[MIRROR] [MODULAR] Grants Hearthkin Transcendent Olfaction (& One Other Thing) #2458
10 errors and 1 notice
Run Tests:
[14:24:48] Runtime in code/controllers/subsystem/spatial_gridmap.dm,548: /mob/living/basic/skeleton instance, which is supposed to only be in the contents of a spatial grid cell at coords: (222, 205, 15), was in the contents of 1 spatial grid cell but it was inside the area handled by another grid cell! within the contents of a cell at coords: (222, 188, 15).
proc name: stack trace (/proc/_stack_trace)
usr: *no key*/(reanimated skeleton)
usr.loc: (BMP Asteroid Level 4 (229,205,15))
src: null
call stack:
stack trace("/mob/living/basic/skeleton ins...", "code/controllers/subsystem/spa...", 548)
Spatial Grid (/datum/controller/subsystem/spatial_grid): untracked movable error(the reanimated skeleton (/mob/living/basic/skeleton))
Spatial Grid (/datum/controller/subsystem/spatial_grid): force remove from grid(the reanimated skeleton (/mob/living/basic/skeleton))
the reanimated skeleton (/mob/living/basic/skeleton): Destroy(0)
the reanimated skeleton (/mob/living/basic/skeleton): Destroy(0)
the reanimated skeleton (/mob/living/basic/skeleton): Destroy(0)
qdel(the reanimated skeleton (/mob/living/basic/skeleton), 0)
the reanimated skeleton (/mob/living/basic/skeleton): death(null)
the reanimated skeleton (/mob/living/basic/skeleton): update stat()
the reanimated skeleton (/mob/living/basic/skeleton): updatehealth()
the reanimated skeleton (/mob/living/basic/skeleton): Move(the lava (229,205,15) (/turf/open/lava/smooth), 1, 0, 1)
the reanimated skeleton (/mob/living/basic/skeleton): Move(the lava (229,205,15) (/turf/open/lava/smooth), 1, null)
the reanimated skeleton (/mob/living/basic/skeleton): Move(the lava (229,205,15) (/turf/open/lava/smooth), 1)
the reanimated skeleton (/mob/living/basic/skeleton): Move(the runed metal wall (228,205,15) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/cult), 9, 0, 1)
the reanimated skeleton (/mob/living/basic/skeleton): Move(the runed metal wall (228,205,15) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/cult), 9)
/datum/ai_controller/basic_con... (/datum/ai_controller/basic_controller/skeleton): process(0.1)
AI Behavior Ticker (/datum/controller/subsystem/processing/ai_behaviors): fire(0)
Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue()
Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0)
Run Tests:
Something has gone horribly wrong, the garbage queue has been processing for well over 30 minutes. What the hell did you do
Run Tests:
/mob/living/carbon/human/dummy/consistent hard deleted 1 times out of a total del count of 157
Run Tests:
/datum/dna hard deleted 4 times out of a total del count of 704
Run Tests:
/mob/living/carbon/human/consistent hard deleted 1 times out of a total del count of 280
Run Tests:
/mob/living/carbon/human/species/felinid/primitive hard deleted 1 times out of a total del count of 2
Run Tests
FAIL /datum/unit_test/create_and_destroy 3418.4s
Run Tests
Process completed with exit code 1.
Run Tests:
Lua Scripting (/datum/controller/subsystem/lua) is a subsystem meant to initialize but doesn't get set as initialized.
This subsystem is marked as SS_OK_TO_FAIL_INIT. This is still a bug, but it is non-blocking.
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.