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Revert "OPTIM: mux-h2: make h2_send() report more accurate wake up co…
…nditions" This reverts commit 9fbc017. In 3.1-dev10, commit 9fbc017 ("OPTIM: mux-h2: make h2_send() report more accurate wake up conditions") leveraged the more accurate distinction between demux and recv to decide when to wake the tasklet up after a send. But other cases are needed. When we just need to wake the processing task up so that it itself wakes up other streams, for example because these ones are blocked. Indeed, a temporarily blocked stream may block other ones, which will never be woken up if the demux has nothing to do. In an ideal world we would check all cases where blocking flags were dropped. However it looks like this case after a send is probably the only one that deserves waking up the connection again. It's likely that in practice the MUX_MFULL flag was dropped and that it was that one that was blocking the send. In addition, dealing with these cases was not sufficient, as one case was encountered where dbuf was empty, subs=0, short_read still present while in FRH state... and the timeouts were still there (easily found with halog -tcn cD at a rate of 1-2 every 2 minutes roughly). Interestingly, in a dump, some MBUF_HAS_DATA were seen on an empty mbuf, so it means that certain conditions must be taken very carefully in the wakeup conditions. So overall this indicates that there remain subtle inconsistencies that this optimization is sensitive to. It may have to be revisited later but for now better revert it. No backport is needed. Annex: - first dump showing a dependency on WAIT_INLIST after h2_send(): 0x6dc2800: [23/Oct/2024:18:07:22.861247] id=1696 proto=tcpv4 flags=0x100c4a, conn_retries=0, conn_exp=<NEVER> conn_et=0x000 srv_conn=0x597a900, pend_pos=(nil) waiting=0 epoch=0 frontend=public (id=2 mode=http), listener=SSL (id=5) backend=gitweb-haproxy (id=6 mode=http) task=0x6e1d090 (state=0x00 nice=0 calls=23 rate=0 exp=2s tid=0(1/0) age=57s) txn=0x6e3f7c0 flags=0x43000 meth=1 status=200 req.f=0x4c rsp.f=0x2e scf=0x6dc33a0 flags=0x00002482 ioto=1m state=EST endp=CONN,0x6dc6c20,0x40405001 sub=3 rex=<NEVER> wex=3s rto=3s wto=3s iobuf.flags=0x00000000 .pipe=0 .buf=0@(nil)+0/0 h2s=0x6dc6c20 .st=HCR .flg=0x7001 .rxwin=32712 .rxbuf.c=0 .t=0@(nil)+0/0 .h=0@(nil)+0/0 .sc=0x6dc33a0(.flg=0x00002482 .app=0x6dc2800) .sd=0x6e83fd0(.flg=0x40405001) .subs=0x6dc33b8(ev=3 tl=0x6e22a20 tl.calls=10 tl.ctx=0x6dc33a0 tl.fct=sc_conn_io_cb) h2c=0x6e66570 h2c.st0=FRH .err=0 .maxid=77 .lastid=-1 .flg=0x2000e00 .nbst=2 .nbsc=2 .nbrcv=0 .glitches=0 .fctl_cnt=0 .send_cnt=2 .tree_cnt=2 .orph_cnt=0 .sub=1 .dsi=77 .dbuf=0@(nil)+0/0 .mbuf=[4..4|32],h=[0@(nil)+0/0],t=[0@(nil)+0/0] .task=0x6dbdc60 .exp=<NEVER> co0=0x7f84881614b0 ctrl=tcpv4 xprt=SSL mux=H2 data=STRM target=LISTENER:0x2acb7c0 flags=0x80000300 fd=19 fd.state=121 updt=0 fd.tmask=0x1 scb=0x2a8da90 flags=0x00001211 ioto=1m state=EST endp=CONN,0x6e5a530,0x106c0001 sub=0 rex=<NEVER> wex=<NEVER> rto=3s wto=<NEVER> iobuf.flags=0x00000000 .pipe=0 .buf=0@(nil)+0/0 h1s=0x6e5a530 h1s.flg=0x14094 .sd.flg=0x106c0001 .req.state=MSG_DONE .res.state=MSG_DATA .meth=GET status=200 .sd.flg=0x106c0001 .sc.flg=0x00001211 .subs=(nil) h1c=0x7f84880f5f40 h1c.flg=0x80000020 .sub=0 .ibuf=32704@0x6ddef30+16262/32768 .obuf=0@(nil)+0/0 .task=0x6e131d0 .exp=<NEVER> co1=0x7f8488172b70 ctrl=tcpv4 xprt=RAW mux=H1 data=STRM target=SERVER:0x597a900 flags=0x00000300 fd=31 fd.state=10122 updt=0 fd.tmask=0x1 filters={0x6e49f30="cache store filter", 0x6e67ad0="compression filter"} req=0x6dc2828 (f=0x21840000 an=0x48000 tofwd=0 total=224) an_exp=<NEVER> buf=0x6dc2830 data=(nil) o=0 p=0 i=0 size=0 htx=0x104d2c0 flags=0x0 size=0 data=0 used=0 wrap=NO extra=0 res=0x6dc2870 (f=0xa0040000 an=0x24000000 tofwd=0 total=309982) an_exp=<NEVER> buf=0x6dc2878 data=0x6dceef0 o=16333 p=16333 i=16435 size=32768 htx=0x6dceef0 flags=0x0 size=32720 data=16333 used=1 wrap=NO extra=0 ----------------------------------- strm.flg 0x100c4a SF_SRV_REUSED SF_HTX SF_REDIRECTABLE SF_CURR_SESS SF_BE_ASSIGNED SF_ASSIGNED task.state 0 0 txn.meth 1 GET txn.flg 0x43000 TX_NOT_FIRST TX_CACHE_COOK TX_CACHEABLE txn.req.flg 0x4c HTTP_MSGF_BODYLESS HTTP_MSGF_VER_11 HTTP_MSGF_XFER_LEN txn.rsp.flg 0x2e HTTP_MSGF_COMPRESSING HTTP_MSGF_VER_11 HTTP_MSGF_XFER_LEN HTTP_MSGF_TE_CHNK 0x2482 SC_FL_SND_EXP_MORE SC_FL_RCV_ONCE SC_FL_WONT_READ SC_FL_EOI 0x40405001 SE_FL_HAVE_NO_DATA SE_FL_MAY_FASTFWD_CONS SE_FL_EOI SE_FL_NOT_FIRST SE_FL_T_MUX f.h2s.flg 0x7001 H2_SF_HEADERS_RCVD H2_SF_OUTGOING_DATA H2_SF_HEADERS_SENT H2_SF_ES_RCVD 0x40405001 SE_FL_HAVE_NO_DATA SE_FL_MAY_FASTFWD_CONS SE_FL_EOI SE_FL_NOT_FIRST SE_FL_T_MUX f.h2c.flg 0x2000e00 