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Initial ideas for a QuadraturePointIterator #883
base: master
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I have a similar (but still distinct) design in Thunderbolt """
QuadraturePoint{dim, T}
A simple helper to carry quadrature point information.
struct QuadraturePoint{dim, T}
ξ::Vec{dim, T}
QuadratureIterator(::FaceQuadratureRule, local_face_idx::Int)
A helper to loop over the quadrature points in some rule or cache with type [`QuadraturePoint`](@ref).
struct QuadratureIterator{QR<:QuadratureRule}
QuadratureIterator(fqr::FaceQuadratureRule, local_face_idx::Int) = QuadratureIterator(fqr.face_rules[local_face_idx])
QuadratureIterator(cv::CellValues) = QuadratureIterator(cv.qr)
QuadratureIterator(fv::FaceValues) = QuadratureIterator(fv.fqr.face_rules[fv.current_face[]])
function Base.iterate(iterator::QuadratureIterator, i = 1)
i > getnquadpoints(iterator.qr) && return nothing
return (QuadraturePoint(i,Ferrite.getpoints(iterator.qr)[i]), i + 1)
Base.eltype(::Type{<:QuadraturePoint{<:QuadratureRule{<:AbstractRefShape, dim, T}}}) where {dim, T} = QuadraturePoint{dim, T}
Base.length(iterator::QuadratureIterator) = length(Ferrite.getnquadpoints(iterator.qr))
Ferrite.spatial_coordinate(fe_v::Ferrite.AbstractValues, qp::QuadraturePoint, x::AbstractVector{<:Vec}) = Ferrite.spatial_coordinate(fe_v, qp.i, x)
Ferrite.getdetJdV(cv::CellValues, qp::QuadraturePoint) = Ferrite.getdetJdV(cv, qp.i)
Ferrite.shape_value(cv::CellValues, qp::QuadraturePoint, base_fun_idx::Int) = Ferrite.shape_value(cv, qp.i, base_fun_idx)
Ferrite.shape_gradient(cv::CellValues, qp::QuadraturePoint, base_fun_idx::Int) = Ferrite.shape_gradient(cv, qp.i, base_fun_idx)
Ferrite.function_value(cv::CellValues, qp::QuadraturePoint, ue) = Ferrite.function_value(cv, qp.i, ue)
Ferrite.function_gradient(cv::CellValues, qp::QuadraturePoint, ue) = Ferrite.function_gradient(cv, qp.i, ue)
Ferrite.getdetJdV(fv::FaceValues, qp::QuadraturePoint) = Ferrite.getdetJdV(fv, qp.i)
Ferrite.shape_value(fv::FaceValues, qp::QuadraturePoint, base_fun_idx::Int) = Ferrite.shape_value(fv, qp.i, base_fun_idx)
Ferrite.shape_gradient(fv::FaceValues, qp::QuadraturePoint, base_fun_idx::Int) = Ferrite.shape_gradient(fv, qp.i, base_fun_idx)
Ferrite.function_value(fv::FaceValues, qp::QuadraturePoint, ue) = Ferrite.function_value(fv, qp.i, ue)
Ferrite.function_gradient(fv::FaceValues, qp::QuadraturePoint, ue) = Ferrite.function_gradient(fv, qp.i, ue)
Ferrite.getnormal(fv::FaceValues, qp::QuadraturePoint) = Ferrite.getnormal(fv, qp.i) which is used like this reinit!(cellvalues, cell)
for qp in QuadratureIterator(cellvalues)
D_loc = evaluate_coefficient(element_cache.integrator.D, cell, qp, time)
dΩ = getdetJdV(cellvalues, qp)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
∇Nᵢ = shape_gradient(cellvalues, qp, i)
for j in 1:n_basefuncs
∇Nⱼ = shape_gradient(cellvalues, qp, j)
Kₑ[i,j] -= ((D_loc ⋅ ∇Nᵢ) ⋅ ∇Nⱼ) * dΩ
end |
Using your branch as foundation here is what I had roughly in mind using Ferrite, SparseArrays, StaticArrays, LIKWID
using ThreadPinning
######################### ThreadedCellValues #########################
struct ThreadedCellValues{FV, GM, QR} <: AbstractCellValues
fun_values::FV # FunctionValues
geo_mapping::GM # GeometryMapping
qr::QR # QuadratureRule
ThreadedCellValues(qr::QuadratureRule, ip::Interpolation, args...; kwargs...) = ThreadedCellValues(Float64, qr, ip, args...; kwargs...)
