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Add destructure, take II (#54)
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* destructure, take II

* add a test

* tidy

* replace append! with reduce(vcat, ...)

* testset names

* rename everything

* tweak

* two broken tests

* make len positional, fix a bug

* second derivatives

* arrays of arrays

* more... the dimensionmismatch bug is not here

* warnings
  • Loading branch information
mcabbott authored Feb 14, 2022
1 parent 4155bcd commit 1e34fa2
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Showing 8 changed files with 341 additions and 9 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"

ChainRulesCore = "1"
Functors = "0.2.7"
Functors = "0.2.8"
julia = "1.6"

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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,13 @@ optimiser to act on all suitable fields. To restrict this, define `trainable`:

Such restrictions are also obeyed by this function for flattening a model:


## Rule Definition

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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/Optimisers.jl
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Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ using Functors: functor, fmap, isleaf
using LinearAlgebra


export destructure, total, total2

export Descent, ADAM, Momentum, Nesterov, RMSProp,
ADAGrad, AdaMax, ADADelta, AMSGrad, NADAM, ADAMW, RADAM, OADAM, AdaBelief,
WeightDecay, ClipGrad, ClipNorm, OptimiserChain
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152 changes: 152 additions & 0 deletions src/destructure.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@

using ChainRulesCore: ChainRulesCore, NoTangent, ProjectTo, unthunk
const NoT = NoTangent()

destructure(model) -> vector, reconstructor
Copies all [`trainable`](@ref), [`isnumeric`](@ref) parameters in the model
to a vector, and returns also a function which reverses this transformation.
# Example
julia> v, re = destructure((x=[1.0, 2.0], y=(sin, [3 + 4im])))
(ComplexF64[1.0 + 0.0im, 2.0 + 0.0im, 3.0 + 4.0im], Restructure(NamedTuple, ..., 3))
julia> re([3, 5-im, 7+11im])
(x = [3.0, 5.0], y = (sin, ComplexF64[7.0 + 11.0im]))
function destructure(x)
flat, off, len = _flatten(x)
flat, Restructure(x, off, len)

Restructure(Model, ..., length)
This is what [`destructure`](@ref) returns, and `re(p)` will re-build the model with
new parameters from vector `p`. If the model is callable, then `re(x, p) == re(p)(x)`.
# Example
julia> using Flux, Optimisers
julia> _, re = destructure(Dense([1 2; 3 4], [0, 0], sigmoid))
([1, 3, 2, 4, 0, 0], Restructure(Dense, ..., 6))
julia> m = re(-4:1)
Dense(2, 2, σ) # 6 parameters
julia> m([0.2, 0.3]) ≈ re([0.2, 0.3], -4:1)
struct Restructure{T,S}
(re::Restructure)(flat::AbstractVector) = _rebuild(re.model, re.offsets, flat, re.length)
(re::Restructure)(x, flat::AbstractVector) = re(flat)(x), re::Restructure{T}) where T = print(io, "Restructure(",, ", ..., ", re.length, ")")
Base.length(re::Restructure) = re.length

# This flattens a model, and returns a web of offsets for later use:
function _flatten(x)
isnumeric(x) && return vcat(_vec(x)), 0, length(x) # trivial case
arrays = AbstractVector[]
len = Ref(0)
off = fmap(x; exclude = isnumeric, walk = (f, z) -> map(f, _trainable(z))) do y
push!(arrays, _vec(y))
o = len[]
len[] = o + length(y)
reduce(vcat, arrays), off, len[]

_vec(x::Number) = LinRange(x,x,1)
_vec(x::AbstractArray) = vec(x)

function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(_flatten), x)
flat, off, len = _flatten(x)
_flatten_back((dflat, _, _)) = (NoT, _rebuild(x, off, unthunk(dflat), len; walk = _Tangent_biwalk, prune = NoT))
(flat, off, len), _flatten_back

# This reconstructs either a model like x, or a gradient for it:
function _rebuild(x, off, flat::AbstractVector, len = length(flat); walk = _trainable_biwalk, kw...)
len == length(flat) || throw(DimensionMismatch("Rebuild expected a vector of length $len, got $(length(flat))"))
fmap(x, off; exclude = isnumeric, walk, kw...) do y, o
_getat(y, o, flat)

