pip3 install volapi
If you have it installed already but want to update
pip3 install -U volapi
# Import volapi and a Room interface
from volapi import Room
# beepi will close at the end of this scope
with Room("BEEPi", "SameFag") as beepi:
# optional login using a password
# Upload a file under a new filename and save the id
fid = beepi.upload_file("images/disgusted.jpg", upload_as="mfw.jpg")
# Show off your file in the chat
beepi.post_chat("mfw posting from volapi @{}".format(fid))
Getting urls of all the files in the room:
from volapi import Room
with Room("BEEPi", "ScrappyBoy") as BEEPi:
for f in BEEPi.files:
Some basic trolling can be achieved with just a few lines of code.
from volapi import Room
with Room("BEEPi", "Stallman") as BEEPi:
def interject(msg):
if "linux" in msg.lower() and msg.nick != BEEPi.user.nick:
BEEPi.post_chat("Don't you mean GNU/Linux?")
BEEPi.add_listener("chat", interject)
You can troll more than one room in parallel:
from functools import partial
from volapi import Room, listen_many
with Room("BEEPi", "Stallman") as BEEPi, Room("HvoXwS", "Popman") as HvoXwS:
def interjectBEEPi(msg, room):
if "linux" in msg.lower() and msg.nick != room.user.nick:
room.post_chat("Don't you mean GNU/Linux?")
def interjectHvoXwS(msg, room):
if "hollywood" in msg.lower() and msg.nick != room.user.nick:
room.post_chat("Don't you mean GNU/Hollywood?")
BEEPi.add_listener("chat", partial(interjectBEEPi, room=BEEPi))
HvoXwS.add_listener("chat", partial(interjectHvoXwS, room=HvoXwS))
listen_many(BEEPi, HvoXwS)
Just do whatever, and post a pull request. No guarantee of a merge tho!
If you cannot code, then please consider making a donation to our favorite charity "Cucks in Need Croatia" as one of our own, a user named "auxo", is politically procecuted for being a cuck in his native Croatia.