function ThreadedCellValues(::Type{T}, qr, ip::Interpolation, ip_geo::ScalarInterpolation=Ferrite.default_geometric_interpolation(ip); kwargs...) where T
return ThreadedCellValues(T, qr, ip, VectorizedInterpolation(ip_geo); kwargs...)
function Base.copy(cv::ThreadedCellValues)
return ThreadedCellValues(copy(cv.fun_values), copy(cv.geo_mapping), copy(cv.qr))
# Access geometry values
Base.@propagate_inbounds Ferrite.getngeobasefunctions(cv::ThreadedCellValues) = Ferrite.getngeobasefunctions(cv.geo_mapping)
Base.@propagate_inbounds Ferrite.geometric_value(cv::ThreadedCellValues, args...) = Ferrite.geometric_value(cv.geo_mapping, args...)
Ferrite.geometric_interpolation(cv::ThreadedCellValues) = geometric_interpolation(cv.geo_mapping)
Ferrite.getdetJdV(::ThreadedCellValues, ::Int) = throw(ArgumentError("detJdV is not saved in ThreadedCellValues"))
# Accessors for function values
Ferrite.getnbasefunctions(cv::ThreadedCellValues) = getnbasefunctions(cv.fun_values)
Ferrite.function_interpolation(cv::ThreadedCellValues) = function_interpolation(cv.fun_values)
Ferrite.function_difforder(cv::ThreadedCellValues) = function_difforder(cv.fun_values)
Ferrite.shape_value_type(cv::ThreadedCellValues) = shape_value_type(cv.fun_values)
Ferrite.shape_gradient_type(cv::ThreadedCellValues) = shape_gradient_type(cv.fun_values)
Base.@propagate_inbounds Ferrite.shape_value(cv::ThreadedCellValues, q_point::Int, i::Int) = shape_value(cv.fun_values, q_point, i)
Base.@propagate_inbounds Ferrite.shape_gradient(cv::ThreadedCellValues, q_point::Int, i::Int) = shape_gradient(cv.fun_values, q_point, i)
Base.@propagate_inbounds Ferrite.shape_symmetric_gradient(cv::ThreadedCellValues, q_point::Int, i::Int) = shape_symmetric_gradient(cv.fun_values, q_point, i)
# Access quadrature rule values
Ferrite.getnquadpoints(cv::ThreadedCellValues) = getnquadpoints(cv.qr)
function ThreadedCellValues(::Type{T}, qr::QuadratureRule, ip_fun::Interpolation, ip_geo::VectorizedInterpolation;
update_gradients::Union{Bool,Nothing} = nothing, update_detJdV::Union{Bool,Nothing} = nothing) where T
_update_detJdV = update_detJdV === nothing ? true : update_detJdV
FunDiffOrder = update_gradients === nothing ? 1 : convert(Int, update_gradients) # Logic must change when supporting update_hessian kwargs
GeoDiffOrder = max(Ferrite.required_geo_diff_order(Ferrite.mapping_type(ip_fun), FunDiffOrder), _update_detJdV)
geo_mapping = Ferrite.GeometryMapping{GeoDiffOrder}(T, ip_geo.ip, qr)
