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on interleaved/rolling variables
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FilippoAiraldi committed Nov 18, 2024
1 parent 281c201 commit 2cfddad
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Showing 2 changed files with 266 additions and 2 deletions.
139 changes: 137 additions & 2 deletions src/csnlp/wrappers/mpc/
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from import Sequence
from import Collection, Generator
from inspect import signature
from math import ceil
from typing import Callable, Literal, Optional, TypeVar, Union
from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, Optional, TypeVar, Union

import casadi as cs
import numpy as np
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -589,3 +589,138 @@ def _set_singleshooting_nonlinear_dynamics(
X = cs.horzcat(X0, X_next)
cumsizes = np.cumsum([0] + [s.shape[0] for s in self._initial_states.values()])
self._states = dict(zip(self._states.keys(), cs.vertsplit(X, cumsizes)))

def rolling_quantities(
dynamics: Union[
Callable[[tuple[npt.ArrayLike, ...]], tuple[npt.ArrayLike, ...]],
states_kwargs: Union[dict[str, Any], Collection[dict[str, Any]]],
actions_kwargs: Union[dict[str, Any], Collection[dict[str, Any]]],
disturbances_kwargs: Union[
None, dict[str, Any], Collection[dict[str, Any]]
] = None,
) -> Generator[
tuple[dict[str, Union[SymType, tuple[SymType, ...]]], ...], None, None
if self._dynamics is not None:
raise RuntimeError("Dynamics were already set.")
X = []
if isinstance(states_kwargs, dict):
states_kwargs = (states_kwargs,)
U, U_exp = [], []
if isinstance(actions_kwargs, dict):
actions_kwargs = (actions_kwargs,)
disturbed = disturbances_kwargs is not None
if disturbed:
if isinstance(disturbances_kwargs, dict):
disturbances_kwargs = (disturbances_kwargs,)
D = []

# create initial states' parameters
names = [kw["name"] for kw in states_kwargs]
sizes = [kw.get("size", 1) for kw in states_kwargs]
cumsizes = np.cumsum([0] + sizes)
states = {n: self.nlp.parameter(_n(n), (s, 1)) for n, s in zip(names, sizes)}
x = cs.vcat(states.values())
initial_states = {_n(n): s for n, s in states.items()}
if not self._is_multishooting:

for k in range(self._prediction_horizon):
# create states - if single shooting, the state is given by the last state
# propagated via the dynamics; otherwise, if multiple shooting, create a new
# one and impose the dynamics via an equality constraint
if self._is_multishooting:
states = {}
for kw in states_kwargs:
name = kw["name"]
if k == 0 and not kw.get("bound_initial", True):
lb, ub = -np.inf, +np.inf
lb, ub = kw.get("lb", -np.inf), kw.get("ub", +np.inf)
states[name] = self.nlp.variable(
f"{name}{k}", (kw.get("size", 1), 1), lb, ub
x_prev = x
x = cs.vcat([s[0] for s in states.values()])
self.nlp.constraint(f"dyn{k}", x_prev, "==", x)

# create actions - do so only if we are still within the control horizon,
# and on a multiple of the spacing; otherwise, use last actions
if k % self._input_spacing == 0 and k < self._control_horizon:
actions = {
kw["name"]: self.nlp.variable(
(kw.get("size", 1), 1),
kw.get("lb", -np.inf),
kw.get("ub", +np.inf),
for kw in actions_kwargs
u = cs.vcat([a[0] for a in actions.values()])

# create disturbances
if disturbed:
disturbances = {
kw["name"]: self.nlp.parameter(
f"{kw['name']}{k}", (kw.get("size", 1), 1)
for kw in disturbances_kwargs
d = cs.vcat(disturbances.values())

yield (states, actions, disturbances) if disturbed else (states, actions)

# compute next state via the dynamics
x = dynamics(x, u, d) if disturbed else dynamics(x, u)
if isinstance(x, (tuple, list)):
x = x[0]
if not self._is_multishooting:
states = dict(zip(names, cs.vertsplit(x, cumsizes)))

# yield also the terminal state
if self._is_multishooting:
states = {}
for kw in states_kwargs:
name = kw["name"]
if not kw.get("bound_terminal", True):
lb, ub = -np.inf, +np.inf
lb, ub = kw.get("lb", -np.inf), kw.get("ub", +np.inf)
states[name] = self.nlp.variable(
f"{name}{k + 1}", (kw.get("size", 1), 1), lb, ub
x_prev = x
x = cs.vcat([s[0] for s in states.values()])
self.nlp.constraint(f"dyn{k + 1}", x_prev, "==", x)

yield (states, {}, {}) if disturbed else (states, {})

# save all rolled-out lists of variables to internal dictionaries
X = cs.hcat(X)
self._states.update(zip(names, cs.vertsplit(X, cumsizes)))

