveSystem")] public class CustomInventorySaveSystem : InventorySaveSystemSO { public override void SaveInventory(SerializedInventory inventoryData, string inventoryName) { Debug.Log("Saving inventory with custom inventory save system: " + inventoryName); } public override SerializedInventory LoadInventory(string inventoryName) { Debug.Log("Loading inventory with custom inventory save system: " + inventoryName); return null; } }
Use the Custom Save System:
- Create the asset and assign it to the
- Create the asset and assign it to the
supports managing multiple RuntimeInventory
instances, suitable for different characters or contexts.
Save All Inventories:
Load All Inventories:
graph LR
A[Start] --> B[Initialize InventoryManager or MultiInventoryManager]
B --> C[Set Custom Save System -- optional]
C --> D[Load Inventory Data]
E[Manipulate Inventory]
E --> F[Save Inventory Data]
F --> G[End]
D --> H{Save System Set?}
H -->|Yes| E
H -->|No| I[Use Default Save System]
I --> E
graph LR
A[Start] --> B[Check for Existing InventorySO Config]
B -->|Exists| C[Load Existing Config]
B -->|Doesn't Exist| D[Create New InventorySO Config]
D --> E[Assign Tabs and Slot Unlock States]
E --> F[Assign to InventoryManager or MultiInventoryManager]
F --> G[Initialize RuntimeInventory]
G --> H[End]
graph TD
A[Start] --> B[Attach Event Listeners to InventoryManager]
B --> C[Handle OnAdd Event]
B --> D[Handle OnRemove Event]
B --> E[Handle OnSell Event]
B --> F[Handle OnBuy Event]
C --> G[Execute Custom Logic for Adding Items]
D --> H[Execute Custom Logic for Removing Items]
E --> I[Execute Custom Logic for Selling Items]
F --> J[Execute Custom Logic for Buying Items]
G --> K[End]
H --> K
I --> K
J --> K
graph LR
A[Start] --> B[Create or Load InventorySO]
B --> C[Assign to InventoryManager]
C --> D[Create RuntimeInventory from InventorySO]
D --> E[Assign RuntimeInventory to UI Components]
E --> F[Load Inventory Data]
F --> G[Begin Gameplay]
G --> H[End]
InventoryManager --> RuntimeInventory : uses
InventoryManager --> InventoryUpdate : triggers
InventoryManager --|> InventorySaveSystemSO : uses
InventorySO --> InventorySlot: manages
InventoryUpdateType --> InventoryUpdate : defines type
ItemSO <-- InventorySlot : contains
MultiInventoryManager --> RuntimeInventory : manages multiple
ItemActionTypeSO --> ItemSO : categorizes
InventoryTabConfigSO --> ItemSO : categorizes
DefaultInventorySaveSystem --|> InventorySaveSystemSO : inherits
RuntimeInventory <-- InventorySO: provides configuration for
RuntimeInventoryTabConfig <-- RuntimeInventory: manages
InventoryTabConfigSO --> RuntimeInventoryTabConfig: provides configuration
class InventorySO {
+List~InventoryTabConfigSO~ TabConfigs
+string Name
+bool UseWeight
+float MaxWeight
class RuntimeInventory {
+Dictionary~InventoryTabConfigSO, List~InventorySlot~ SlotsByTab
+float CurrentWeight
+InventorySO InventoryConfig
+void AddItemToSlot(InventoryTabConfigSO, int, ItemSO, int)
+void RemoveItemFromSlot(InventoryTabConfigSO, int, int)
+void SaveInventory()
+void LoadInventory(List~ItemSO~)
class InventorySlot {
+ItemSO Item
+int Amount
+bool IsEmpty
+void AddItem(ItemSO, int)
+void RemoveItem(int)
+void ClearSlot()
class InventoryManager {
+RuntimeInventory RuntimeInventory
+UnityAction~InventoryUpdate~ OnAdd
+UnityAction~InventoryUpdate~ OnRemove
+InventoryUpdate AddItemToSlot(InventoryTabConfigSO, int, ItemSO, int)
+InventoryUpdate RemoveItemFromSlot(InventoryTabConfigSO, int, int)
class InventoryUpdate {
+InventorySlot Slot
+int SlotIndex
+bool Remaining
+InventorySO Inventory
+InventoryUpdateType UpdateType
class InventoryUpdateType {
+string ToString()
+static InventoryUpdateType Added
+static InventoryUpdateType Removed
+static InventoryUpdateType Sold
+static InventoryUpdateType Bought
+static InventoryUpdateType Custom(string)
class ItemSO {
+string ID
+string Name
+string Description
+Sprite PreviewSprite
+List~ItemActionTypeSO~ ActionTypes
+List~InventoryTabConfigSO~ TabTypes
+GameObject Prefab
class MultiInventoryManager {
List~RuntimeInventory~ RuntimeInventories
+void SaveAllInventories()
+void LoadAllInventories(List~ItemSO~)
class InventorySaveSystemSO {
+void SaveInventory(SerializedInventory, string)
+SerializedInventory LoadInventory(string)
class DefaultInventorySaveSystem {
+void SaveInventory(SerializedInventory, string)
+SerializedInventory LoadInventory(string)
The Inventory System is modular and extendable. You can enable or disable certain features based on your game’s needs.
Enforce a weight limit on your inventory.
How to Enable:
- Set up item weights in the
ScriptableObject. - Enable the weight system in the
ScriptableObject. - Subscribe to the weight limit event:
inventory.OnWeightLimitReached += HandleWeightLimitReached; void HandleWeightLimitReached(float currentWeight, float maxWeight) { Debug.Log($"Cannot add item: Weight limit reached! Current: {currentWeight}, Max: {maxWeight}"); }
Enforce a slot limit in your inventory.
How to Enable:
- Configure Slot Unlock States by creating
assets. - Set Up Inventory with
in theInventoryTabConfigSO
. - Unlocking Slots During Gameplay:
inventory.UnlockSlotsForTab(tabType, unlockState);