fun_values = ThinFunctionValues{FunDiffOrder}(T, ip_fun, qr, ip_geo)
return ThreadedCellValues(fun_values, geo_mapping, qr)
######################### ThinFunctionValues #########################
struct ThinFunctionValues{DiffOrder, IP, N_t, dNdξ_t}
ip::IP # ::Interpolation
Nξ::N_t # ::AbstractMatrix{Union{<:Tensor,<:Number}}
dNdξ::dNdξ_t # ::AbstractMatrix{Union{<:Tensor,<:StaticArray}} or Nothing
function ThinFunctionValues(ip::Interpolation, Nξ::N_t, ::Nothing) where {N_t<:AbstractMatrix}
return new{0, typeof(ip), N_t, Nothing}(ip, Nξ, nothing)
function ThinFunctionValues(ip::Interpolation, Nξ::N_t, dNdξ::AbstractMatrix) where {N_t<:AbstractMatrix}
return new{1, typeof(ip), N_t, typeof(dNdξ)}(ip, Nξ, dNdξ)
function ThinFunctionValues{DiffOrder}(::Type{T}, ip::Interpolation, qr::QuadratureRule, ip_geo::VectorizedInterpolation) where {DiffOrder, T}
n_shape = Ferrite.getnbasefunctions(ip)
n_qpoints = Ferrite.getnquadpoints(qr)
Nξ = zeros(Ferrite.typeof_N(T, ip, ip_geo), n_shape, n_qpoints)
if DiffOrder == 0
dNdξ = nothing
elseif DiffOrder == 1
dNdξ = zeros(Ferrite.typeof_dNdξ(T, ip, ip_geo), n_shape, n_qpoints)
throw(ArgumentError("Currently only values and gradients can be updated in ThinFunctionValues"))
fv = ThinFunctionValues(ip, Nξ, dNdξ)
Ferrite.precompute_values!(fv, Ferrite.getpoints(qr)) # Separate function for qr point update in PointValues
return fv
function Ferrite.precompute_values!(fv::ThinFunctionValues{0}, qr_points::Vector{<:Vec})
Ferrite.shape_values!(fv.Nξ, fv.ip, qr_points)
function Ferrite.precompute_values!(fv::ThinFunctionValues{1}, qr_points::Vector{<:Vec})
Ferrite.shape_gradients_and_values!(fv.dNdξ, fv.Nξ, fv.ip, qr_points)
Base.@propagate_inbounds Ferrite.shape_value(fv::ThinFunctionValues, q_point::Int, i::Int) = fv.Nξ[i, q_point]
Base.@propagate_inbounds Ferrite.shape_gradient(fv::ThinFunctionValues{1}, q_point::Int, i::Int) = fv.dNdξ[i, q_point]
Ferrite.mapping_type(fv::ThinFunctionValues) = Ferrite.mapping_type(fv.ip)
@inline function Ferrite.apply_mapping!(dNdx, funvals::ThinFunctionValues, q_point::Int, args...)
return Ferrite.apply_mapping!(dNdx, funvals, Ferrite.mapping_type(funvals), q_point, args...)
# Identity mapping
@inline function Ferrite.apply_mapping!(dNdx, ::ThinFunctionValues{0}, ::Ferrite.IdentityMapping, ::Int, mapping_values, args...)
return nothing
@inline function Ferrite.apply_mapping!(dNdx, funvals::ThinFunctionValues{1}, ::Ferrite.IdentityMapping, q_point::Int, mapping_values, args...)
