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rename "AMD" backend to "AMDGPU" (#2328)
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* rename AMD to AMDGPU

* more renaming

* deprecation

* better error messages in get_device

* deprecate binding FluxAMDAdaptor
  • Loading branch information
CarloLucibello authored Sep 7, 2023
1 parent f8d98d2 commit e39fa70
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Showing 10 changed files with 79 additions and 67 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .buildkite/pipeline.yml
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Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ steps:
rocm: "*"
rocmgpu: "*"
commands: |
printf "[Flux]\ngpu_backend = \"AMD\"" > LocalPreferences.toml
printf "[Flux]\ngpu_backend = \"AMDGPU\"" > LocalPreferences.toml
timeout_in_minutes: 60
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -51,17 +51,17 @@ true

## Selecting GPU backend

Available GPU backends are: `CUDA`, `AMD` and `Metal`.
Available GPU backends are: `CUDA`, `AMDGPU` and `Metal`.

Flux relies on [Preferences.jl]( for selecting default GPU backend to use.

There are two ways you can specify it:

- From the REPL/code in your project, call `Flux.gpu_backend!("AMD")` and restart (if needed) Julia session for the changes to take effect.
- From the REPL/code in your project, call `Flux.gpu_backend!("AMDGPU")` and restart (if needed) Julia session for the changes to take effect.
- In `LocalPreferences.toml` file in you project directory specify:
gpu_backend = "AMD"
gpu_backend = "AMDGPU"

Current GPU backend can be fetched from `Flux.GPU_BACKEND` variable:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ julia> model.weight # no change; model still lives on CPU
Clearly, this means that the same code will work for any GPU backend and the CPU.

If the preference backend isn't available or isn't functional, then [`Flux.get_device`](@ref) looks for a CUDA, AMD or Metal backend, and returns a corresponding device (if the backend is available and functional). Otherwise, a CPU device is returned. In the below example, the GPU preference is `"CUDA"`:
If the preference backend isn't available or isn't functional, then [`Flux.get_device`](@ref) looks for a CUDA, AMDGPU or Metal backend, and returns a corresponding device (if the backend is available and functional). Otherwise, a CPU device is returned. In the below example, the GPU preference is `"CUDA"`:

julia> using Flux; # preference is CUDA, but CUDA.jl not loaded
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ CUDA.DeviceIterator() for 3 devices:
Then, let's select the device with id `0`:

julia> device0 = Flux.get_device("CUDA", 0) # the currently supported values for backend are "CUDA" and "AMD"
julia> device0 = Flux.get_device("CUDA", 0) # the currently supported values for backend are "CUDA" and "AMDGPU"
(::Flux.FluxCUDADevice) (generic function with 1 method)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ CuDevice(1): GeForce RTX 2080 Ti

Due to a limitation in `Metal.jl`, currently this kind of data movement across devices is only supported for `CUDA` and `AMD` backends.
Due to a limitation in `Metal.jl`, currently this kind of data movement across devices is only supported for `CUDA` and `AMDGPU` backends.

!!! warning "Printing models after moving to a different device"

Expand All @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ Due to a limitation in `Metal.jl`, currently this kind of data movement across d
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16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions ext/FluxAMDGPUExt/FluxAMDGPUExt.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module FluxAMDGPUExt
import ChainRulesCore
import ChainRulesCore: NoTangent
import Flux
import Flux: FluxCPUAdaptor, FluxAMDAdaptor, _amd, adapt_storage, fmap
import Flux: FluxCPUAdaptor, FluxAMDGPUAdaptor, _amd, adapt_storage, fmap
import Flux: DenseConvDims, Conv, ConvTranspose, conv, conv_reshape_bias
import NNlib

