A small clojure library for the open data apis from Offene Daten Köln.
clj-odkoeln will soon be available from Clojars:
[clj-odkoeln "0.1.0"]
Everything is available in clj-odkoeln.core
If you want to use it from the repl:
(use 'clj-odkoeln.core)
If you want to use it in a project:
(ns your-fancy.app
(:require [clj-odkoeln :as k]))
A request always looks like this:
(k/get-data req-type req-data)
where req-type and req-data are just plain ol' clojure maps.
All valid parameter:
- right now only "katlist" available to list all event categories.:category-id
- to list all events from a single category.:days
- number of days to fetch events
You could get call the events-api via:
(k/get-data events {})
but maybe one of the convenience functions is enough for you:
- to get all the events for the next 7 days.(get-events {})
- get the events and add request parameter as you wish(get-event-categories)
- to get all event categories(get-events-by-categorie id)
- to get all events with a specific categorie
Copyright © 2013 Florian Over
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.