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Improved type stability with explicit params #1248

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Aug 1, 2022
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37 changes: 29 additions & 8 deletions src/compiler/interface.jl
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Expand Up @@ -4,11 +4,14 @@ using Core: Typeof
import Base: copy!, IdSet
import Base.Broadcast: broadcasted, materialize!

mutable struct Context <: AContext
# Internal container used to track accumulated gradients of mutable types (including params).
# Type param I ∈ (true, false) indicates whether implicit params are in use.
# By default, this should be false unless pullback(f, ::Params) is called.
mutable struct Context{I} <: AContext

Context() = Context(nothing)
Context() = Context{false}(nothing)

cache(cx::Context) = cx.cache === nothing ? (cx.cache = IdDict()) : cx.cache

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,10 +39,28 @@ _pullback(f, args...) = _pullback(Context(), f, args...)
tailmemaybe(::Nothing) = nothing
tailmemaybe(x::Tuple) = Base.tail(x)

function pullback(f, args...)
y, back = _pullback(f, args...)
@inline pullback(f, args...) = pullback(f, Context(), args...)
function pullback(f, cx::AContext, args...)
y, back = _pullback(cx, f, args...)
y, Δ -> tailmemaybe(back(Δ))
function pullback(cx::Context, f, args...)
ChainRulesCore.ignore_derivatives() do
@warn """
Incorrect argument order for pullback, please use:

pullback(f, __context__::Context, args)

instead of:

pullback(__context__::Context, f, args)

This is usually caused by a call to pullback in a higher-order @adjoint.
The above warning will become an error in Zygote 0.7.
return pullback(f, cx, args...)

sensitivity(y::Number) = one(y)
sensitivity(y::Complex) = error("Output is complex, so the gradient is not defined.")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -334,21 +355,21 @@ function, gs1::Grads, gss::ADictOrGrads...)

function!(f, gsout::Grads, gss::ADictOrGrads...)
all(issetequal(gsout.params, keys(gs)) for gs in gss) ||
all(issetequal(gsout.params, keys(gs)) for gs in gss) ||
throw(ArgumentError("map! expects Grads objects with the same Params."))
for p in gsout.params
gsout[p] = f((_getformap(gs, p) for gs in gss)...)
gsout[p] = f((_getformap(gs, p) for gs in gss)...)
return gsout

function _getformap(gs, p)
g = gs[p]
isnothing(g) ? fill!(similar(p), 0) : g
isnothing(g) ? fill!(similar(p), 0) : g

function pullback(f, ps::Params)
cx = Context()
cx = Context{true}(nothing)
y, back = _pullback(cx, f)
y, function (Δ)
for p in ps
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/array.jl
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Expand Up @@ -310,15 +310,15 @@ end

@adjoint function sum(f, xs::AbstractArray{<:AbstractArray}; kws...)
@assert !haskey(kws, :init) # TODO add init support (julia 1.6)
return pullback(__context__, (f, xs) -> sum(f.(xs); kws...), f, xs)
return pullback((f, xs) -> sum(f.(xs); kws...), __context__, f, xs)

@adjoint function sum(xs::AbstractArray{Bool}; dims = :)
sum(xs, dims = dims), Δ -> (nothing,)

function _pullback(cx::AContext, ::typeof(prod), f, xs::AbstractArray)
y, back = pullback(cx, ((f, xs) -> prod(f.(xs))), f, xs)
y, back = pullback((f, xs) -> prod(f.(xs)), cx, f, xs)
y, ȳ -> (nothing, back(ȳ)...)

Expand Down
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions src/lib/broadcast.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ using Base.Broadcast: Broadcasted, AbstractArrayStyle, broadcasted, materialize
# Utilities
# =========

# ChainRules already marks this non-differentiable,
# But inference can still give up because of the Zygote -> CR wrapper layer
@nograd Broadcast.combine_styles

accum_sum(xs; dims = :) = reduce(accum, xs, dims = dims)

# Work around reducedim_init issue
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,16 +86,16 @@ _minus(::Nothing) = nothing
@adjoint broadcasted(::typeof(*), x::Numeric, y::Numeric) = x.*y,
Δ -> (nothing, unbroadcast(x, Δ .* conj.(y)), unbroadcast(y, Δ .* conj.(x)))
@adjoint broadcasted(::typeof(*), x::Number, y::AbstractArray{<:Number}) =
_pullback(*, x, y) # this uses dot(y,Δ) instead of sum(Δ .* conj.(y))
_pullback(__context__, *, x, y) # this uses dot(y,Δ) instead of sum(Δ .* conj.(y))
@adjoint broadcasted(::typeof(*), x::AbstractArray{<:Number}, y::Number) =
_pullback(*, x, y)
_pullback(__context__, *, x, y)

@adjoint function broadcasted(::typeof(/), x::Numeric, y::Numeric)
res = x ./ y
res, Δ -> (nothing, unbroadcast(x, Δ ./ conj.(y)), unbroadcast(y, .-Δ .* conj.(res ./ y)))
@adjoint broadcasted(::typeof(/), x::AbstractArray{<:Number}, y::Number) =
_pullback(/, x, y)
_pullback(__context__, /, x, y)