Expand All @@ -17,16 +17,16 @@ const MIOPENFloat = AMDGPU.MIOpen.MIOPENFloat
# Set to boolean on the first call to check_use_amdgpu
const USE_AMDGPU = Ref{Union{Nothing, Bool}}(nothing)

function (device::Flux.FluxAMDDevice)(x)
function (device::Flux.FluxAMDGPUDevice)(x)
if device.deviceID === nothing
Flux.gpu(Flux.FluxAMDAdaptor(), x)
Flux.gpu(Flux.FluxAMDGPUAdaptor(), x)
return Flux.gpu(Flux.FluxAMDAdaptor(AMDGPU.device_id(device.deviceID) - 1), x) # subtracting 1, because device_id returns a positive integer
return Flux.gpu(Flux.FluxAMDGPUAdaptor(AMDGPU.device_id(device.deviceID) - 1), x) # subtracting 1, because device_id returns a positive integer
Flux._get_device_name(::Flux.FluxAMDDevice) = "AMD"
Flux._isavailable(::Flux.FluxAMDDevice) = true
Flux._isfunctional(::Flux.FluxAMDDevice) = AMDGPU.functional()
Flux._get_device_name(::Flux.FluxAMDGPUDevice) = "AMDGPU"
Flux._isavailable(::Flux.FluxAMDGPUDevice) = true
Flux._isfunctional(::Flux.FluxAMDGPUDevice) = AMDGPU.functional()

function check_use_amdgpu()
if !isnothing(USE_AMDGPU[])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ include("conv.jl")

function __init__()
Flux.AMDGPU_LOADED[] = true
Flux.DEVICES[][Flux.GPU_BACKEND_ORDER["AMD"]] = AMDGPU.functional() ? Flux.FluxAMDDevice(AMDGPU.device()) : Flux.FluxAMDDevice(nothing)
Flux.DEVICES[][Flux.GPU_BACKEND_ORDER["AMDGPU"]] = AMDGPU.functional() ? Flux.FluxAMDGPUDevice(AMDGPU.device()) : Flux.FluxAMDGPUDevice(nothing)

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions ext/FluxAMDGPUExt/batchnorm.jl
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@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
function (b::Flux.BatchNorm)(x::ROCArray{T}) where T <: MIOPENFloat
x, b.γ, b.β; μ=b.μ, σ²=b.σ², ϵ=b.ϵ,

function _amd_batchnorm(x, γ, β; μ, σ², ϵ, within_grad::Bool)
function _amdgpu_batchnorm(x, γ, β; μ, σ², ϵ, within_grad::Bool)
if within_grad
return AMDGPU.MIOpen.batchnorm_training(x, γ, β, μ, σ²; ϵ=Float64(ϵ), iteration=0) # TODO iteration
Expand All @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ function _amd_batchnorm(x, γ, β; μ, σ², ϵ, within_grad::Bool)

function ChainRulesCore.rrule(
::typeof(_amd_batchnorm), x, γ, β; μ, σ², ϵ, within_grad::Bool,
::typeof(_amdgpu_batchnorm), x, γ, β; μ, σ², ϵ, within_grad::Bool,
y, μ_saved, ν_saved = _amd_batchnorm(x, γ, β; μ, σ², ϵ, within_grad)
y, μ_saved, ν_saved = _amdgpu_batchnorm(x, γ, β; μ, σ², ϵ, within_grad)
function _batchnorm_pullback(Δ)
dx, dγ, dβ = AMDGPU.MIOpen.∇batchnorm(Δ, x, γ, β, μ_saved, ν_saved)
(NoTangent(), dx, dγ, dβ)
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30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions ext/FluxAMDGPUExt/functor.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Convert Float64 to Float32, but preserve Float16.
function adapt_storage(to::FluxAMDAdaptor, x::AbstractArray)
function adapt_storage(to::FluxAMDGPUAdaptor, x::AbstractArray)
if === nothing
if (typeof(x) <: AbstractArray{Float16, N} where N)
N = length(size(x))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ function adapt_storage(to::FluxAMDAdaptor, x::AbstractArray)

