Floran is website that manage from staff level work to teacher and student level work. This website doesn't support the user registration system and all the user registeration is handled by the superuser(admin) to create all the staff and student dynamaically from the database that store the student and staff identity
This website takes everyday attendance along with the student assestment and after each sem or year duration. You can manually give the command to create the report of each student
In this webssite the student user that will generate will have the username and password same as there Roll Number and the teacher user will be generate in the format of first_name.last_name and the password will be there first_name
Some demo users id for you to see the main website since user registration is forbidden
Admin User
- Username :- floranadmin
- Password :- admin
Teacher User
- Username :- Tabrez.Khan
- Password :- Tabrez
Student User
- Username :- 19co34
- Password :- 19co34
This Website is Ready for Production Url:- http://floran.herokuapp.com/
Project by Group - 1 Team Floran
- Khan Zaki Ur Rahman Group Leader Full Stack
- Khan Farhan Nadeem Group Member Frontend Responsive error fixer