@adjoint function broadcasted(::typeof(Base.literal_pow), ::typeof(^), x::Numeric, exp::Val{p}) where p
y = Base.literal_pow.(^, x, exp)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,7 +277,7 @@ using GPUArraysCore # replaces @require CUDA block, weird indenting to preserve
# Not the ChainRules.rrule which will use the Zygote.Context and thus not be GPU compatible
@adjoint function sum(f, xs::AbstractGPUArray; kws...)
@assert !haskey(kws, :init) # TODO add init support (julia 1.6)
return pullback(__context__, (f, xs) -> sum(f.(xs); kws...), f, xs)
return pullback((f, xs) -> sum(f.(xs); kws...), __context__, f, xs)

@adjoint function Base.convert(::Type{T}, xs::Array) where {T<:AbstractGPUArray}
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/lib.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ accum(x, y) =

accum(x, y, zs...) = accum(accum(x, y), zs...)

accum(x::Tuple, ys::Tuple...) = accum.(x, ys...)
accum(x::Tuple, ys::Tuple...) = map(accum, x, ys...)
accum(x::AbstractArray, ys::AbstractArray...) = accum.(x, ys...)

@generated function accum(x::NamedTuple, y::NamedTuple)
Expand All @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ end

@adjoint Base.typeassert(x, T) = Base.typeassert(x, T), Δ -> (Δ, nothing)

accum_param(::Context{false}, _, Δ) = Δ
@generated function accum_param(cx::Context, x, Δ)
isbitstype(x) && return :(Δ)
Expand Down
17 changes: 11 additions & 6 deletions test/compiler.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
using Zygote, Test
using Zygote: pullback, @adjoint
using Zygote: pullback, @adjoint, Context

macro test_inferred(ex)
:(let res = nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,13 +160,18 @@ end
@testset "inference for `getproperty`" begin
Gaussian = _Gaussian(:getproperty)
g = Gaussian(randn(3), randn(3, 3))
y, back = @inferred pullback(x -> x.m, g)
@test y == getfield(g, :m)
# This type instability is due to the handling of non-bitstypes in `accum_param`
y_explicit, back_explicit = @inferred pullback(x -> x.m, g)
y_implicit, back_implicit = @inferred pullback(x -> x.m, Context{true}(nothing), g)
@test y_explicit == y_implicit == getfield(g, :m)

∇args = ((m = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], P = nothing),)
if VERSION > v"1.7-"
@test Base.return_types(back, Tuple{Vector{Float64}}) == Any[Union{Tuple{Nothing}, typeof(((m = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], P = nothing),))}]
# This type instability is due to the handling of non-bitstypes in `accum_param`
@test Base.return_types(back_implicit, Tuple{Vector{Float64}}) == Any[Union{Tuple{Nothing}, typeof(∇args)}]
# But the same should infer if implicit parameters are disabled
@test Base.return_types(back_explicit, Tuple{Vector{Float64}}) == Any[typeof(∇args)]
@test back([1., 0, 0]) == ((m = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], P = nothing),)
@test back_explicit([1., 0, 0]) == back_implicit([1., 0, 0]) == ∇args

Base.getproperty(g::Gaussian, s::Symbol) = 2getfield(g, s)
y, back = pullback(x -> x.m, g)
Expand Down
61 changes: 57 additions & 4 deletions test/features.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ end
@test_broken gradient(x -> abs2(x[1].x) + 7 * x[1], [Ref(1+im)]) == ([(x = 9.0 + 2.0im,)],)
@test_broken gradient(x -> abs2(x[1].x) + 7 * real(x[1].x), [Ref(1+im)]) == ([(x = 9.0 + 2.0im,)],) # worked on 0.6.0, 0.6.20

@test_broken gradient(x -> abs2(x[].x) + 7 * real(x[].x), Ref(Ref(1+im))) == ((x = 9.0 + 2.0im,),) # gives nothing, same in 0.6.0
@test gradient(x -> abs2(x[].x) + 7 * real(x[].x), Ref(Ref(1+im))) == ((x = (x = 9.0 + 2.0im,),),) # gave `nothing` from 0.6.0 to 0.6.41

# Array of mutables:
@test gradient(x -> sum(getindex.(x).^2), Ref.(1:3))[1] == [(;x=2i) for i in 1:3]
Expand All @@ -490,6 +490,59 @@ end
@test gradient(x -> sum(sum, Ref(x) .* [1,2,3]), [4,5]) == ([6.0, 6.0],)

@testset "mutable accum_param bugs" begin
mutable struct Mut{T}; x::T; end
struct Imm{T}; x::T; end

