DS Pesquisa consists in a survey available only in a mobile app, made with Reactive Native + Expo, that collects whats is the user favorite game.
The games are split in 3 plataforms: PC, Playstation and XBOX. The results of this survey are available in a site made with React.
The back end was made using Java + Spring Boot and the database is postgresql.
Live project:
npm run start
Runs the app with the result of the survey.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
npm run start
Since the mobile app survey was made with Expo.io, to be able to preview the project, it is necessary to install the expo app in your smartphone. After this, open Expo Client on your device. Scan the QR code printed by expo start with Expo Client (Android) or Camera (iOS). You may have to wait a minute while your project bundles and loads for the first time.
Now you will be able to answer the survey in the mobile DS Pesquisa App.
./mvnw spring-boot:run
This will start a Java + Spring boot application that provides the API to both frontend web and mobile aplication.