Jinv = Ferrite.calculate_Jinv(Ferrite.getjacobian(mapping_values))
@inbounds for j in 1:Ferrite.getnbasefunctions(funvals)
#dNdx[j] = funvals.dNdξ[j, q_point] ⋅ Jinv # TODO via Tensors.jl
dNdx[j] = Ferrite.dothelper(funvals.dNdξ[j, q_point], Jinv)
return nothing
@inline Ferrite.getnbasefunctions(fv::ThinFunctionValues) = getnbasefunctions(fv.ip)
######################### Modified variant from QuadratureValuesIterator from PR 883 #########################
struct QuadratureValuesIterator{VT<:Ferrite.AbstractValues, XT}
function Base.iterate(iterator::QuadratureValuesIterator, q_point=1)
checkbounds(Bool, 1:Ferrite.getnquadpoints(iterator.v), q_point) || return nothing
qp_v = @inbounds quadrature_point_values(iterator.v, q_point, iterator.cell_coords)
return (qp_v, q_point+1)
Base.IteratorEltype(::Type{<:QuadratureValuesIterator}) = Base.EltypeUnknown()
Base.length(iterator::QuadratureValuesIterator) = getnquadpoints(iterator.v)
struct QuadratureValues{VT<:Ferrite.AbstractValues, dNdxT, detT, CCT}
Base.Base.@propagate_inbounds function QuadratureValues(v::ThreadedCellValues{<:ThinFunctionValues{1}}, q_point::Int, cell_coords)
@boundscheck checkbounds(1:Ferrite.getnbasefunctions(v), q_point)
geo_mapping = v.geo_mapping
fun_values = v.fun_values
n_shape = getnbasefunctions(fun_values.ip)
n_geom_basefuncs = Ferrite.getngeobasefunctions(geo_mapping)
mapping = Ferrite.calculate_mapping(geo_mapping, q_point, cell_coords)
detJ = Ferrite.calculate_detJ(Ferrite.getjacobian(mapping))
# TODO eliminate allocation
# TODO recover Float64 programmatically
dNdx = fill(zero(Ferrite.typeof_dNdx(Float64, fun_values.ip, geo_mapping.ip^3)) * Float64(NaN), n_shape)
# TODO grab cell
cell = nothing
Ferrite.apply_mapping!(dNdx, fun_values, q_point, mapping, cell)
w = Ferrite.getweights(v.qr)[q_point]
return new{typeof(v), typeof(dNdx), typeof(detJ), typeof(cell_coords)}(v, dNdx, w*detJ, q_point, cell_coords)
@inline quadrature_point_values(fe_v::Ferrite.AbstractValues, q_point, cell_coords) = QuadratureValues(fe_v, q_point, cell_coords)
Base.@propagate_inbounds Ferrite.getngeobasefunctions(qv::QuadratureValues) = Ferrite.getngeobasefunctions(qv.v)
Base.@propagate_inbounds Ferrite.geometric_value(qv::QuadratureValues, i) = Ferrite.geometric_value(qv.v, qv.q_point, i)
Ferrite.geometric_interpolation(qv::QuadratureValues) = Ferrite.geometric_interpolation(qv.v)
Ferrite.getdetJdV(qv::QuadratureValues) = qv.detJdV
# Accessors for function values
Ferrite.getnbasefunctions(qv::QuadratureValues) = Ferrite.getnbasefunctions(qv.v)
Ferrite.function_interpolation(qv::QuadratureValues) = Ferrite.function_interpolation(qv.v)
Ferrite.function_difforder(qv::QuadratureValues) = Ferrite.function_difforder(qv.v)
Ferrite.shape_value_type(qv::QuadratureValues) = Ferrite.shape_value_type(qv.v)
Ferrite.shape_gradient_type(qv::QuadratureValues) = Ferrite.shape_gradient_type(qv.v)
Base.@propagate_inbounds Ferrite.shape_value(qv::QuadratureValues, i::Int) = Ferrite.shape_value(qv.v, qv.q_point, i)
Base.@propagate_inbounds Ferrite.shape_gradient(qv::QuadratureValues, i::Int) = qv.dNdx[i]
# Base.@propagate_inbounds Ferrite.shape_symmetric_gradient(qv::QuadratureValues, i::Int) = Ferrite.shape_symmetric_gradient(qv.v, qv.q_point, i)
# function_<something> overloads without q_point input
@inline Ferrite.function_value(qv::QuadratureValues, args...) = Ferrite.function_value(qv.v, qv.q_point, args...)
