1064 commits
to master
since this release
NNlib v0.6.5
Closed issues:
- generalize softmax (#77)
- Add maxpool and meanpool methods (#120)
- Feature Request: Add Mish activation (#144)
- ∇conv_data_direct produces incorrectly shaped output for 5D arrays (#156)
- conv fails on GPU for first run (#161)
- Potential overflow of tanh (#164)
Merged pull requests:
- implementation for batch-wise matrix multiplication (#100) (@chengchingwen)
- Added Mish activation (#145) (@digantamisra98)
- Preserve the type in differentiation (#149) (@matsueushi)
- conv.jl: fix @debug message (#155) (@bcdarwin)
- Update test cases of activation functions (#162) (@matsueushi)
- Update deps for CI (#166) (@matsueushi)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#167) (@JuliaTagBot)
- Activation functions added (#168) (@sriyash421)
- Fix debug string (#169) (@mcabbott)
- docstring, type annotation (#170) (@matsueushi)
- Fix output shape of ∇conv_data_direct! (#171) (@matsueushi)
- add some docstrings (#172) (@CarloLucibello)
- Update Codecov badge (#173) (@matsueushi)
- Typo (#174) (@dhairyagandhi96)
- tag new release (#177) (@CarloLucibello)