adapt_storage(::FluxAMDAdaptor, x::Zygote.FillArrays.AbstractFill) =
adapt_storage(::FluxAMDGPUAdaptor, x::Zygote.FillArrays.AbstractFill) =
adapt_storage(::FluxAMDAdaptor, x::Zygote.OneElement) = ROCArray(collect(x))
adapt_storage(::FluxAMDAdaptor, x::Random.TaskLocalRNG) =
adapt_storage(::FluxAMDGPUAdaptor, x::Zygote.OneElement) = ROCArray(collect(x))
adapt_storage(::FluxAMDGPUAdaptor, x::Random.TaskLocalRNG) =
adapt_storage(::FluxAMDAdaptor, x::AMDGPU.rocRAND.RNG) = x
adapt_storage(::FluxAMDAdaptor, x::AbstractRNG) = error("""
adapt_storage(::FluxAMDGPUAdaptor, x::AMDGPU.rocRAND.RNG) = x
adapt_storage(::FluxAMDGPUAdaptor, x::AbstractRNG) = error("""
Cannot map RNG of type $(typeof(x)) to AMDGPU.
AMDGPU execution only supports Random.default_rng().""")

Expand All @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ function ChainRulesCore.rrule(
adapt_storage(to, x), dx -> (
NoTangent(), NoTangent(),
adapt_storage(FluxAMDAdaptor(), unthunk(dx)))
adapt_storage(FluxAMDGPUAdaptor(), unthunk(dx)))

# Since MIOpen supports only cross-correlation as convolution,
Expand All @@ -66,25 +66,25 @@ const FLUX_CONV{M} = Union{
Flux.Conv{<:Any, <:Any, <:Any, <:M, <:Any},
Flux.ConvTranspose{<:Any, <:Any, <:Any, <:M, <:Any}}
const CPU_CONV = FLUX_CONV{Array}

_conv_basetype(::Conv) = Conv
_conv_basetype(::ConvTranspose) = ConvTranspose

Flux._isleaf(::AMD_CONV) = true
Flux._isleaf(::AMDGPU_CONV) = true

_exclude(x) = Flux._isleaf(x)
_exclude(::CPU_CONV) = true

function _amd(id::Union{Nothing, Int}, x)
USE_AMDGPU[] || return x
fmap(x -> Adapt.adapt(FluxAMDAdaptor(id), x), x; exclude=_exclude)
fmap(x -> Adapt.adapt(FluxAMDGPUAdaptor(id), x), x; exclude=_exclude)

# CPU -> GPU

function Adapt.adapt_structure(to::FluxAMDAdaptor, m::CPU_CONV)
function Adapt.adapt_structure(to::FluxAMDGPUAdaptor, m::CPU_CONV)
flipped_weight = reverse(m.weight; dims=ntuple(i -> i, ndims(m.weight) - 2))
Adapt.adapt(to, m.σ),
Expand All @@ -95,21 +95,21 @@ end

# Don't adapt again.

Adapt.adapt_structure(to::FluxAMDAdaptor, m::AMD_CONV) = m
Adapt.adapt_structure(to::FluxAMDGPUAdaptor, m::AMDGPU_CONV) = m

# GPU -> CPU

function Adapt.adapt_structure(to::FluxCPUAdaptor, m::AMD_CONV)
function Adapt.adapt_structure(to::FluxCPUAdaptor, m::AMDGPU_CONV)
dims = ntuple(i -> i, ndims(m.weight) - 2)
Adapt.adapt(to, m.σ), reverse(Adapt.adapt(to, m.weight); dims),
Adapt.adapt(to, m.bias), m.stride, m.pad, m.dilation, m.groups)

function Flux.get_device(::Val{:AMD}, id::Int) # id should start from 0
function Flux.get_device(::Val{:AMDGPU}, id::Int) # id should start from 0
old_id = AMDGPU.device_id(AMDGPU.device()) - 1 # subtracting 1 because ids start from 0
AMDGPU.device!(AMDGPU.devices()[id + 1]) # adding 1 because ids start from 0
device = Flux.FluxAMDDevice(AMDGPU.device())
device = Flux.FluxAMDGPUDevice(AMDGPU.device())
AMDGPU.device!(AMDGPU.devices()[old_id + 1])
return device
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/deprecations.jl
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Expand Up @@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ ChainRulesCore.@non_differentiable _greek_ascii_depwarn(::Any...)
# v0.14 deprecations
@deprecate default_rng_value() Random.default_rng()