_getat(y::Number, o::Int, flat::AbstractVector) = ProjectTo(y)(flat[o + 1])
_getat(y::AbstractArray, o::Int, flat::AbstractVector) =
ProjectTo(y)(reshape(flat[o .+ (1:length(y))], axes(y))) # ProjectTo is just correcting eltypes

function _trainable_biwalk(f, x, aux)
ch, re = functor(typeof(x), x)
au, _ = functor(typeof(x), aux)
_trainmap(f, ch, _trainable(x), au) |> re

function _trainmap(f, ch, tr, aux)
map(ch, tr, aux) do c, t, a # isnothing(t) indicates non-trainable field, safe given isnumeric(c)
isnothing(t) ? c : f(t, a)

function _Tangent_biwalk(f, x, aux) # use with prune = NoT
ch, re = functor(typeof(x), x)
au, _ = functor(typeof(x), aux)
y = _trainmap(f, ch, _trainable(x), au)
y isa Tuple{} && return NoT
p = ProjectTo(x)
if p isa ProjectTo # e.g. Array, NamedTuple
else # p === identity for unknown structs
Tangent{typeof(x), typeof(y)}(y)

function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(_rebuild), x, off, flat, len; kw...)
_rebuild_back(dx) = (NoT, NoT, NoT, _grad!(x, unthunk(dx), off, _zero(flat)), NoT)
_rebuild(x, off, flat, len; kw...), _rebuild_back

_zero(x) = map!(zero, similar(x, float(eltype(x))), x) # mutable zero array for _grad!
ChainRulesCore.@non_differentiable _zero(x)

# This is the gradient of model reconstruction, accumulating duplicates:
function _grad!(x, dx, off, flat::AbstractVector)
x′, _ = functor(typeof(x), x)
dx′, _ = functor(typeof(x), base(dx))
off′, _ = functor(typeof(x), off)
foreach((xᵢ, dxᵢ, oᵢ) -> _grad!(xᵢ, dxᵢ, oᵢ, flat), x′, dx′, off′)
function _grad!(x, dx, off::Integer, flat::AbstractVector)
@views flat[off .+ (1:length(x))] .+= dx # must visit all tied nodes
_grad!(x, dx::Zero, off, flat::AbstractVector) = dx
_grad!(x, dx::Zero, off::Integer, flat::AbstractVector) = dx # ambiguity

# These are only needed for 2nd derivatives:
function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(_grad!), x, dx, off, flat)
@warn "second derivatives of Restructure may not work yet, sorry!" maxlog=3
_grad_back(dflat) = (NoT, NoT, _rebuild(x, off, unthunk(dflat); walk = _Tangent_biwalk, prune = NoT), NoT, NoT)
_grad!(x, dx, off, flat), _grad_back
base(dx::Tangent{<:Tangent}) = backing(dx).backing # might be needed for gradient(gradient(destructure))
base(dx::Tangent{Any, <:NamedTuple{(:backing,)}}) = base(backing(dx).backing) # Zygote version
_maybewarn() = nothing
function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(_maybewarn))
@warn "second derivatives of destructure may not work yet, sorry!" maxlog=3
nothing, _ -> (NoT,)
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/interface.jl
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Expand Up @@ -70,9 +70,10 @@ trainable(x) = functor(x)[1]

_trainable(x) = _trainable(functor(x)[1], trainable(x))
_trainable(ch::NamedTuple, tr::NamedTuple) = merge(map(_ -> nothing, ch), tr)
_trainable(ch::Tuple, tr::Tuple) = tr
_trainable(ch::Tuple{Vararg{Any,N}}, tr::Tuple{Vararg{Any,N}}) where N = tr
_trainable(ch::AbstractArray, tr::AbstractArray) = tr
function _trainable(ch::NamedTuple, tr::Tuple) # for old Flux-style no-names tuple
@warn "trainable(x) should now return a NamedTuple with the field names, not a Tuple"
@warn "trainable(x) should now return a NamedTuple with the field names, not a Tuple" maxlog=3
map(c -> c in tr ? c : nothing, ch)

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166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions test/destructure.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@

m1 = collect(1:3.0)
m2 = (collect(1:3.0), collect(4:6.0))
m3 = (x = m1, y = sin, z = collect(4:6.0))
m4 = (x = m1, y = m1, z = collect(4:6.0)) # tied
m5 = (a = (m3, true), b = (m1, false), c = (m4, true))
m6 = (a = m1, b = [4.0 + im], c = m1)
m7 = TwoThirds((sin, collect(1:3.0)), (cos, collect(4:6.0)), (tan, collect(7:9.0)))
m8 = [Foo(m1, m1), (a = true, b = Foo([4.0], false), c = ()), [[5.0]]]