# Indexing a tuple containing a mutable struct gave `nothing`
x1 = (Mut(3.0),)
x2 = (Imm(3.0),)
x3 = (Ref(3.0),)
@test gradient(x -> x[1].x^2, x1)[1] == ((x = 6.0,),) # fails on v0.6.0 v0.6.41
@test gradient(x -> x[1].x^2, x2)[1] == ((x = 6.0,),)
@test gradient(x -> x[1].x^2, x3)[1] == ((x = 6.0,),) # fails on v0.6.0 v0.6.41
i1 = 1
@test gradient(x -> x[i1].x^2, x1)[1] == ((x = 6.0,),) # fails on v0.6.0 v0.6.41
@test gradient(x -> x[i1].x^2, x2)[1] == ((x = 6.0,),)
@test gradient(x -> x[i1].x^2, x3)[1] == ((x = 6.0,),) # fails on v0.6.0 v0.6.41

@test gradient(x -> x[1][1].x^2, [x1])[1] == [((x = 6.0,),)] # fails on v0.6.0 v0.6.41
@test gradient(x -> x[1][1].x^2, [x2])[1] == [((x = 6.0,),)]
@test gradient(x -> x[1][1].x^2, [x3])[1] == [((x = 6.0,),)] # fails on v0.6.0 v0.6.41

# When `getfield` returns a mutable struct, it gave `nothing`:
x4 = Imm(Mut(4.0))
x5 = Mut(Mut(4.0))
x6 = Imm(Imm(4.0))
@test gradient(x -> x.x.x^3, x4)[1] == (x = (x = 48.0,),) # fails on v0.6.0 v0.6.41
@test gradient(x -> x.x.x^3, x5)[1] == (x = (x = 48.0,),) # fails on v0.6.0
@test gradient(x -> x.x.x^3, x6)[1] == (x = (x = 48.0,),) # fails on v0.6.41

@test gradient(x -> x[2].x.x^3, [x4, x4])[1] == [nothing, (x = (x = 48.0,),)] # fails on v0.6.0 v0.6.41
@test gradient(x -> x[2].x.x^3, [x4, x5])[1] == [nothing, (x = (x = 48.0,),)] # fails on v0.6.0
@test gradient(x -> x[2].x.x^3, [x4, x6])[1] == [nothing, (x = (x = 48.0,),)] # fails on v0.6.41

# Check when using implicit parameters, Params cases used to pass:
y1 = [3.0]
y2 = (Mut(y1),)
y3 = (Imm(y1),)
@test gradient(x -> sum(x[1].x)^2, y2)[1] == ((x = [6.0],),) # fails on v0.6.0 v0.6.41
@test gradient(() -> sum(y2[1].x)^2, Params([y1]))[y1] == [6.0]
@test gradient(x -> sum(x[1].x)^2, y3)[1] == ((x = [6.0],),)
@test gradient(() -> sum(y3[1].x)^2, Params([y1]))[y1] == [6.0]

@test gradient(x -> sum(x[1].x .+ x[1].x)^3, y2)[1] == ((x = [216.0],),) # fails on v0.6.0 v0.6.41
@test gradient(() -> sum(y2[1].x .+ y2[1].x)^3, Params([y1]))[y1] == [216.0]
@test gradient(x -> sum(x[1].x .+ x[1].x)^3, y3)[1] == ((x = [216.0],),)
@test gradient(() -> sum(y3[1].x .+ y3[1].x)^3, Params([y1]))[y1] == [216.0]

i1 = 1
@test gradient(x -> sum(x[i1].x .+ x[1].x)^3, y2)[1] == ((x = [216.0],),) # fails on v0.6.0 v0.6.41
@test gradient(() -> sum(y2[i1].x .+ y2[1].x)^3, Params([y1]))[y1] == [216.0]
@test gradient(x -> sum(x[i1].x .+ x[1].x)^3, y3)[1] == ((x = [216.0],),)
@test gradient(() -> sum(y3[i1].x .+ y3[1].x)^3, Params([y1]))[y1] == [216.0]

@testset "NamedTuples" begin
@test gradient(x -> x.a, (a=1, b=2)) == ((a = 1, b = nothing),)
@test gradient(x -> x[1].a, [(a=1, b=2)]) == ([(a = 1, b = nothing)],)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -517,7 +570,7 @@ end
@test (x->10*(x => 2)[2])'(100) === nothing

@test gradient(x-> (:x => x)[2], 17) == (1,)

d = Dict(:x=>1.0, :y=>3.0);
@test gradient(d -> Dict(:x => d[:x])[:x], d) == (Dict(:x => 1),)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -546,7 +599,7 @@ end
# zip
if VERSION >= v"1.5"
# On Julia 1.4 and earlier, [x/y for (x,y) in zip(10:14, 1:10)] is a DimensionMismatch,
# while on 1.5 - 1.7 it stops early.
# while on 1.5 - 1.7 it stops early.

@test gradient(10:14, 1:10) do xs, ys
sum([x/y for (x,y) in zip(xs, ys)])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -608,7 +661,7 @@ end

# Iterators.Product with enumerate
@test gradient([2 3; 4 5]) do xs
sum([x^i+y for (i,x) in enumerate(xs), y in xs])
sum([x^i+y for (i,x) in enumerate(xs), y in xs])
end == ([8 112; 36 2004],)

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