Base.@deprecate_binding FluxAMDAdaptor FluxAMDGPUAdaptor

# v0.15 deprecations

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45 changes: 28 additions & 17 deletions src/functor.jl
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Expand Up @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ _isleaf(::AbstractRNG) = true
_isleaf(x) = _isbitsarray(x) || Functors.isleaf(x)

# the order below is important
const GPU_BACKENDS = ["CUDA", "AMD", "Metal", "CPU"]
const GPU_BACKENDS = ["CUDA", "AMDGPU", "Metal", "CPU"]
const GPU_BACKEND_ORDER = Dict(collect(zip(GPU_BACKENDS, 1:length(GPU_BACKENDS))))
const GPU_BACKEND = @load_preference("gpu_backend", "CUDA")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,7 +248,10 @@ function gpu(x)
@static if GPU_BACKEND == "CUDA"
gpu(FluxCUDAAdaptor(), x)
elseif GPU_BACKEND == "AMD"
gpu(FluxAMDAdaptor(), x)
@warn "\"AMD\" backend is deprecated. Please use \"AMDGPU\" instead." maxlog=1
gpu(FluxAMDGPUAdaptor(), x)
gpu(FluxAMDGPUAdaptor(), x)
elseif GPU_BACKEND == "Metal"
gpu(FluxMetalAdaptor(), x)
elseif GPU_BACKEND == "CPU"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,13 +358,13 @@ function _cuda end

# AMDGPU extension. ########

Base.@kwdef struct FluxAMDAdaptor
Base.@kwdef struct FluxAMDGPUAdaptor
id::Union{Nothing, Int} = nothing

const AMDGPU_LOADED = Ref{Bool}(false)

function gpu(to::FluxAMDAdaptor, x)
function gpu(to::FluxAMDGPUAdaptor, x)
return _amd(, x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -457,7 +460,7 @@ end
Flux.AbstractDevice <: Function
An abstract type representing `device` objects for different GPU backends. The currently supported backends are `"CUDA"`, `"AMD"`, `"Metal"` and `"CPU"`; the `"CPU"` backend is the fallback case when no GPU is available. GPU extensions of Flux define subtypes of this type.
An abstract type representing `device` objects for different GPU backends. The currently supported backends are `"CUDA"`, `"AMDGPU"`, `"Metal"` and `"CPU"`; the `"CPU"` backend is the fallback case when no GPU is available. GPU extensions of Flux define subtypes of this type.
abstract type AbstractDevice <: Function end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -505,11 +508,11 @@ Base.@kwdef struct FluxCUDADevice <: AbstractDevice

FluxAMDDevice <: AbstractDevice
FluxAMDGPUDevice <: AbstractDevice
A type representing `device` objects for the `"AMD"` backend for Flux.
A type representing `device` objects for the `"AMDGPU"` backend for Flux.
Base.@kwdef struct FluxAMDDevice <: AbstractDevice
Base.@kwdef struct FluxAMDGPUDevice <: AbstractDevice