H2_CF_MBUF_HAS_DATA H2_CF_DEM_IN_PROGRESS H2_CF_DEM_SHORT_READ H2_CF_WAIT_INLIST 0x80000300 CO_FL_XPRT_TRACKED CO_FL_XPRT_READY CO_FL_CTRL_READY 0x121 FD_POLL_IN FD_EV_READY_W FD_EV_ACTIVE_R 0x1211 SC_FL_SND_NEVERWAIT SC_FL_NEED_ROOM SC_FL_NOHALF SC_FL_ISBACK 0x106c0001 SE_FL_WAIT_DATA SE_FL_MAY_FASTFWD_CONS SE_FL_MAY_FASTFWD_PROD SE_FL_WANT_ROOM SE_FL_RCV_MORE SE_FL_T_MUX 0x106c0001 SE_FL_WAIT_DATA SE_FL_MAY_FASTFWD_CONS SE_FL_MAY_FASTFWD_PROD SE_FL_WANT_ROOM SE_FL_RCV_MORE SE_FL_T_MUX b.h1s.flg 0x14094 H1S_F_HAVE_CLEN H1S_F_HAVE_O_CONN H1S_F_NOT_FIRST H1S_F_WANT_KAL H1S_F_RX_CONGESTED b.h1c.flg 0x80000020 H1C_F_IS_BACK H1C_F_IN_FULL 0x300 CO_FL_XPRT_READY CO_FL_CTRL_READY 0x278a FD_POLL_OUT FD_POLL_PRI FD_POLL_IN FD_EV_ERR_RW FD_EV_READY_R 0x2008 req.flg 0x21840000 CF_FLT_ANALYZE CF_DONT_READ CF_AUTO_CONNECT CF_WROTE_DATA req.ana 0x48000 AN_REQ_FLT_END AN_REQ_HTTP_XFER_BODY req.htx.flg 0 0 res.flg 0xa0040000 CF_ISRESP CF_FLT_ANALYZE CF_WROTE_DATA res.ana 0x24000000 AN_RES_FLT_END AN_RES_HTTP_XFER_BODY res.htx.flg 0 0 ----------------------------------- - second example of stuck connection after properly checking for WAIT_INLIST as well: 0x73438d0: [23/Oct/2024:18:46:57.235709] id=3963 proto=tcpv4 flags=0x100c4a, conn_retries=0, conn_exp=<NEVER> conn_et=0x000 srv_conn=0x5dd3f50, pend_pos=(nil) waiting=0 epoch=0x13 p_stc=25 p_req=29 p_res=29 p_prp=29 frontend=public (id=2 mode=http), listener=SSL (id=5) backend=gitweb-haproxy (id=6 mode=http) task=0x72a13e0 (state=0x00 nice=0 calls=24 rate=0 exp=7s tid=0(1/0) age=53s) txn=0x7287260 flags=0x43000 meth=1 status=200 req.f=0x4c rsp.f=0x2e scf=0x729e520 flags=0x00042082 ioto=1m state=EST endp=CONN,0x737ffd0,0x4040d001 sub=2 rex=<NEVER> wex=46s rto=46s wto=46s iobuf.flags=0x00000000 .pipe=0 .buf=0@(nil)+0/0 h2s=0x737ffd0 .st=HCR .flg=0x7001 .rxwin=32712 .rxbuf.c=0 .t=0@(nil)+0/0 .h=0@(nil)+0/0 .sc=0x729e520(.flg=0x00042082 .app=0x73438d0) .sd=0x72afd50(.flg=0x4040d001) .subs=0x729e538(ev=2 tl=0x72af760 tl.calls=10 tl.ctx=0x729e520 tl.fct=sc_conn_io_cb) h2c=0x72555a0 h2c.st0=FRH .err=0 .maxid=77 .lastid=-1 .flg=0x60e00 .nbst=1 .nbsc=1 .nbrcv=0 .glitches=0 .fctl_cnt=0 .send_cnt=1 .tree_cnt=1 .orph_cnt=0 .sub=0 .dsi=77 .dbuf=0@(nil)+0/0 .mbuf=[2..2|32],h=[0@(nil)+0/0],t=[0@(nil)+0/0] .task=0x725e660 .exp=<NEVER> co0=0x7378e00 ctrl=tcpv4 xprt=SSL mux=H2 data=STRM target=LISTENER:0x2f24800 