@testset "flatten & rebuild" begin
@test destructure(m1)[1] isa Vector{Float64}
@test destructure(m1)[1] == 1:3
@test destructure(m2)[1] == 1:6
@test destructure(m3)[1] == 1:6
@test destructure(m4)[1] == 1:6
@test destructure(m5)[1] == vcat(1:6, 4:6)
@test destructure(m6)[1] == vcat(1:3, 4 + im)

@test destructure(m1)[2](7:9) == [7,8,9]
@test destructure(m2)[2](4:9) == ([4,5,6], [7,8,9])
@test destructure(m3)[2](4:9) == (x = [4,5,6], y = sin, z = [7,8,9])
m4′ = destructure(m4)[2](4:9)
@test m4′ == (x = [4,5,6], y = [4,5,6], z = [7,8,9])
@test m4′.x === m4′.y
m5′ = destructure(m5)[2](reverse(1:9))
@test m5′.a[1].x === m5′.b[1]
@test m5′.b[2] === false
m6′ = destructure(m6)[2]((4:7) .+ (1:4) .* im)
@test m6′.a isa Vector{Float64}
@test m6′.a == 4:6
@test m6′.a === m6′.c
@test m6′.b == [7 + 4im]

# struct, trainable
@test destructure(m7)[1] == 1:3
m7′ = destructure(m7)[2]([10,20,30])
@test m7′.a == (sin, [10,20,30])
@test m7′.b == (cos, [4,5,6])
@test m7′.c == (tan, [7,8,9])

@test destructure(m8)[1] == 1:5
m8′ = destructure(m8)[2](1:5)
@test m8′[1].x === m8′[1].y
@test m8′[2].b.y === false
@test m8′[3][1] == [5.0]

# errors
@test_throws Exception destructure(m7)[2]([10,20])
@test_throws Exception destructure(m7)[2]([10,20,30,40])

@testset "gradient of flatten" begin
@test gradient(m -> destructure(m)[1][1], m1)[1] == [1,0,0]
@test gradient(m -> destructure(m)[1][2], m2)[1] == ([0,1,0], [0,0,0])
@test gradient(m -> destructure(m)[1][3], (m1, m1))[1] == ([0,0,1], nothing)
@test gradient(m -> destructure(m)[1][1], m3)[1] == (x = [1,0,0], y = nothing, z = [0,0,0])
@test gradient(m -> destructure(m)[1][2], m4)[1] == (x = [0,1,0], y = nothing, z = [0,0,0])

g5 = gradient(m -> destructure(m)[1][3], m5)[1]
@test g5.a[1].x == [0,0,1]
@test g5.a[2] === nothing

g6 = gradient(m -> imag(destructure(m)[1][4]), m6)[1]
@test g6.a == [0,0,0]
@test g6.a isa Vector{Float64}
@test g6.b == [0+im]

g8 = gradient(m -> sum(abs2, destructure(m)[1]), m8)[1]
@test g8[1].x == [2,4,6]
@test g8[2].b.x == [8]
@test g8[3] == [[10.0]]

@testset "second derivative" begin
@test gradient([1,2,3.0]) do v
sum(abs2, gradient(m -> sum(abs2, destructure(m)[1]), (v, [4,5,6.0]))[1][1])
end[1] [8,16,24]
# With Diffractor, non-leaf _grad!(x, dx, off, flat::AbstractVector) gets double-wrapped dx:
# off = (0, 3), dx = Tangent{Tangent{Tuple{Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}}, ...
# until you add explicit double-unwrap: base(dx::Tangent{<:Tangent}) = backing(dx).backing
# With Zygote, instead:
# dx = Tangent{Any}(backing = Tangent{Any}([4.0, 8.0, 12.0], ZeroTangent()),)

@test gradient([1,2,3.0]) do v
sum(gradient(m -> sum(destructure(m)[1])^3, (v, [4,5,6.0]))[1][1])
end[1] == [378, 378, 378]