@inline Ferrite.function_gradient(qv::QuadratureValues, args...) = Ferrite.function_gradient(qv.v, qv.q_point, args...)
@inline Ferrite.function_symmetric_gradient(qv::QuadratureValues, args...) = Ferrite.function_symmetric_gradient(qv.v, qv.q_point, args...)
@inline Ferrite.function_divergence(qv::QuadratureValues, args...) = Ferrite.function_divergence(qv.v, qv.q_point, args...)
@inline Ferrite.function_curl(qv::QuadratureValues, args...) = Ferrite.function_curl(qv.v, qv.q_point, args...)
# TODO: Interface things not included yet
@inline Ferrite.spatial_coordinate(qv::QuadratureValues, x) = Ferrite.spatial_coordinate(qv.v, qv.q_point, x)
function create_colored_cantilever_grid(celltype, n)
grid = generate_grid(celltype, (10*n, n, n), Vec{3}((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), Vec{3}((10.0, 1.0, 1.0)))
colors = create_coloring(grid)
return grid, colors
# #### DofHandler
function create_dofhandler(grid::Grid{dim}) where {dim}
dh = DofHandler(grid)
push!(dh, :u, dim) # Add a displacement field
# ### Stiffness tensor for linear elasticity
function create_stiffness(::Val{dim}) where {dim}
E = 200e9
ν = 0.3
λ = E*ν / ((1+ν) * (1 - 2ν))
μ = E / (2(1+ν))
δ(i,j) = i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0
g(i,j,k,l) = λ*δ(i,j)*δ(k,l) + μ*(δ(i,k)*δ(j,l) + δ(i,l)*δ(j,k))
C = SymmetricTensor{4, dim}(g);
return C
# ## Threaded data structures
# ScratchValues is a thread-local collection of data that each thread needs to own,
# since we need to be able to mutate the data in the threads independently
struct ScratchValues{T, TT <: AbstractTensor, dim, Ti}
# cellvalues::CV
# facevalues::FV
# global_dofs::Vector{Int}
coordinates::Vector{Vec{dim, T}}
assembler::Ferrite.AssemblerSparsityPattern{T, Ti}
# Each thread need its own CellValues and FaceValues (although, for this example we don't use
# the FaceValues)
function create_values(refshape, dim, order::Int)
## Interpolations and values
interpolation_space = Lagrange{refshape, 1}()^dim
quadrature_rule = QuadratureRule{refshape}(order)
cellvalues = ThreadedCellValues(quadrature_rule, interpolation_space)
return cellvalues
# Create a `ScratchValues` for each thread with the thread local data
function create_scratchvalues(K, f, dh::DofHandler{dim}) where {dim}
nthreads = Threads.nthreads()
assemblers = [start_assemble(K, f) for i in 1:nthreads]
cellvalues = create_values(RefHexahedron, dim, 2)
n_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
# global_dofs = [zeros(Int, ndofs_per_cell(dh)) for i in 1:nthreads]
fes = [zeros(n_basefuncs) for i in 1:nthreads] # Local force vector
Kes = [zeros(n_basefuncs, n_basefuncs) for i in 1:nthreads]
ɛs = [[zero(SymmetricTensor{2, dim}) for i in 1:n_basefuncs] for i in 1:nthreads]
coordinates = [[zero(Vec{dim}) for i in 1:length(dh.grid.cells[1].nodes)] for i in 1:nthreads]
return cellvalues, [ScratchValues(Kes[i], fes[i], ɛs[i], coordinates[i], assemblers[i]) for i in 1:nthreads]
# ## Threaded assemble
# The assembly function loops over each color and does a threaded assembly for that color
function doassemble(K::SparseMatrixCSC, colors, grid::Grid, dh::DofHandler, C::SymmetricTensor{4, dim}, f::Vector{Float64}, cellvalues::ThreadedCellValues, scratches::Vector{SV}, b::Vec{dim}) where {dim, SV}
## Each color is safe to assemble threaded
for color in colors
## We try to equipartition the array to increase load per task.
chunk_size = max(1, 1 + length(color) ÷ Threads.nthreads())
color_partition = [color[i:min(i + chunk_size - 1, end)] for i in 1:chunk_size:length(color)]