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -539,7 +542,7 @@ Get all supported backends for Flux, in order of preference.
julia> using Flux;
julia> Flux.supported_devices()
("CUDA", "AMD", "Metal", "CPU")
("CUDA", "AMDGPU", "Metal", "CPU")
supported_devices() = GPU_BACKENDS
Expand All @@ -551,12 +554,12 @@ Returns a `device` object for the most appropriate backend for the current Julia
First, the function checks whether a backend preference has been set via the [`Flux.gpu_backend!`](@ref) function. If so, an attempt is made to load this backend. If the corresponding trigger package has been loaded and the backend is functional, a `device` corresponding to the given backend is loaded. Otherwise, the backend is chosen automatically. To update the backend preference, use [`Flux.gpu_backend!`](@ref).
If there is no preference, then for each of the `"CUDA"`, `"AMD"`, `"Metal"` and `"CPU"` backends in the given order, this function checks whether the given backend has been loaded via the corresponding trigger package, and whether the backend is functional. If so, the `device` corresponding to the backend is returned. If no GPU backend is available, a `Flux.FluxCPUDevice` is returned.
If there is no preference, then for each of the `"CUDA"`, `"AMDGPU"`, `"Metal"` and `"CPU"` backends in the given order, this function checks whether the given backend has been loaded via the corresponding trigger package, and whether the backend is functional. If so, the `device` corresponding to the backend is returned. If no GPU backend is available, a `Flux.FluxCPUDevice` is returned.
If `verbose` is set to `true`, then the function prints informative log messages.
# Examples
For the example given below, the backend preference was set to `"AMD"` via the [`gpu_backend!`](@ref) function.
For the example given below, the backend preference was set to `"AMDGPU"` via the [`gpu_backend!`](@ref) function.
julia> using Flux;
Expand All @@ -565,8 +568,8 @@ julia> model = Dense(2 => 3)
Dense(2 => 3) # 9 parameters
julia> device = Flux.get_device(; verbose=true) # this will just load the CPU device
[ Info: Using backend set in preferences: AMD.
┌ Warning: Trying to use backend: AMD but it's trigger package is not loaded.
[ Info: Using backend set in preferences: AMDGPU.
┌ Warning: Trying to use backend: AMDGPU but it's trigger package is not loaded.
│ Please load the package and call this function again to respect the preferences backend.
└ @ Flux ~/fluxml/Flux.jl/src/functor.jl:638
[ Info: Using backend: CPU.
Expand All @@ -591,8 +594,8 @@ julia> model = Dense(2 => 3)
Dense(2 => 3) # 9 parameters
julia> device = Flux.get_device(; verbose=true)
[ Info: Using backend set in preferences: AMD.
┌ Warning: Trying to use backend: AMD but it's trigger package is not loaded.
[ Info: Using backend set in preferences: AMDGPU.
┌ Warning: Trying to use backend: AMDGPU but it's trigger package is not loaded.
│ Please load the package and call this function again to respect the preferences backend.
└ @ Flux ~/fluxml/Flux.jl/src/functor.jl:637
[ Info: Using backend: CUDA.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -653,7 +656,7 @@ end
Flux.get_device(backend::String, idx::Int = 0)::Flux.AbstractDevice
Get a device object for a backend specified by the string `backend` and `idx`. The currently supported values
of `backend` are `"CUDA"`, `"AMD"` and `"CPU"`. `idx` must be an integer value between `0` and the number of available devices.
of `backend` are `"CUDA"`, `"AMDGPU"` and `"CPU"`. `idx` must be an integer value between `0` and the number of available devices.
# Examples
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -684,6 +687,10 @@ julia> cpu_device = Flux.get_device("CPU")
function get_device(backend::String, idx::Int = 0)
if backend == "AMD"
@warn "\"AMD\" backend is deprecated. Please use \"AMDGPU\" instead." maxlog=1
backend = "AMDGPU"
if backend == "CPU"
return FluxCPUDevice()
Expand All @@ -693,5 +700,9 @@ end

# Fallback
function get_device(::Val{D}, idx) where D
error("Unsupported backend: $(D). Try importing the corresponding package.")
if D (:CUDA, :AMDGPU, :Metal)
error("Unaivailable backend: $(D). Try importing the corresponding package with `using $D`.")
error("Unsupported backend: $(D). Supported backends are $(GPU_BACKENDS).")

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