@test_broken gradient([1,2,3.0]) do v
sum(abs2, gradient(m -> sum(abs2, destructure(m)[1]), (x = v, y = sin, z = [4,5,6.0]))[1][1])
end[1] [8,16,24]
# Zygote error in (::typeof(∂(canonicalize)))(Δ::NamedTuple{(:backing,), Tuple{NamedTuple{(:x, :y, :z)
# Diffractor error in perform_optic_transform

@testset "gradient of rebuild" begin
re1 = destructure(m1)[2]
@test gradient(x -> re1(x)[1], rand(3))[1] == [1,0,0]
re2 = destructure(m2)[2]
@test gradient(x -> re2(x)[1][2], rand(6))[1] == [0,1,0,0,0,0]
re3 = destructure(m3)[2]
@test gradient(x -> re3(x).x[3], rand(6))[1] == [0,0,1,0,0,0]
@test gradient(x -> re3(x).z[1], rand(6))[1] == [0,0,0,1,0,0]

re4 = destructure(m4)[2]
@test gradient(x -> re4(x).x[1], rand(6))[1] == [1,0,0,0,0,0]
@test gradient(x -> re4(x).y[2], rand(6))[1] == [0,1,0,0,0,0]
@test gradient(rand(6)) do x
m = re4(x)
m.x[1] + 2*m.y[2] + 3*m.z[3]
end[1] == [1,2,0, 0,0,3]

re7 = destructure(m7)[2]
@test gradient(x -> re7(x).a[2][3], rand(3))[1] == [0,0,1]
@test gradient(x -> re7(x).b[2][2], rand(3))[1] == [0,0,0]
@test gradient(x -> re7(x).c[2][1], rand(3))[1] == [0,0,0]

v8, re8 = destructure(m8)
@test gradient(x -> sum(abs2, re8(x)[1].y), v8)[1] == [2,4,6,0,0]
@test gradient(x -> only(sum(re8(x)[3]))^2, v8)[1] == [0,0,0,0,10]

@testset "second derivative" begin
@test_broken gradient(collect(1:6.0)) do y
sum(abs2, gradient(x -> sum(abs2, re2(x)[1]), y)[1])
end[1] [8,16,24,0,0,0]
# ERROR: Need an adjoint for constructor ChainRulesCore.Tangent{Any, Tuple{Vector{Float64}, ChainRulesCore.ZeroTangent}}. Gradient is of type Tuple{Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}}
# with Zygote, which can be fixed by:
# Zygote.@adjoint Tangent{T,B}(x::Tuple) where {T,B<:Tuple} = Tangent{T,B}(x), dx -> (dx,)

@test_broken gradient(collect(1:6.0)) do y
sum(abs2, gradient(x -> sum(abs2, re3(x).z), y)[1])
end[1] [0,0,0,32,40,48]
# Not fixed by this:
# Zygote.@adjoint Tangent{T,B}(x::NamedTuple) where {T,B<:NamedTuple} = Tangent{T,B}(x), dx -> (dx,)

@testset "Flux issue 1826" begin
v, re = destructure((x=[1,2.0], y=[3,4,5.0]))
@test gradient(zero(v)) do w
m = re(w)
5 * sum(m.x) + 7 * sum(m[2]) # uses both x and y
end == ([5.0, 5.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0],)
# This, using only x, was broken on Flux:
@test gradient(w -> sum(re(w).x), zero(v)) == ([1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],)

sh = [7,7.0];
v, re = destructure((x=sh, y=[3.0,4.0], z=sh)) # shared array in the model
@test v == [7, 7, 3, 4]
@test re([1,10,100,1000]) == (x = [1, 10], y = [100, 1000], z = [1, 10])

@test gradient(zero(v)) do w
m = re(w)
3 * sum(m.x) + 13 * sum(m.z) # no dependence on y, but two distinct gradient arrays
end == ([16, 16, 0, 0],) # Flux gave ([3.0, 3.0, 13.0, 13.0],)

@test gradient(zero(v)) do w
m = re(w)
4(sum(m.x) + sum(m.z)) # now two gradients are ===, so it eliminates one
end == ([8,8,0,0],)

@test gradient(zero(v)) do w
m = re(w)
4(sum(m.x) + sum(m.y)) + 13*sum(m.z) # again two gradients are ===, so it eliminates one
end == ([17,17,4,4],) # Flux gave ([4.0, 4.0, 13.0, 13.0],)

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