Fedator is a simple text editor with basic utilities based on javafx
- Line Number
- Undo/Redo
- File reading/saving (text files only)
- Intelligent file saving (automatically save data to the current file without prompting the user for a path..)
- Multiple tabs
- Find
- Find and Replace
- Copy/Paste/Cut
- Window title changes when tabs are changed or a new file is opened/saved
High-level: each fxml controller is called a Component, there are 5 Components,
none of them knows about the other, the way they communicate is with events,
i used the mediator pattern for this, Mediator acts as a connector between components.
Suppose Open
Menu is pressed, MainMenuBar
event to Mediator
using getEventBuilder
which returns a builder factory object used to build the events,
now when the event goes to Mediator
it's either delt with there (in case the event has something related to the gui like updating the window title) or gets redirected to TabSpace
is a wrapper for TextSpace
it has a direct access to the textArea, this is where most of the text stuff happens
is a simple text undo/redo engine based on the Command