U, U_exp = cs.hcat(U), cs.hcat(U_exp)
names = [kw["name"] for kw in actions_kwargs]
cumsizes = np.cumsum([0] + [kw.get("size", 1) for kw in actions_kwargs])
self._actions.update(zip(names, cs.vertsplit(U, cumsizes)))
self._actions_exp.update(zip(names, cs.vertsplit(U_exp, cumsizes)))

if disturbed:
D = cs.hcat(D)
names = (kw["name"] for kw in disturbances_kwargs)
cumsizes = np.cumsum(
[0] + [kw.get("size", 1) for kw in disturbances_kwargs]
self._disturbances.update(zip(names, cs.vertsplit(D, cumsizes)))

self._dynamics = dynamics
129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -354,6 +354,135 @@ def test_can_be_pickled(self, sym_type: str):

self.assertIn(repr(mpc), repr(mpc2))

@parameterized.expand([("single",), ("multi",)])
def test_rolling_quantities(self, shooting: str):
Np = np.random.randint(10, 20)
Nc = np.random.randint((Np - 2) // 2, Np - 2)
space = np.random.randint(1, Nc // 2)
mpc = Mpc[cs.SX](
nxs = (2, 3)
nus = (1, 2)
nd = sum(nxs)
A = np.full((nd, nd), 1.0)
B = np.full((nd, sum(nus)), 1.0)
F = lambda x, u, d: (A @ x + B @ u + d, object())
x_kws = [
"name": "x0",
"size": nxs[0],
"lb": -1,
"ub": 2,
"bound_initial": False,
"bound_terminal": True,
"name": "x1",
"size": nxs[1],
"lb": -3,
"ub": 4,
"bound_initial": True,
"bound_terminal": False,
u_kws = [
{"name": "u0", "size": nus[0], "lb": -5, "ub": 6},
{"name": "u1", "size": nus[1], "lb": -7, "ub": 8},
d_kws = {"name": "d", "size": nd}

# checkout rolling outputs
generator = mpc.rolling_quantities(F, x_kws, u_kws, d_kws)
for k, (states, actions, disturbances) in enumerate(generator):
for i in range(len(nxs)):
name = f"x{i}"
self.assertTrue(name in states)
if shooting == "single":
state = states[name]
self.assertTupleEqual(state.shape, (nxs[i], 1))
state, lam_lbx, lam_ubx = states[name]
expected_shape = (
(0, 1)
if (k == 0 and not x_kws[i]["bound_initial"])
or (k == Np and not x_kws[i]["bound_terminal"])
else (nxs[i], 1)
self.assertTupleEqual(state.shape, (nxs[i], 1))
self.assertTupleEqual(lam_lbx.shape, expected_shape)
self.assertTupleEqual(lam_ubx.shape, expected_shape)

if k < Np:
for i in range(len(nus)):
name = f"u{i}"
self.assertTrue(name in actions)
action, lam_lbu, lam_ubu = actions[name]
expected_shape = (nus[i], 1)
self.assertTupleEqual(action.shape, expected_shape)
self.assertTupleEqual(lam_lbu.shape, expected_shape)
self.assertTupleEqual(lam_ubu.shape, expected_shape)
self.assertTrue("d" in disturbances)
self.assertTupleEqual(disturbances["d"].shape, (nd, 1))
self.assertEqual(len(actions), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(disturbances), 0)

# check dict properties
for i in range(len(nxs)):
name = f"x{i}"
self.assertTrue(name in mpc.states)
self.assertTupleEqual(mpc.states[name].shape, (nxs[i], Np + 1))
for i in range(len(nus)):
name = f"u{i}"
self.assertTrue(name in mpc.actions)
self.assertTupleEqual(mpc.actions[name].shape, (nus[i], ceil(Nc / space)))
self.assertTrue(name in mpc.actions_expanded)
self.assertTupleEqual(mpc.actions_expanded[name].shape, (nus[i], Np))
self.assertTrue("d" in mpc.disturbances)
self.assertTupleEqual(mpc.disturbances["d"].shape, (nd, Np))

# check lb and ub on primal variables
lbx = [np.full(nx, kw["lb"]) for nx, kw in zip(nxs, x_kws)]
ubx = [np.full(nx, kw["ub"]) for nx, kw in zip(nxs, x_kws)]
lbu = np.concatenate([np.full(nu, kw["lb"]) for nu, kw in zip(nus, u_kws)])
ubu = np.concatenate([np.full(nu, kw["ub"]) for nu, kw in zip(nus, u_kws)])
if shooting == "single":
np.testing.assert_array_equal(np.tile(lbu, ceil(Nc / space)),
np.testing.assert_array_equal(np.tile(ubu, ceil(Nc / space)),
LBX, UBX = [], []
for k in range(Np):
if k == 0:
np.full(nx, kw["lb"] if kw["bound_initial"] else -np.inf)
for nx, kw in zip(nxs, x_kws)
np.full(nx, kw["ub"] if kw["bound_initial"] else +np.inf)
for nx, kw in zip(nxs, x_kws)
if k % space == 0 and k < Nc:
np.full(nx, kw["lb"] if kw["bound_terminal"] else -np.inf)
for nx, kw in zip(nxs, x_kws)
np.full(nx, kw["ub"] if kw["bound_terminal"] else +np.inf)
for nx, kw in zip(nxs, x_kws)

class TestPwaMpc(unittest.TestCase):
def test_pwa_dynamics__raises__if_dynamics_already_set(self):
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