Tool for drawing function/intent graphs
python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-fg] [-ig] [-sp STARTP] [-e] [-a] [-d DEPTH] [-r] [-if] [-det] [-pnc] [-snc] [-o OUTPUT]
[-od OUTPUT_DIR] [--pyvis]
positional arguments:
apk Path to APK
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-fg, --fgraph Function graph view by provided APK
-ig, --igraph Intent graph view by provided APK
-sp STARTP, --startp STARTP
Starting point
-e, --exported Analyze exported activities
-a, --allactivities Analyze all activities
-d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH
Depth of search
-r, --rec Output function recursively
-if, --initfunc output <init> functions
-det, --details Get detailed view
-pnc Do package name check for all calls
-snc Filter all system classes for calls
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file
-od OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Directory for apktool
--pyvis Generate interactive graph
You can view output via 3 methods:
- JSON array
- JSON Crack visualization
- pyvis graph view
"Name": "MainActivity",
"members": [
"Name": "MedalStoreHomeActivity",
"members": []
"Name": "WorkoutPlanActivity",
"members": [
"Name": "CardioWorkoutService",
"members": [
"Name": "DummyActivity",
"members": []