## Now we should have a 1:1 correspondence between tasks and elements to assemble.
Threads.@threads :static for i in 1:length(color_partition)
# for i in 1:length(color_partition)
for cellid ∈ color_partition[i]
assemble_cell!(scratches[i], cellvalues, cellid, K, grid, dh, C, b)
return K, f
# The cell assembly function is written the same way as if it was a single threaded example.
# The only difference is that we unpack the variables from our `scratch`.
function assemble_cell!(scratch::ScratchValues, cellvalues::ThreadedCellValues, cell::Int, K::SparseMatrixCSC,
grid::Grid, dh::DofHandler, C::SymmetricTensor{4, dim}, b::Vec{dim}) where {dim}
## Unpack our stuff from the scratch
Ke, fe, ɛ, coordinates, assembler =
scratch.Ke, scratch.fe,
scratch.ɛ, scratch.coordinates, scratch.assembler
fill!(Ke, 0)
fill!(fe, 0)
n_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
## Fill up the coordinates
nodeids = grid.cells[cell].nodes
for j in 1:length(coordinates)
coordinates[j] = grid.nodes[nodeids[j]].x
for q_point in QuadratureValuesIterator(cellvalues, coordinates)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
ɛ[i] = symmetric(shape_gradient(q_point, i))
dΩ = getdetJdV(q_point)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
δu = shape_value(q_point, i)
fe[i] += (δu ⋅ b) * dΩ
ɛC = ɛ[i] ⊡ C
for j in 1:n_basefuncs
Ke[i, j] += (ɛC ⊡ ɛ[j]) * dΩ
assemble!(assembler, celldofs(dh, cell), fe, Ke)
function run_assemble()
refshape = RefHexahedron
quadrature_order = 3
dim = 3
n = 30
grid, colors = create_colored_cantilever_grid(Hexahedron, n);
dh = create_dofhandler(grid);
K = create_sparsity_pattern(dh);
C = create_stiffness(Val{3}());
f = zeros(ndofs(dh))
cellvalues, scratches = create_scratchvalues(K, f, dh)
b = Vec{3}((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
## compilation
doassemble(K, colors, grid, dh, C, f, cellvalues, scratches, b);
return @perfmon "FLOPS_DP" doassemble(K, colors, grid, dh, C, f, cellvalues, scratches, b);
metrics, events = run_assemble();
clocks = [res["Clock [MHz]"] for res in metrics["FLOPS_DP"]]
println("Clock [MHz] (min, avg, max): ", minimum(clocks), " | ", mean(clocks), " | " , maximum(clocks))
thread_times = [res["Runtime unhalted [s]"] for res in metrics["FLOPS_DP"]]
println("Runtime unhalted [s] (min, avg, max): ", minimum(thread_times), " | ", mean(thread_times), " | " , maximum(thread_times))
println("Total runtime [s] ", first([res["Runtime (RDTSC) [s]"] for res in metrics["FLOPS_DP"]])) 2 problems. First, type stability is not fully guaranteed and second the quadrature scratch is allocating. But I hope that I can get the discussion going for this one. :) |
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## master #883 +/- ##
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- Misses 352 482 +130 ☔ View full report in Codecov by Sentry. |
I procrastinated and updated this PR by introducing a Some of the code could also be used by not precalculating the unmapped values in |
Some loose ideas, based on discussions with @termi-official.
Could be beneficial to have the same syntax when using on-demand evaluation of the interpolation as for pre-cached values (e.g. CellValues)