flags=0x80040300 fd=23 fd.state=1122 updt=0 fd.tmask=0x1 scb=0x2ee74c0 flags=0x00001211 ioto=1m state=EST endp=CONN,0x7287190,0x106c0001 sub=0 rex=<NEVER> wex=<NEVER> rto=46s wto=<NEVER> iobuf.flags=0x00000000 .pipe=0 .buf=0@(nil)+0/0 h1s=0x7287190 h1s.flg=0x14094 .sd.flg=0x106c0001 .req.state=MSG_DONE .res.state=MSG_DATA .meth=GET status=200 .sd.flg=0x106c0001 .sc.flg=0x00001211 .subs=(nil) h1c=0x7373920 h1c.flg=0x80000020 .sub=0 .ibuf=32704@0x7272700+318/32768 .obuf=0@(nil)+0/0 .task=0x729e700 .exp=<NEVER> co1=0x72f5290 ctrl=tcpv4 xprt=RAW mux=H1 data=STRM target=SERVER:0x5dd3f50 flags=0x00000300 fd=19 fd.state=10122 updt=0 fd.tmask=0x1 filters={0x728f1f0="cache store filter" [3], 0x728fea0="compression filter" [28]} req=0x73438f8 (f=0x21840000 an=0x48000 tofwd=0 total=224) an_exp=<NEVER> buf=0x7343900 data=(nil) o=0 p=0 i=0 size=0 htx=0x105f440 flags=0x0 size=0 data=0 used=0 wrap=NO extra=0 res=0x7343940 (f=0xa0040000 an=0x24000000 tofwd=0 total=359574) an_exp=<NEVER> buf=0x7343948 data=0x72b1b30 o=16333 p=16333 i=16435 size=32768 htx=0x72b1b30 flags=0x8 size=32720 data=16333 used=1 wrap=NO extra=0 ----------------------------------- strm.flg 0x100c4a SF_SRV_REUSED SF_HTX SF_REDIRECTABLE SF_CURR_SESS SF_BE_ASSIGNED SF_ASSIGNED task.state 0 0 txn.meth 1 GET txn.flg 0x43000 TX_NOT_FIRST TX_CACHE_COOK TX_CACHEABLE txn.req.flg 0x4c HTTP_MSGF_BODYLESS HTTP_MSGF_VER_11 HTTP_MSGF_XFER_LEN txn.rsp.flg 0x2e HTTP_MSGF_COMPRESSING HTTP_MSGF_VER_11 HTTP_MSGF_XFER_LEN HTTP_MSGF_TE_CHNK 0x42082 SC_FL_EOS SC_FL_SND_EXP_MORE SC_FL_WONT_READ SC_FL_EOI 0x4040d001 SE_FL_HAVE_NO_DATA SE_FL_MAY_FASTFWD_CONS SE_FL_EOS SE_FL_EOI SE_FL_NOT_FIRST SE_FL_T_MUX f.h2s.flg 0x7001 H2_SF_HEADERS_RCVD H2_SF_OUTGOING_DATA H2_SF_HEADERS_SENT H2_SF_ES_RCVD 0x4040d001 SE_FL_HAVE_NO_DATA SE_FL_MAY_FASTFWD_CONS SE_FL_EOS SE_FL_EOI SE_FL_NOT_FIRST SE_FL_T_MUX f.h2c.flg 0x60e00 H2_CF_END_REACHED H2_CF_RCVD_SHUT H2_CF_MBUF_HAS_DATA H2_CF_DEM_IN_PROGRESS H2_CF_DEM_SHORT_READ 0x80040300 CO_FL_XPRT_TRACKED CO_FL_SOCK_RD_SH CO_FL_XPRT_READY CO_FL_CTRL_READY 0x1122 FD_POLL_HUP FD_POLL_IN FD_EV_READY_W FD_EV_READY_R 0x1211 SC_FL_SND_NEVERWAIT SC_FL_NEED_ROOM SC_FL_NOHALF SC_FL_ISBACK 0x106c0001 SE_FL_WAIT_DATA SE_FL_MAY_FASTFWD_CONS SE_FL_MAY_FASTFWD_PROD SE_FL_WANT_ROOM SE_FL_RCV_MORE SE_FL_T_MUX
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